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Posts posted by chicken_no6

  1. little update on weapons getting removed from players,who woud have guesed that attaching a grip to a weapon changes the classname ;).

    it took us a while to figuere this out thanks rickard for helping me finding all those hidden classnames,there migth be still missing classnames as the arsenal is fairly large.

    i will update the mission file as soon as i can.

  2. garrison building fortifications is only for altis and is disabled on current InA version way to much work to add that to Weferlingen ;)

    also dont forget to change params.hpp

    class AOCompletionCount {
        title = "Main AO completion count";
        values[] = {-1, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100};
        texts[] = {"All", "20", "30", "40", "50", "60", "70", "80", "90", "100"};
        default = 50;


  3. I had a deeper look into this and changed some stuff


    gm player faction will now be loaded only arsenal and rewards unit defines


    todo: give the new player faction their default loadouts



    enemy faction for some reason its missing a lot of units

    maybe redo GMPACT.sqf



    add more aos i only dit 4 just to get things going make a good main base not like me ;)

    add more fobs

    only put down the needed things no vehicles only one arsenal steve


    add garrison buildings to


    into this array



    otherwise garrison spawner cant find building to put in enemy units


    again theres still more stuff todo

    add more side missions sub objectives

    as i only added those

        class Missions {
            SubObjs[] = {
            Sides[] = {
            Prios[] = {

    good luck ;)


    iam still missing alot of stuff wich i cant think of atm


    nearly forgot the updated file



  4. i had a quick look into this and found some problems



    i fixed most of the syntax errors but theres more wich i cant pin point what is wrong my gues is some more syntaxs errors somewhere if i find the energie to search for those

    i will fix them heres what i fixed so far



    maybe get Visual Studio Code with these extensions



    mostly the sqf language and sqflint


    some errors from my rpt


     4:26:23 Error in expression <[player, (roleDescription player)] call AW_fnc_initUnitTraits;
    4:26:23   Error Undefined variable in expression: _faction
     4:26:23 File C:\Users\chicken#6\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\chicken_no6\mpmissions\Invade_&_Annex_3.gm_weferlingen_summer\Defines\factionDefines.sqf..., line 37
     4:26:23 Error in expression <);
    private _faction = (_factionIdx call AW_fnc_factionsGetByIdx);
    if (isNil "In>
     4:26:23   Error position: <AW_fnc_factionsGetByIdx);
    if (isNil "In>
     4:26:23   Error Undefined variable in expression: aw_fnc_factionsgetbyidx
     4:26:23 File C:\Users\chicken#6\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\chicken_no6\mpmissions\Invade_&_Annex_3.gm_weferlingen_summer\Defines\factionDefines.sqf..., line 34
     4:26:23 Error in expression <r_MainAOsToComplete) then {
    [true] call AW_fnc_missionPersistenceSave;

    something in playerfaction stuff must be wrong


    private _isRecon = ((_roleDesc find "Recon") != -1) || ((_roleDesc find "ge_army_sf") != -1); 

    maybe use the LoadoutDefines_BLU_F.sqf as a reference


    when i dit a new player faction i bsicly just copied over the default nato from altis and just gave them the uniforms from what ever faction i needed cause iam lazy migth be totaly wrong what iam doing there but it works somehow ;)

    rpt is also complaining about params.hpp line 40 wich is

    class PlayerFaction {
        title = "Player faction, determines rewards, loadouts, arsenal content etc.";
        values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
        texts[] = {"Vanilla NATO (BLU_F)", "SOG PF MACV (B_MACV)", "BLU_WS" "Global Mobilization NATO (GM_NATO)"};
        default = 3;

    so theres something wrong with the playerfaction GM_NATO


    oh a little thing

    InA_AllowedArsenal_uniformsMedic = [
    "U_C_Paramedic_01_F", "gm_ge_army_uniform_pilot_rolled_sar", "gm_ge_army_uniform_pilot_sar", "gm_ge_ff_uniform_man_80_orn",
    InA_AllowedArsenal_uniformsMedic = [
    "U_C_Paramedic_01_F", "gm_ge_army_uniform_pilot_rolled_sar", "gm_ge_army_uniform_pilot_sar", "gm_ge_ff_uniform_man_80_orn"

    those sneaky , and " things but this is totaly understandable when working with those large arrays for arsenal defines


    theres alot more i migth be missing here

    but for arsenal defines i found all syntaxs errors unfortunately there is more in other files

  5. some more files to add if u want to




    those be found in scripts defines


    found in scripts vehicle

    add your new playerfaction to functions/Misc/fn_factionsGetPlayerByIdx.sqf

    params ["_idx"];
    if ((typeName _idx) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {
        [format ["NaN was passed to function '%1', defaulting to faction 'BLU_F'!", _fnc_scriptName], "FACTION"] call AW_fnc_log;
    private _faction = "";
    switch (_idx) do {
        // Vanilla NATO
        case 0: {
            _faction = "BLU_F";
        // SOG PF MACV
        case 1: {
            _faction = "B_MACV";
       // Western Sahara
        case 2: {
            _faction = "BLU_WS";
        // new player faction
        case 3: {
            _faction = "BLU_GM";
        // Vanilla NATO
        default {
            _faction = "BLU_F";

    and params.hpp

    // General mission settings
    class PlayerFaction {
        title = "Player faction, determines rewards, loadouts, arsenal content etc.";
        values[] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
        texts[] = {"Vanilla NATO (BLU_F)", "SOG PF MACV (B_MACV)", "BLU_WS" "BLU GM"};
        default = 3;

    enemy faction goes to Defines


    #define FACTION_VALUES {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
    #define FACTION_TEXTS {\
        "Random Faction based on Map/World config",\
        "Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty (CSAT)",\
        "Canton Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty - Tropical (CSAT_T)",\
        "Altis Armed Forces (AAF)",\
        "People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN)",\
        "Sefrawi Freedom and Independence Army (SFIA)",\
        "enemy faction for gm"\

    add ur new enemy faction to Defines/factions

    make a new file


    u can have at the layout from the other files in there

    newenemyfaction has to be also added to Functions/Misc


     * Author: Whigital
     * Description:
     * Gets faction(s) from index
    params ["_idx"];
    private _faction = "CSAT";
    switch (_idx) do {
        // Random
        case 0: {
            private _randomization = (["FactionRandomization", -1] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue);
            private _randomFactions = (getArray (missionConfigFile >> worldName >> "randomFactions"));
            [_randomization, _randomFactions] call {
                params ["_randomization", "_randomFactions"];
                if (_randomFactions isEqualTo []) exitWith {
                    [(format ["Unable to get random faction list for world config (InA_Config.hpp/%1/randomFactions), defaulting to CSAT ....", worldName]), _fnc_scriptName] call AW_fnc_log;
                private _factions = [];
                    private _fac = _x;
                    _fac = (_fac call AW_fnc_factionsValidate);
                    _factions pushBackUnique _fac;
                } forEach _randomFactions;
                InA_EnemyFactionRandomizationData = createHashMapFromArray [
                    ["#randomization", _randomization],
                    ["#factions", _factions]
        // CSAT
        case 1: {};
        // CSAT_T
        case 2: {
            _faction = "CSAT_T";
        // AAF
        case 3: {
            _faction = "AAF";
        // PAVN
        case 4: {
            _faction = ("PAVN" call AW_fnc_factionsValidate);
        // SFIA
        case 5: {
            _faction = ("SFIA" call AW_fnc_factionsValidate);
        // New Enemy Faction
        case 6: {
            _faction = "NEWENEMYFACTION";
        default {
            [(format ["Unknown EnemyFaction parameter (%1), defaulting to CSAT ....", _idx]), _fnc_scriptName] call AW_fnc_log;

    totaly forgot about adding ur new enemy faction to



    // Vanilla factions
    #include "factions\CSAT.sqf"
    #include "factions\AAF.sqf"
    #include "factions\FIA.sqf"
    #include "factions\SYND.sqf"
    #include "factions\CSAT_T.sqf"
    // Prairie Fire factions
    #include "factions\PAVN.sqf"
    #include "factions\VC_M.sqf"
    #include "factions\VC_L.sqf"
    // Western Sahara factions
    #include "factions\SFIA.sqf"
    #include "factions\TURA.sqf"
    //  New Enemy Faction
    #include "factions\NEWENEMYFACTION.sqf"

    change default enemy faction to ur new one params.hpp

    class EnemyFaction {
        title = "Enemy faction, defines enemy units, groups and vehicles";
        values[] = FACTION_VALUES;
        texts[] = FACTION_TEXTS;
        default = 6;

    iam  pretty sure i forgot something any more questions lemme know

  6. woud be very possible to clear the arsenal from vanilla weapons i thougth leave them in for players so they can choose from more,for the arsenal problem i cant fix that as thats out of my knowledge of sqf .for ai acting wierd migth be server settings ai was working well when we tested this on my local dedicated server.fps issues mostly map releated or turn down view distance.ambulance i forgot to add it to the vehicle list .thanks for ur input on this <3.

  7. thats was actuly why i dint wanted to have ace just have modded vehicles "new" maps "new" opfor factions,iam open for other mod sugestions.


    still work todo arsenal is not behaving ,ai sometimes dont shoot back anymore all things i sadly dont think i can fix.

    will add more "new" sidemission have to overwork some of the prio missions


  8.                                       splash_cup_chernarus_A3.jpg.4179c81cc19386627603035a5664a3de.jpg


    Been working on this for a while now so i thougth ill give it a good test to get ideas opinions on it what i coud add what coud be leave  out.



    InA Modded.html




    lots 😜 aditional assets can be earned at side missions


    Mission time 1-2 hours depending how people like it


    thanks to whigital for helping me with alot of stuff cant thank u enough

    thanks to rickard for arsenal defines and testing

    thanks to riverwolf brad boy gustis damo3d for testing with me aswell


  9. AW MVP 2022: Havoc for his crater mod ;)

    AW Most Friendly Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2022:@JJCakes the heart and soul of late night eu#1

    AW Most Helpful Admin/Moderator/Spartan 2022: JJCakes the heart and soul of late night eu#1

    AW Most Active Staff Member 2022:as always for me @MidnightRunner  for all his Zeus ops

    AW Candidate for the Hague 2022:@Rickard  for the abduction of countless civilians on fronlines

    AW Best Ban of 2022: Kittenly


  10. always wanted to not lose ur current backpack for a parachute?

    this woud be a cool addition to I&A i think.

    super leet script

    _backpackcontents = [];
    _backpack = backpack player;
    if ( _backpack != "" && _backpack != "B_Parachute" ) then {
        hint "removing backpack";
    	sleep 1;
        _backpackcontents = backpackItems player;
        removeBackpack player;
        sleep 0.1;
    player addBackpack "B_Parachute";
    hint "Parachute added";
    sleep 1;
    waitUntil {sleep 5;!alive player || isTouchingGround player };
    sleep 1;
    hint "restoring backpack";
    player addBackpack _backpack;
    sleep 1;
    clearAllItemsFromBackpack player;
    hint "restoring backpack items";
    { player addItemToBackpack _x } foreach _backpackcontents;
    hint "Done!!!!";

    neds some rework XD

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