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Karate Pyjamas

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    14.40 GBP 

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    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from MessedUpSmiley in Gamenight 1. August   
    Well, a lot of people stuck for a regular map. But something I do notice is that there are a lot of new people who have no experience with the radios and take important slots and end up being unable to communicate to. I've dealt with a lot of pilots in a single day as FAC who didn't respond or didn't even have their radios set up.
  2. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from FrOzT in Pilots out there, do you think you could do this?   
    Yep, you find the window where the sea just about calms down and the ship levels out.
    It reminds me of the largest pipe-laying and drilling-platform decomissioning vessel I've visited last week. It's called the Pioneering Spirit (formerly Pieter Schelte). To safely remove the top of the drilling platform they have to raise it 2 meters. This all happens in a timespan of 20 seconds using 8 giant cyclinders and by emptying some quick flood balast tanks. 20 seconds is about the time of a wave rolling through and effecting the ship. You don't want a couple of hundres of tonnes come crashing down on the jacket structure underneath.
    Technology is cool 
  3. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from Radfahrer in Pilots out there, do you think you could do this?   
    Yep, you find the window where the sea just about calms down and the ship levels out.
    It reminds me of the largest pipe-laying and drilling-platform decomissioning vessel I've visited last week. It's called the Pioneering Spirit (formerly Pieter Schelte). To safely remove the top of the drilling platform they have to raise it 2 meters. This all happens in a timespan of 20 seconds using 8 giant cyclinders and by emptying some quick flood balast tanks. 20 seconds is about the time of a wave rolling through and effecting the ship. You don't want a couple of hundres of tonnes come crashing down on the jacket structure underneath.
    Technology is cool 
  4. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from razgriz33 in Pilots out there, do you think you could do this?   
    Yep, you find the window where the sea just about calms down and the ship levels out.
    It reminds me of the largest pipe-laying and drilling-platform decomissioning vessel I've visited last week. It's called the Pioneering Spirit (formerly Pieter Schelte). To safely remove the top of the drilling platform they have to raise it 2 meters. This all happens in a timespan of 20 seconds using 8 giant cyclinders and by emptying some quick flood balast tanks. 20 seconds is about the time of a wave rolling through and effecting the ship. You don't want a couple of hundres of tonnes come crashing down on the jacket structure underneath.
    Technology is cool 
  5. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from MrSixFour in Hatred. Y/N?   
    Yes, people need to stop whining. It's just like GTA. If I'm buying it? Not sure, seems pretty boring and repetitive gameplay.
  6. Like
    Karate Pyjamas reacted to Lone in ACE Easier / Better Menu Function   
    I recently (as in 5 mins ago) discovered an option in the ACE options that allows you to use your cursor to select things in the menu, this means no more flailing around trying to get the right angle to give that downed guy CPR.
    To use this go to ACE Options, find both "Always Display Cursor For self interaction" and "Always Display Cursor For interaction" (4th and 6th Down the list respectively) and select yes.
    I find this makes it much easier to use the interaction menus, there are however some flaws in that you need to be in the right place to get all of the options on the body in the first place but I'll let you guys figure that one out.
    Hope it Helps,
  7. Like
    Karate Pyjamas reacted to Minipily in ACE Easier / Better Menu Function   
    I also recommend using the option 'Show interaction menu as list'. This will put all the options to 1 side of the screen, making it easier to find things and allow you to select things quicker and more efficiently without the chance of, for example, wanting to hover over the packing bandage and accidentally hitting 'tap shoulder'.
                                      Banned for a week
  8. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from FrOzT in Gamenight: late announcement 28th March 1500UTC   
    Signed up. I have a gala tonight which is anything but fancy as most of the people there will be crawling home afterwards. Expect me to be very hung over
  9. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from FrOzT in Gamenight: Saturday 21st March 2015   
    Just got my IR headtracking to work so this 'gun be good!
  10. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from razgriz33 in Gamenight Saturday March 14th   
    Signed up! Really loving the community and last week's was a blast!
  11. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from xOderusUrungusX in KPJ Reporting in!   
    Hello all!
    I've got to say I've rarely had such a loving welcome to any community. Kuddos to you all!
    A brief introduction to me and my gaming history so far.
    I've started playing the same games as my brothers when they went to uni years ago. I remember playing Call of Duty: United Offensive via Hamachi back when I was young. Those times were a blast. My current nickname still originates from that period when I was around 12 years old. My first nickname was GI-max which my brother actually came up with when I started playing with them.
    Once that time had passed I rolled into Garry's Mod, back in the days when it was actually a free mod. I spent a good amount of time on there and got active in a few communities. However as GMod became more popular under 12 years olds who just discovered YouTube all the communities that were once so great got heavily DDoS'd and simply fell apart because of all the drama. This also ended that period in time for me. Swiftly before the end of this period my nickname changed to Karate Pyjamas as someone on one of the forums remarked having bought a "GI" which was followed by someone shouting out "enjoy your new Karate Pyjamas". Then adopted and still in use today (Kuddo's to some of you who've stated their joy in seeing my name, first community where it has been remarked twice in a week! )
    L4D was just released and I hopped into a random server where I just rolled in to a gaming night even or "Gather" as they called it from a combined community from multiple clans. They called themselves The Group Thing or TGT for short. Simply having a blast there and feeling welcomed after all the GMod drama in the past I stuck there and eventually got invited into Earth Quakers or eQ for short. Little did I know was this the clan Splash Damage CEO Paul Wedgewood founded many many years ago. About a year ago I had the privilege to meet a lot of people from all those different clans. They always said they were a big happy family, but during the real life 'Gather' I experienced exactly that, people whom I've know for years through the internet just continued their everyday TeamSpeak conversations in real life. It was wonderful!
    On to current gaming life. As I'm a university student who's not doing too well I have to shift my priorities and everyday gaming simply isn't an option anymore. It actually makes me feel guilty every now and then. I'm looking for more casual indie games and some more serious games like ETS2 now to get my mind off of things when needed.
    ArmA3 has been on my list for quite some time now and about two weeks ago I simply cut the cord and ordered it. I first played a bit of the campaign to get familiar with the controls and watched YT videos to see some of the gameplay basics before fairly quickly hopping onto EU #1 and getting straight into the action!

    Now we're here, about a week in of ArmA3 play time on Ahoy World and simply having a blast! I just threw 5 quid at the donation form because I feel like this is just one of those communities where I'm to stay for some time

    For those who wonder what my other hobbies are, I build model fairground rides and roller coasters from a construction toy called K'NEX. I display them at a variety of events under the name of Dutch Details which is a hobby/fan club me and my best friend run. Since we've gotten a contract with the mainland Europe Distributor to display our models for promotional events we've only gotten more busy, expanding our collection of models for various events. Our biggest project was an entire themepark made for a toy museum, the total build time was 2 years! If you're interested check out my personal and combined YT channel:
    Personal Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/maxlaam
    Combined Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DutchDetailsOfficial
  12. Like
    Karate Pyjamas got a reaction from Minipily in Gamenight Saturday March 14th   
    Signed up! Really loving the community and last week's was a blast!
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