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Gamenight: Saturday 21st March 2015


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For this gamenight we will be playing Gauntlet on EU#3


The start time will be 15.30 UTC for mission planning\setup and I hope we will step-off on the battlefield at 16.00 UTC.



However you will have to message myself. With around 10-15 minute delay depending on the gameplay situation.

I wont be stopping mid-firefight so please have some patient and DO NOT pester other users for the password.




Click here to apply for a slot! Failing to do this my mean you are not guaranteed a slot.


Short mission brief:


Gauntlet is our home-brew EU#3 mission with a variety of scenarios 


Additional Info:


I also ask that you listen and follow commands orders. 


Any dicking around will be taking seriously and admin implications may apply for any attempt to ruin or misbehave.

If you don't have the patience to wait for missions to be planned and to play the game style of the game nights please do NOT turn up.

Gamenights are just not for you.


Good Luck!



For info on how to get the mods click here.

Edited by Stuffedsheep
Replaced GMT with UTC, because GMT is not a valid timezone anymore
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Hate to be That guy, but I sadly have to revoke my application. Underestimated the amount of stuff Windows can do wrong when it's absolutely not needed (like screwing up my downloaded mods so I have to redownload them what I can't possibly do in one hour [A3sync says 6 hours remaining]) *sadface*


Hope you have a nice game without me though.

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