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Bloo Flar3

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Everything posted by Bloo Flar3

  1. I've heard much worse from mini, but that one is the longest xD
  2. Think it would be great to have this mod on EU3, and would fill a few platoon commanders dreams (even if half of their plans fail if it involves para drops), also will add more tactical options.
  3. There are Full screen night vision, But little more blur (which hurt the hell out of my eyes, so i will never use), And to be honest the tunnel vision with the night vision is pretty balanced for the advantage of seeing in the dark.
  4. I say have a recon team, but not marksman. Or we can have a EOD team, thats sounds better
  5. not a needed item, plus gives you no head protection, think smart and wear protection
  6. Also good when playing elite dangerous
  7. Would really love this, getting sick of using the M14A1, Time to get Nice L85A2
  8. Bloo Flar3


    Welcome to ahoyworld
  9. Hello fellow ahoyworld members, Just trying to recruit some more people to join me and a friend, Our organization name is Pandorum Effect Incorporated Services or PEIS of short. Link below. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/PEIS My friend not really set any rules yet, or anything. but we will be playing causal, having fun, making money and a name for our selfs.
  10. Welcome to the Ahoy Family
  11. yep, but that scream from pancake, it may of only lasted seconds, but it will last in my head forever
  12. When playing medic myself i use a LMG zafar, But getting people back up is my main objective (And pushing into the AO as I seem to be the only one pushing at that time (as everyone is on a hill trying to long range the whole AO))
  13. I'll be playing if i have still got internet then =/
  14. Not much to say apart from Hey o/ and my name is Bloo Flar3 or just call me Bloo (Bloo is said the same as the colour blue)
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