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Bloo Flar3

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Everything posted by Bloo Flar3

  1. Bloo Flar3

    Duffy's old skills

    A picture has a thousand words, but this is past
  2. Bloo Flar3

    Driving with the gang

    So we got sling loaded in and a rope got shot out, pilot bailed on us. happen long long time ago
  3. So far from what I've seen is a big need for communication training. Most team leads fail to communicate to each other (I.E when pushing up, Crossing, covering, and even location)
  4. Not really needed to have more admins, it is late now (23:00) 40 people on the server 6 which have powers to ban, with people mic spamming on ts3 is mostly rare (or are just dealt with before getting to other channels) and a few trolls + free loaders a day.
  5. What time will the gamenight be taking place at, (Found the time: 20:00 GMT (8:00 pm)) And please explain the Fireteams (Baker, Romeo, Foxtrot, Tango, Xray, Whiskey) I.e what roles within the fireteams
  6. join everyone and anyone
  7. gratz on the little one, But pretty much yes you may have to use PTT, Since this change has only happened few hours ago (5/6 hours from this post). it might even be changed back in the future depending on effectiveness it has on control the amount of "hot mic's". -End of reply- In-general- We will see what the AhoyWorld staff have in store for us (just remember that the admins are always working to try and improve our experience. Not to bug us or troll)
  8. What's with the trolling, if someone regrets, or even dislikes their own post due to being heated when they made the post. They have the right to take it back, No need to be a A-hole and try and spark something when there is no need, Should be grateful that they have seen their mistake and had whatever respect for you to remove it. (I.e this is a heated post due I hate posts like that one) And to stay on topic, I do Dislike the force PTT, but if the admins have decided to take this action then it must be needed for whatever reason they deem fit. And they have said that some people will be aloud to have the option not to use PPT.
  9. Hello o/ And welcome to AhoyWorld
  10. Hey o/ Welcome to AhoyWorld, Look forward to playing with you (if you enter EU3 that is)
  11. We don't have direct chat? speaking without using the radio is direct chat. And this post is more of a guide line then anything. over and out is meh to me .
  12. If you was talking about last night, the objective went extremely well under the leadership of copey, A1 - young and A2 (Cant remember but its a new guy to me). Only time it went bad was when Young's team all died to a tank while in a building with him crying in the corner being the only survivor. So for the people who played last night Good game guys \o/
  13. Hey Dude o/ Welcome to Ahoyworld, hope you have fun in our community
  14. We did have elite with 3rd person enabled. Not sure if it has changed now.
  15. This was picked up on in the meeting. But anyone can request to do a gamenight/training night, discuss it with the admins, (2 weeks in advance). But i do agree some people need training in the basics I.E rule of NEVER take 2 morphine's. (But people can live and learn while playing unless it is Really need, IE Advance stuff)
  16. So, scarface, you're very unhelpful. Explain to the class why it is so unpleasant, And maybe your answer might just improve the EU3 server. Granted I haven't played on the server a lot and when i did yesterday the map was worst design due to the fact the AI saw and shot me through rocks, But just saying "If i don't say so my self it's very unpleasant, Yessssss....................... indeed!!!!!!!!." Its just posting cr*p for the reason to post Cr*p.
  17. Yep that is the moment I was talking about, lmao =D
  18. Could be taken as an offence, to the person named.
  19. No best grenade throw? More then likely has to be Raz for typing *LOG IN* at the arsenal
  20. Welcome to the Sail Ship o/
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