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Bloo Flar3

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Everything posted by Bloo Flar3

  1. @drdonut we have had games nights where we have done this, but for eu3 I just don't see it, since bluefor would always win, since more firepower. Should just leave the job to the mods to make the mission more challenging.
  2. To be honest we barely ever played as Russians when we did have it, and when we was on that mission people just complained. But I would love to see it again
  3. It be fun to murder the naked
  4. Hello and welcome to AhoyWorld, To install the mods head here Sent from a pain
  5. Since this topic was brought up again, Check out eu3 (AhoyWorld enhanced server)
  6. A surprise from you Mini is like a Surprise birthday cake with a fire cracker in it...
  7. #Blame Origins (This is a Joke, So please random people don't get offended)
  8. Welcome to Ahoy o7 Recommend EU3 like PiranhA said (@PiranhA Get on more =D), But play as riflemen > TeamLeader > SqaudLeader to learn, People can get mad if you ain't a descent TL/SL http://forums.ahoyworld.net/forum/96-guides/
  9. Team Work is a must, and lots of fun. The other side of eu3 is bleeding out, overdosing, people CPR'ing you when you have a pulse and ear ringing.
  10. Welcome to ahoy, you can find allowed eu1 and 2 here -
  11. Still it would be a over used feature, Using the fast ropes takes too long, so its better to land most of the time. It would mostly cause more deaths and silly plans which shouldn't need you to fast rope in, but have you fast rope in just because they can fast rope in. Been there, done that. And its makes it all less fun when sht does hit the fan due to people can't get off the chopper fast enough before getting shot out of the air. If people do want to test it out again then i don't really care, but it would just be a over used feature if it did work even.
  12. Welcome to ahoy o7
  13. nononononoonononononnono nope. nope nope. If its the ropes i'm thinking of, nope nope. We had it and it was the worse. The times of screaming "Deploy ropes" and the new guy deploys them, killing everyone in the chopper. Granted it was pretty awesome when it work, but people used it unnecessary when they could have just landed. Going with a nope for me, due to the amount of helicopters that would be lost to ropes.
  14. takes too much effort and time, rather admins do other stuff then count sheep
  15. Just saying but when on earth did we get 80 people that play EU3. At least half of them vote must be from eu1/eu2 people that most likely never touched EU3.
  16. @johnson To be honest the main reason (IMO) for EU3 was team work when it first started. Not "Realism" unless you call backblasting and overdosing people then shoving them in the meat truck Realism then yes it was realism. Since eu3 started i've never seen it as a "Realism" server nor did other people call it that. It was more of a "Team Work" server, Since EU1 and 2 was full of lone wolfs, team killers and just plain nooblets. It was a massive change for most people. (Plus the stuff we got up too was funny as anything.) EU3 is close to a Semi-Realism server. I'm for TFAR since i'm sick of ACRE breaking alot, and the small bump in the road that can cause radios being blocked.
  17. More screenshots from Neon's and Duffy's Duel, to Puffin with a stick up his butt.
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