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Posts posted by Amentes

  1. I guarantee you're gonna love it, and not having to drag along a bunch of other tourists is gonna be great :)


    You might see some armed uniforms around, after Crimea, so be prepared for that.


    If you find an apple on a tree, chances are you can eat it with no ill effects.


    Don't put anything on the ground. Anywhere. Ever.


    On 1/10/2019 at 9:39 AM, GamerbugUK said:

    Day 3 Mutate.

    There are actual mutant fish in the outdoor pool previously used for the reactor cooling systems.


    Beg anyone you can to be allowed into one of the reactor buildings. No, it's not dangerous, but it's mostly students and others with professional interests who get allowed in.


    Have a good trip :)


    Oh, and I'll leave this link here for anyone who wants more Zone:


  2. On 10/1/2018 at 5:59 AM, Lindi said:

    Aren't the missions where the AI is on the offencive problematic in that the AI can get stuck and if the players can't find the and deal with the stuck enemy the mission will go on forever basically?

    I'm sure something could be done by making sure the AI spawns close enough to the mission in an effort to minimise the risk of not finding the attackers.


    I'm guessing Ryko's got a timer on it, despawn enemies and complete.

  3. Mk45 requires Arty Computer, indeed. Useless without it. Technically, it can be used in Direct Fire mode, but it's not like the Sochor where you can kinda sorta point the barrel at something and expect to get a hit. It's finicky.


    9 hours ago, radek said:

    speaking of ambients... it will be devastating for players :) having to cover their asses when AO is done, much more than the present danger of "AO spawnkill". especially of troops at range can have a very tough time exfiling, when a squad suddenly rises near. anyway, whole shiploads of smokes will have to be added and used in loadouts.


    Might be worth looking into what kind of units Ambient will spawn. If it spawns a bunch of high-level threats to aircraft, it could get overly problematic for players getting out of the AO, as in evacuation helicopters getting shot down anytime they try to land near infantry.


    Otherwise your words make me very hopeful as well. It's high time AW I&A steps it up a notch and provides a challenge, and you sure make it sound like that's happening.


    Well done Devs on this. All hail Ryko I guess :)

  4. On 9/5/2018 at 3:51 AM, Colby said:

    I don't want to do the side missions for just the chance of getting slammer or t100 or something like that (but I wouldn't complain if we got one :)) so then what are all things you can get and what are the chances to get them?


    Are you doing Side because you want a specific reward vehicle, or do you choose to do it because you find it fun?

  5. On 8/31/2018 at 11:35 PM, ansin11 said:

    About the slot / role thing: It's a public server, so in my opinion, it's in our best interest to keep the role selection (and things like that) as close to the popular ingame standard as possible.


    AFAIK, that came about mostly because of the (current?) intentions for EU#2, namely that squad structure would be enforced along with an expectation of teamwork.


    Given that, it would be considered an improvement to not be required to Lobby when switching slot.


    I don't consider it inferior or more than marginally more complex myself, and it might cut down on lobby idling too.

  6. Suggestion:


    1.0) Add the USS Liberty to all maps already featuring the USS Freedom.


    1.1) Replace the current M4 Scorcher Self-propelled Arty with the new Mk45 Hammer 120mm Naval Arty, as mounted on the USS Liberty.

    Same ordnance types, slower rate of fire, significantly more precise. Controlled by script or UAV Operator. Arty Computer.


    1.2) Add the Mk41 VLS, as mounted on the USS Liberty.

    Cluster or HE, laser guided. Controlled by UAV Operator. Requires Datalink laser, no handhelds.


    1.3) Whitelist the Remote Designator (NATO) Backpack for Platoon UAV Operator.

    Datalink-enabled, for use with VLS.


    2.0) Whitelist M27 IAR for all US Marine Infantry units.

    Marines are now intent on issuing this to full squads.


    2.1) Blacklist magazine PMAG D-60 and its variants for all non-Autorifleman units.

    Autorifleman still needs something to differentiate himself, even though the D-60's 20 extra rounds over the PMAG 40 comes at a weight premium per round.

  7. Launchers like the RPG-42 and MAAWS are far lighter, as is their ammo. when compared to the Titan and Vorona.


    As such, none of them are bad, they're simply providing different capabilities.


    That said, personally I'm all for limiting the Titan and Vorona launchers, possibly by dividing the Rifleman AT into two different classes, with the balance toward the lighter launchers.

  8. Allright, so the Hammer is "just" a ludicrous range Arty, 120mm, with the same ordnance types as the existing 155s. Rate of fire is massively disappointing, I assumed it'd be on par with the 155s at least, though I might have expected faster. It isn't.


    The VLS is laser-guided, and so far I've had no luck hitting anything without getting a good and proper lock prior to weapon release. Datalink is absolutely required, but then it does seem to shoot over mountains or whatever else might be in the way. Also this is absolutely the most devastating single explosion in Vanilla. Again the rate of fire leaves something to be desired though.

  9. Forcing Pilots on TeamSpeak won't solve any problems, it'll simply mean more Admin actions taken against pilots who aren't on TS.


    For that to work, it would also requite a major culture change on the server(s) as a whole.

  10. Encouraging people to learn off-line is fine, but yeah, there's no need to remind people that they may be kicked if they can't do the job, that's the case for any and all roles. Only makes sense if the punishment for being a shit pilot is more than a kick, which currently it isn't.

  11. Interesting. Blake Schiro was on multiple servers yesterday. I personally asked him to relinquish his Pilot slot, after spending 15-20 minutes getting him on TS. He said himself he "bought the game 3 days ago."


    He did comply, though that may only be because he knew the consequences if he didn't.

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