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Posts posted by Origins

  1. 49 minutes ago, Lost Bullet said:

    This is indeed a rant and also a critic.

    I agree with the rules of the server and always try to enforce them in the chain of command when leading any kind of team or reporting bad behaviors as necessary.


    But this post is not about that but regarding a specific situation that I'm not even aware of the reasons that cause it. Logging in the server and having the admins online forcing people to run down the air field to prove that the chain of command must be respected is not the way to go.


    If people don't respect rules/gameplay in server:

    1) warn them

    2) kick them

    3) ban maybe?

    Admin abuse is never the answer.


    If I wanted to have punishments I would have joined the real army or just go into another type of server.

    I respect the work of the people that make EU3 work and I enjoy (very much) playing there. But I can't support these kind of atitudes and these were exactly the same reasons that made me take a break from Ahoy around 2 years ago, so basically I feel that nothing has changed, only the "faces".

    Well Where shall i start...


    Firstly; The talking and making everyone run down the runway was me being in the capacity of an Alpha Squad Lead, and anyone in that position can do that, and is within that role. Also it proves that people can follow simple orders, which isn't only beneficiary in game, but also in real life.


    Secondly; There is a system in place for players who disobey the rules, however when there is more than one offender and something that I perceive an ongoing problem, to which informing everyone on how to follow orders, by making them run the length of the runway. Something that wouldn't uncommon in real life to teach people to listen to orders or treat misbehaviour.


    Finally; Regarding not wanting to have punishments on the server... sometimes it is better to punish everyone, and get a message across than to have one person be kicked, or even several as i could have done during these events, which would have killed the player count.



  2. Hello one and all,


    I am Looking for 10 members to accompany myself and a few staff members to join JTF16 and a few other groups in a Joint Community MilSim Missions on their server with there mod packs.


    The Mission will take place on the 18th of September 2016. and the Time is to be confirmed.


    There will be some criteria that will determine if you will be involved in this and represent the AhoyWorld Community in its full colour. Also there will be preference to AWE Veteran's for obvious reasons and they are people who are ambassadors for the Enhanced Server and promote a helpful and friendly server.


    All you have to do is fill in a form and tick a few boxes and write a small paragraph about yourself describing why you would suitable for this mission.


    Signup Form


    You will be Directly Messaged on the forums if you have been accepted into the mission; this will include all the details regarding the event.


    I Reserve the right to remove you from the event with due notice and reason.

  3. Liru,


    There are some problems I have with this Gamenight,

    • Is this a Request?
    • We will need a Tested (with TADST) mission file at least 1 week, before the event takes place and no last minute edits.
    • What Server will this be taking place on?
    • Does the mission require a CS member to be around at the time?

    Finally, we reserve the right the cancel the event with notice. Or accommodate the mission as we see fit.



  4. Silent Stalker


    Brief (albeit Brief)






    3 Teams

    • Ocelot
    • Viper
    • Owl

    1 Aircraft

    • Hitman (AH-64D Apache Gunship)


    Infantry Teams

    You guys will be inserting into the AO via HALO Jump directly, and you job is to secure some enemy tech, which is of unknown type or Origin, we also do not know where the tech is located all we have is the town in which it is being secured in.



    Provide overwatch, relay Intel to the ground teams, and give out some death certificates if required.


    if you hear eagle repeated 3 times over comms, you'll be on Free-fire, however this is rarely called.


    Signup form


    Only require 3 squad leads 3 Medic's and 6 team leads. 

    Pilots will be hand picked.


    All other slots will be first come first served.


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