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Pvt. Zwerger

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Everything posted by Pvt. Zwerger

  1. Hey so I was bored an decided to create a printable version of some Arma maps. This form of a map would be my goal. At the moment im working on a Takistan map. Here is the first version. The scale of the map is 1:8243. (1cm on the map = 8243cm in Arma) For a better understanding 1cm on the map = 82.429m in Arma. I know that the scale is pretty stupid at the moment, but im Trying to get it to a better scale. (1:100 or so) If you want you can print it and assemble it, just be aware that it is the first version. So it can have some problems. To assemble the map just print out all 32 pages (use a good printer for the best results) and glue them together with some tape on the back. If you experience some problems or if you have some questions just contact me. Feedback and improvement suggestions are welcome and needed And tell me which maps you also want to see in a printable form
  2. Hey I dont know how the planning and organisation for GameNight is working, so im not in the best position to ask this question. But is it possible to announce the Date (i dont mean the content, just the date) of future Game Night like a week or two in advance? I ask this question because im working always over the Weekend at night and i can take one day of every weekend. So it would be great if i could know the Date of future GameNight a week or so ahead so that i can participate at these events every week:) . Until now i just took work of when ever i had the feeling that there could be a Game Night. And most of the time it didn't work out. I know that this is a lot of work for just one guy but i think that probably many other members have also this or a similar problem. A Thanks in advance for your replies. And of course i can understand if it is not possible to announce the date of future GameNight earlier.
  3. Can't make it in time on Sunday
  4. I have exams on the 18th so thats a no for me
  5. Hey so I didn't do this when i joined the Community at the Beginning so im doing it now Hey my Name is Pvt. Zwerger im from Italy but at the moment i'm Studying Politics in Germany. I discovered the site through the EU1 Server in May Now im nearly all the time when im Online on the EU3 Server or atleast on the TS. What i love about AhoyWorld is the serious militäry but fun gameplay witch i realy enjoy since i served in the Italian Army. -Pvt. Zwerger
  6. About the camo: We could implement some camos (there are really good arctic camos) http://imgur.com/RgWbtQ7 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19050
  7. I just tried it on a server and it worked fine. They spawned in at the beginning of the Mission and they spawned in a normal number. Maybe it is possible to implement the Script into Valiant or at least the Idea of random IEDs
  8. I dont know if this Topic has been already been discussed on the Forums if so i couldn't find it in the Forums. I was just strolling through armaholic and i found this Script for random IEDs. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23995 I don't know if it would be easy or hard or even possible to implement this script, but if it would be possible i Personally would love to see it on the EU3 server. Why? Because it would make Convoy missions more interesting. Because you would have to bee way more alert when moving around the map. What are your opinions?
  9. Co- pilots and gunners would help the 3rd person situation, but i dont think that people will sign up for a co-pilot slot. I think that on PvE Gamenight there should be 3rd person viev (you dont have to play in 3rd person) but in the futere maybe we will see some PvP Gamenights, there the rulesett should be ONLY 1st person to prevent "wall cheating"
  10. You should definitely keep making Gamenights, they are awesome! Sign Up: I would keep the signup procedure. JIP: Is also good for when a lot of people already left who signup during the event. Respawn: About the respawns i would keep them in waves. 3rd Person: Sometimes it is extremely hard for pilots to land without 3rd person. Arsenal: I would keep it, but restrict the choices of the players like everyone is using the same camo or the same ammo type.
  11. Sounds interesting. I would al leats try it in one or two game night sessions. And then the community should vote on it.
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