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Liru the Lcpl.

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Posts posted by Liru the Lcpl.

  1. 1 minute ago, PiranhA said:


    Do players have to adjust to a Zeus, or does zeus have to adjust to the players?

    The quote is regarding an event in the link where my players killed themselves because they were too close to a satchel that they placed to try to demo an ammo cache.

    In my honest opinion, Zeuses NEED TO adjust to the players so they can make a mission that they will enjoy and find compatible...but some people have the fame to make the playerbase adjust to them... and it causes a lot of weeding out of people...

    But there are some actions that happen that not even the great Zeus can control...hence the link...

  2. 3 hours ago, Cebi said:

    @IOnceWasATeddy: Are you perhaps using ARES Achilles expansion. As I remember it can provide a smooth transition of weather like it is possible in Eden editor.



    I would still love to see if SPARTANS can find a way to make little enhancements to existing missions or HELP players in need (teaching them perhaps how to be better in arma and provide advice?) and not just LB dudes spamming Z/Y key. I know you want to let loose to your creativity but in most of the times, you are actually hurting the performance of the server and adding a little value for people that joined public I@A server which is listed as Coop and not as GameMaster.


    On the subject of giving OP (you know which are those) rewards: Just don't. If an experienced player gets it, he will break the mission for others and he will irritate you.


    For example:

    EU4 is empty and unused to my knowledge. What about some Gamemaster events on that server. You can create arma 3 vanilla missions for events in there without much restraint. If you are good you can build your playerbase. For advertising purposes, you can place for example Mission objective in base of EU1 and EU2 server which will list name, IP of server and message that there is ZEUS mission in progress on EU4.


    What I am proposing is this: Do not hijack server full of people for Zeus mission but make EU4 The place to be!



    For EU 4 you're going to have to talk to the CS about that one. EU 4 was Lt's private event server but I think something along the lines of scheduling Spartan events on EU 4 would be a cool idea. If the event is properly advertised I can assure you that you'll have a 20+ player turn out (as I did months back when I hosted custom zeus ops) but maybe we should throw that into the suggestion box, or pass the idea to @MessedUpSmiley who's handling the Spartan project.

    On a side note about rewards...use common sense guys... spawn stuff that you could hypothetically easily blow up later ;)

    Also 300th post...THIS...IS...AHOYWORLD!!!

  3. PC
    -Arma 3 (zeus n all)
    -Pay2Day  (when I wanna yell at their moderators)
    -Homeworld (1999(and screw that remaster))
    -Overlord (because my girlfriend always plays true evil and I find it hilarious but secretly it freaks me out cause i'm always good evil)
    -Battlestations Pacific (world of warships and world of planes before it was cool)


    Gamecube (yea, I said gamecube)

    -Gauntlets Dark legacy (think the arcade game but every freaking level...)
    -Phantasy Star Online Episodes 1 and 2 (what I grew up with)

  4. ohh ohh @radek I love these! Ok let me throw in my hat here!


    Overall: You have to remember that EU 1 and 2 are more on the casual side in terms of public servers, so it's just a potpourri of people playing tactical and EXTREMELY casual gameplay. If you want something better, I would *highly recommend* you take Colsta's advice and look into EU 3. It has mods that fix AI stupidity (thanks to ASR_AI3), communications (with TFAR), command structure (thanks to the high level of discipline in that server group), and honestly all of the other gripes you seem to have listed. Just a thought ^_^

    1. I and A mission system. I miss the defenses too, and believe that I and A 3 will change up things quite a lot. We also have a lot of new Spartans coming up in the ranks for more customized AOs.


    2. Like I said, it's a casual open server. The spam in side chat is just one of those vanilla things... I've found groups of people that prefer VON chat though in EU 1 and 2 (mostly 2 actually) and usually roll with them. It's all about finding your squad mates and being social ;)

    3. That's the intelligence of the vanilla AI you're talking about right there. Some scripts can fix small things, but i'll admit vanilla have a difficult time reacting to engagements around the 1 kilometer mark. Hence why i'll the people highest on the leaderboards are snipers or lone wolves in tanks... or me with a truck filled with various amounts of titan launchers and missiles... (I only do it on EU 1 and 2 compared to everywhere else because  they are casual servers, and at that point it's just me having a bit of fun messing around competing with them tank wolves for kills)


    4. Ahh yes, the EU 1 charge... again, a side effect of a casual server. Not really much can be done about that one...

    Again, I would really recommend EU 3! :3

    over n out!

  5. Speaking as someone that's been zeusing actively for a few years, has done some zeus work for Ahoy already (and will be again sooner or later ;) ), and from the sideline of independent indifference here.

    I have a few pointers that should be made based on what I just sat down and read.

    1. Consider making an extension to the whistle blowing topic for the new Spartans. I won't lie, it takes many MANY mission creations to get a good feel for making missions, but every playerbase is different. Every playerbase has different skill levels, strategies, levels of interest, and so on. It is EXTREMELY difficult to Zeus for an actively public server where people can just drop in and out compared to zeusing for a fixed playerbase such as a clan or a group of regulars.

    *That said*

    Based on what I have read (and experienced first hand on EU 1), I think there needs to definitely be some sort of report thread so @MessedUpSmiley, @Chuck Norris, and other admins can see what some Spartans are doing, and then guide them in the right direction. Hell, i'd be willing to give a few pointers as well when it comes to balancing and spawn design. The skill of zeusing takes quite a lot to critic, and yes there will be bad experiences down the road BUT the zeuses will become better mission makers as a result.


    9 hours ago, zissou said:

    Zeus at the moment while directly controlling ai killing players results in a TK message and for this reason is not being permitted at the moment.

    This is not up for debate.

    If a player joins and sees multiple tk messages and someone explains "oh that's fine he's an admin" it reflects terribly on all of us.

    If you really want to line up a shot to kill some player (so long as its 100% justified) just line up the AI and set his skill level to 100%. This however should not be necessary however. You're making missions for a public server for the playerbase. Killing them off is NOT a good way to give them a good time. As people have said, shoot AROUND them, not AT them. Heck you can even wound them with a precise 9mm round to the chest or appendages if you really want to scare them. You're doing this for THEIR immersion and THEIR enjoyment, and that's what keeps players always coming back. That's ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT when you're just a Spartan working for your beloved Ahoyverlords. You're representing the admin team with every op, so try to make it a good experience for them ;) 

    3. I really do think Ahoyworld should make some strict guidelines about certain topics which many Zeuses vary on in the real world (and I often have disagreements with the great Luetin09 on some of these) regarding how to deal with lone wolves on foot and vehicles, the use of fire support such as mortars and mines, rough estimates on the amount of units Spartans are limited to spawn, how complex the AOs should be, etc. I think, with that framework in mind, it'll give the Spartans a clear path to follow and perfect.

    That's really just my two cents on this situation. Yes, people are going to die in Zeus ops. Yes, they might be a pain in the butt to complete. Yes, accidents WILL happen, but that's how people learn.

    In my personal opinion, i'm just happy to see Zeus ops again :)

    Let's see what you guys think...

  6. Ok, 2 months later and I finally have some spare time again. I see a lot has changed and there are plenty of new rules and opportunities in AW, and I hope to get tome dedicated ops going again, as well as meet and greet all the new faces around here.

    But let's bring back those PvP Zeus ops, the zombies, and custom offshore platforms again shall we? ;)

    We will see how this all goes.

  7. When I play...
    Marksman = kill a lot of infantry and die to an APC (or friendly fire >_<)
    Medic = everyone loves me but I get bored
    Engineer = driving a fuel truck and rescuing downed choppers and vehicles...or in a tank...

    But the favorite...
    AT specialist... Because that with an offroad, some decent driving skills (or a super nice towing pilot), some patience, and millions of dollars in titan missiles, you too can be a lone wolf and climb the leader boards...until the CAS jet outsmarts you that is... 

  8. OP question: On the rare times I do fly a bird (and it's always my beautiful MH-6 wiwbirdy), If I here shots, I nope the **** off. If people complain, you simply state the following: Your chopper, your rules. If shots are going off, it's your responsibility as a pilot to keep people safe, even if its from fellow NATO troops. Trust me, the players always bitch more if you actually get shot down. If you're shot down by friendly fire, have that screenshot button ready and see if you can find out who it was, for the next best thing would be to file a player report on that jerk and good riddance.


    To the new question: ALWAYS draw your flight paths in Vehicle or Group chat. Heck always draw ANYTHING in group or vehicle chat because then, you know it's not going to be deleted unless someone in your vehicle or squad is being a silly silly person and they should get evicted from your vehicle without a parachute or kicked out of the squad. Also, to the votekicking thing, player reports make everything better...

    warm regards,
    -Wiwu the Wiwbird pilot

  9. Hey guys, it's been fun, but due to a multitude of events over the past few weeks I'm postponing my weekly events for a while

    Short version: I only have so much time in the day, and I have to make cuts somewhere

    Longer version: Yesterday I was approached by some government officials (nothing serious, it goes back to my father and he has some friends, etc.) who offered to pay for the rest of my college in exchange for some work retaining to my future, both degree wise and beyond. This plays into my dream job and my plans of working for the government, so I've taken a second job on top of my VPN job. Therefor I have much less time on my hands. I would still be able to do events, however Luetin09 has given me an offer to host for him at the same time to take on the 20+ extra people that show up for his operations, and honestly that's another dream any event hoster could ever want. But these events need some time to plan...

    Long story short: I'll be back in a few months, for I am pursuing my dreams ^_^

    I'd like to thank everyone for their help on the admin team and to everyone who's come to my events, and if you ever want to talk, feel free to hit me up, but i'm not going to be on AW that much anymore because of my timing (and I start college in a week, so RIP)

    Thanks for everything guys, i'll see you around!

    Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me ;)


  10. PSA

    Yes, I'm aware they removed the event from the calendar

    And Yes, the event is still going on.

    I'm gearing the mission for the third scenario (survival)

    1. Don't vault up on the tops of giant rocks or go into positions where the zombies cant reach you (use common sense). If you do i'll turn the zombie jump module on and turn it onto the highest setting...
    2. You'll spawn in the marshes but after 5 minutes of the game officially starting mines will activate in the marshes (the zombie path finding in that area sucks)
    3. You'll all be medics, so you have the option to revive and assist each other, but remember that the last man standing wins...
    4. Don't team kill, or else you'll be met with a lightening bolt. You can put other people in compromising situations, but you cannot use bullets to kill your competition. again, use common sense and keep it fair!

    See you guys on Friday!

  11. ALSO: If you want an example of how I zeus my zombie ops...here's a video from our good friend Ezlan when was playing one of my story related missions. I've skipped past the story and immersion to the zombies so you can see how a tactical team of 5 can deal with a zombie hoard:



    This is a good example of how, if you coordinate together, you'll be just fine...until I decide it's time for blood and the fast zombies show up...or worse...I mean some of the game modes are last man standing after all, however I promise to be fair for town sweep and VIP. Depending on what the end game goal is, I will be focusing on either player immersion or actually trying to kill you.


  12. This is an unofficial and unapproved MODDED game night...
    So if you don't like it, tell it to the zombies...


    I'm a man of my word! This is for FRIDAY (12th) 3:30 pm EST (20:30 BST? I hope I made that change right!)

    MODS NEEDED: Ace, CBA, and Ryan's Zombies and Demons

    So above is a poll, yes a poll where you can vote multiple times cause we have 2 hours to play before Luetin's mission(s) (and I wouldn't want to overlap cause a lot of us like playing them, right?), so here are the options below...

    1. Siege: A single location, supply drops every once in a while, last man standing wins

    2. Holdout: Ammo is limited to specific locations and defendable areas within the map, as well as random drops. Survive the waves and random patrolling zombies, last man wins


    3. Survival: there's a specific zone you must stay in, random ammo drops on the map, last man standing wins

    4. VIP: A single leader is chosen to be the VIP, defend him at all costs as you pass through multiple objectives. “Winnable”

    5. Town sweep: NATO must clear out a strategic location. "Winnable"


    All missions will have STAMINA ON, BUT THERMALS WILL BE ALLOWED! Classes won't matter.


    The first 30 minutes will be for getting everyone in the mission and announcing the game mode(s), then two hours of zombie filled mayhem.

    If you have any questions, please post below.



    If you want a reference to how Ryan's Zombies and demons works... here's me in Georgetown in zombie territory...



    Finally, a small administrative note form your local mission provider...

    I'm going to reach my hand out here and personally invite everyone in Ahoyworld's Administrative team and Core staff team to come play this event with their community :) So consider this your invite! I know not all of you like me, but nonetheless I think we should all have a good fun time with this game night! @David would you mind letting them know? I don't want to drop all of their names here, otherwise it would look like i'm spamming them all, and I don't want to cause any issues ^_^


    If anyone has any questions, please post below!

    -Liru (your Zombie overload)

    -Lone (Maybe)
    -Colsta (Maybe)



  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5P-SohUPuZs&index=11&list=PL3Vmm1oADjfBK3CrpBdRwgx5old01Dz9

    All right, first 4 videos are up, just click the link and you'll be sent to where the specific videos are in my Zeus playlist. I'll have the 5th video up later tonight as to i'm focusing on some zombie stuff today, but honestly part 5 was just me getting you guys to finish the mission asap cause it had already eaten up so much time (and a few FF incidents >_>')

    Again, good job everyone, and operate operationally! Hopefully i'll see you all next week!

  14. All right, consider this a debrief for everyone, and i'm uploading the videos but it's 150 gigs total guys (over 5 parts/videos), so don't expect anything till tomorrow XD

    However, let me address some things from my perspective, and feel free to give your criticisms here as well. This is all a learning experience after all ^_^

    Things I screwed up on:
    -The timing. I expected this to last about 1-1 and a half hours, but we started 30 minutes late due to some issues and the operation lasted 2 hours due to the route taken and the very slow start. I do apologize for this, but please understand that, for these types of missions, I cant give a good time frame because the mission is based on the players' actions. But again, I do apologize.

    -The mines. I'll coordinate with my server provider a little more to make sure the freaking Ace modules are all working properly. In hindsight if I knew we were going to take so long to get everyone on the server I would have just restarted it and had it fixed, and in the future i'm going to make sure these script are added properly for future events.


    Things I want the playerbase to work on:
    -Stop the rage quits. Seriously, i'll make sure you get back to the AO asap to the point of even TPing you to the frontline, but if you get shot in the back during a critical part of the mission, please don't rage quit AND start spamming rather nasty things at me via steam. Seriously, that was uncalled for. I understand that, in the moment, it can suck to get taken out of the action by an AI or myself controlling a unit, but these things happen. Please don't be so childish, we're all adults (I hope)
    -Make sure your mods are downloaded and your mic issues are fixed BEFOREHAND AND show up on time!. I don't mind pushing the start time back so we can all fix these issues, but I can't control these client side issues and therefor I can't really help you except for pushing the start time back, but when some people rely on the timing because they have other things, my hands are a bit tied.
    -PID your targets...you shot civs, police, and even fellow NATO soldiers... I know the adrenaline is pumping but come on guys :)

    Things that went well:
    -Overall the mission went very well guys. Seriously there were moments where you just outright mowed enemy units down with ease. Cudos to the Marshall Crew of Hoffie and JimboSpike, after that one mishap with the mine you guys kept clearing house. Same goes to the Cheetah and ground teams, everything was executed quite nicely.
    -After you got passed the bridge, your momentum with the convoy was excellent and things really got going. Great job keeping the speed and making sure the engagements were away from the device.
    -Medics did a great job keeping everyone alive. Overall there were only 2 casualties I think.
    -GreivingGold, excellent job with keeping the Device safe
    -GrandBravo and Ezlan, excellent job commanding everyone and picking a good route. It may have been a longer route, but the reasoning behind the choices was very valid. Had you gone the shorter way there would have been more CSAT to deal with and, for the amount of players, I think that was the best choice.
    -After that one mishap with the mines, excellent job sweeping for them, and good spots on the remaining mines that were placed.
    -Honestly I expected you guys to stall at the bridge, but I was happily surprised on how smooth it went. Again, excellent job to Ex "Papa Dragon" Tra soloing in that Cheetah.
    -Kman, enxyo, and SirMurficus, kudos for leading the convoy on foot and helping to spot targets and start the engagements before they ambushed the device. I have plenty of beautiful footage of you guys mowing down Insurgents and CSAT alike.

    Overall guys, I think it was a great op. I'm uploading everything now, and will post the videos here ^_^

    AND REMEMBER, next week will have a nice change of pace... ZOMBIES!!! I'll have that event posted up by Monday morning, i'm doing a lot of testing with it on Sunday to make sure everything's set. More details on it soon!

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