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Posts posted by TheScar

  1. Its all about having options - some people prefer the option of using VON and some people prefer to communicate via chat.

    Imo its not a big threat for the server (script injection possibility) because the check is in place since forever and we def. had a few script injections meanwhile,so the "english language only"check isnt gonna stop these anyway?

    Not gonna end my world if this isnt going to be changed,i already adapted so far into ze english language ingame that i rarely type in german anyway,still i´d like to see this being changed.


    No need to rush it,but bring it on the Agenda when the HQ people meet for the nxt powwow?


  2. the original point for this BE checks were indeed used to protect vs malicious script injections.

    Thats why i linked the ASCII table and the ability to exclude several (chosen) letters from the BE check.


    Used german language as example,due to we got way higher percentage of german players than russian or chinese or frisians :DudeComeOn-min:



  3. @ AA Buzzard

    read up on this too - due to the change to the enemy CAS the need of a jet on our side seems to be questionable

    Having more ZEUSpeople watching the rules doesnt work out,having this 24/7 enforced is a pain to watch over and will (sooner or later) be abused.




    @ Bobcat

    limiting the Bobcat to base only might be achievable by restricting the fuel count to signal the user it "shouldnt" be taken off base - but servicing it will take that solution out soon,too.

    Most pilots dont even know about the Bobcats abilitys so they use Repair and Fuel trucks.

    Cant blame stupidity ;)


  4. Got kicked by BE for using ASCII  to much (limited to 2 warning,3rd is kick)  this week and i always found it "racist" towards certain parts of the community (read = germans) as in our native language there s quite often the use of keys like ä,ö,ü and in the mid of a fight or a rush you quickly run into the limits there and get removed.


    Here´s a nice overview what characters this applys to and what ASCII is in the first place :

    extended ASCII tablechart



    Luckily,BE allows to:

    • disable the check for "only english language"      --->     AsciiChatOnly = false
    • set allowed characters when check is in place    --->      IgnoreChatChars = æøåáàéèäöüßä

    both doable in the BE config



    Therefor,i applaude to change the BE cfg accordingly to give germans an easier time.


  5. curiously read over this this morning while sipping my 4.30 coffee and not that i really am into the situation nor do i know anything about how you EU3 people do your buisness i can sure imagine that when you in lead of a group/squad/army you cant take to much "monkey-buisness" while you try to get your stuff done.

    Its with no doubt that measurements have/had to be taken - i think we all can agree on that.


    But whats questionable (to me) is how a disciplinary call ( forcing people running down the airfield ) is a good way of handling this very situation.

    After all,people just push their WASD keys for a extended period of time and be done with it,while in their mind this will only force anger and even less morale (to parts of the group).

    Might rethink the strategy here.


    Like said,not that i care much about this very issue - wanted to drop my 0,02$ as i´ve recall similar exercises in parts of my (clan) career and even back then we thougt its a BS to put it mildly.

    No offense ...



  6. always keep in mind that "visual appeals" equals to

    more objects=more calculation=FPS loss+lag=less performance

    I customized my base @Domination edit on my A2 server and while its great to lock at in SP,it performed difficult in MP for clients with weak machines,also the different scripts for base protection were a horror to keep running after the first 12h ...


    So yea,visual appeals can be a b*tch to fkk with :P

    Also, I+A 3 ...

  7. 3 hours ago, PiranhA said:

    Ive been a medic once with the scar and we didnt die one time in hours and hours of playing.


    inb4 "cannot_die_sitting_on_a_hill-4k_away" :blink:

    I cannot recall it in particular,the story i recall playing with you mostly involve painfull deaths,being sniped out of the car and the occasional mortart barrage.

    None of the less,always tense when go on a mission!




    • AT        (93%)
    • EOD      (6%)
    • Pilot      (1%)



  8. i kinda implied that the reward script wasnt the best in 2.86M too :P

    And yea,i dont believe in coincidence really - by the time i clock into the server/mission i can safely say that the rewards seem to be biased towards the 8% of slots that can make use of those assets,while in the past 2 months we got a way higher rate of players enjoying the use of armored support vehicles (pure generalisation).


    Not putting your efforts in coding/scripting in question at all,but (to me) the mission feels like it turned 180 degree in difficulty by the past 3 versions - and this isnt necessarily a good thing (to me).


    kiss kiss hun


  9. 5wxk2j.jpg



    After having to edulge build 2.86M which spawned twin rewards (2x Taru - 2xORCA - 2x xxx) we now end up with 2.86N which spawned endless air rewards only ...

    Today i faced 7 air rewards out of 8 side missions

    Seriously,not that we ve been there before - but you dont seem to take notice of this alot (you sure did) and take it on a low priority - but whats wrong with setting it up one time where it worked for 92% of users and keeping this edit of rewards and just copypaste it to the next version as long as it works?


    Not like due to the total non-existance of enemy air on 90% of map (already posted this one) and the sad spread of rewards there s a total loss of drive (for me) to get my kicks and enjoyment out of my playtime.


    And oh yea,did i mention we cut loose the respawn timer on choppers (except the MH9) but armor and light armor vehicles kept their 10min respawn timer?














  10. I dont expect you to fix this NOW - i had the nxt mission update ( 2.86L ) in mind,im not trying to rush anything here ...

    And i really could care less about the joy of the famous jet pilots about their missing target practice,i m more interested in keeping a certain "fear" by enemy air patrols that keeps you on your toes on travels (Chopper,Vehicles,Tanks).



  11. is this being worked on or is it even up to debate?

    Enemy CAS is still nearly non-existend outside of AO+2k and driving a armored vehicle never was so easy as current version.

    If this keeps up we can safely delete the base AA script + installation ...


    Im quite unhappy with the current way of development on this matter.

  12. good to see the page back up - really appreciate the work

    After all this is the only forum i post in ... "officially"

    You rock!




    but nxt time







  13. Since playing I+A v2.86L it came to my notice that enemy air threats are barely any harm anymore ... you get the occasional jet strafing base 90% less than before (not rly a bad thing) - but i have yet to get engaged by air on my runs to missions/general travel.

    The enemy choppers guarding AOs do mostly just circle AOs without really engaging to kill/harm and are (to) easy to take out.

    On before versions i fired usually 6 Titan AA´s per AO to cut enemy air threats - on current version i barely use 1-2,sometimes there s not even any need of carrying AA at all.

    Also,the nublet pilots on EU1 face barely any interruption in their flight lessons - because way to less enemy fighter patrols (currently patroling AO in a 2k radius,then vanish) - which also makes working on radiotower to stop jet spawns basically a waste of time as no consequences have to be faced if radiotower is not taken out in time.


    Therefor i suggest reverting enemy CAS behaviour/spawn rate back to  <v2.86L



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