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Everything posted by Cain

  1. I think 'it' has been there for quite some time, unless I'm mistaken.
  2. Heh, probably the third plus times a post like this has shown up. Basically, these mods require not only the server to run it, but every single client who joins the server wanting to play I&A must have these mods too. Which is pretty much something which will never happen, since people won't bother to install it and go to another server. However, I do advocate something like this on a private/passworded server, because it'd be great fun.
  3. For a long second I thought you actually flew over Limnos in an actual aircraft. Then I got confused as to why there were aircraft in the pictures, surely they wouldn't allow aircraft to fly that close. Had to reread post to figure out it was in a game. *facepalm*
  4. I can definitely see how TrackIR would be useful with jets, and flying first person in general, but I don't think I'd get it if i'm mainly flying helis. HOWEVER. I really want a joystick for a better feel and control of the aircraft, instead of constantly tapping one of the WASD keys to correct my heading or angle. Probably will pick up a logitech one for christmas.
  5. Gals? Unless you mean bambi, I'm not sure we actually have those here at AW.
  6. Wisconsin, huh? You should go see the Packers play xD
  7. Cain

    League Of Legends

    Oh yes, the community is horrendous. Man. That is a lot of Ahri fanart.
  8. Yes, I'm 'that guy' that plays LoL frequently. Don't know how many of you guys play it too, but since I hadn't seen a post about it, why not. I play on EUW, add me if you want: Deus Cineris If I'm in the 'other games' channel on TS, chances are I'm playing either Payday or LoL. Most likely LoL. Riot have got my wallet in their pocket, by god I can't even remember how much I've spent on skins and such. Post your summoners' and server, or just discuss, we'll see if we can't play some games together.
  10. But now who will I have epic sniper vs pilot battles with? ;-;
  11. You could attempt to get our PvP server started by asking people in side to come with you. On I&A, I don't think it'll work as well just in case some idiot gets on their team and doesn't know what he's doing. That, and also the command options are a bit derpy, and the AI doesn't respond too well to it. It would also be another few slots that would have to be heavily moderated.
  12. God no, this'll only encourage those people who think diving is actually useful and that they're so badass in their 'SEAL' team.
  13. May be implemented in the future, but since there isn't any enemy aircraft on I&A at the moment, I can't see why people would be carrying AA launchers around.
  14. If that many vehicles are damaged at base, it's probably time for a server restart.
  15. Sweet. Though sadfaec on the no more doing stuff through walls xD
  16. Uh. Pardon the lack of insight, but how exactly does a RPG/RTS which is also first person actually work? What are the core elements of gameplay? Anyways. MMORPGs are dominated by a few powerhouses, so it'll be a big task to come up with something ingenious that will make people want to buy the game, or at least attract attention in terms of potential developers and funders. I have no experience with any sort of development software, however if there's anything in the narrative/written department, I'm your guy. Maybe. Is this going to be fantasy, or what sort of genre will it be set in?
  17. I don't think there's a thread like this, if so, my bad and please close it. Anyways! I got home yesterday, and after Payday 2 was kindly gifted to me by a friend, I began playing. However, it ain't really fun unless you're playing coop, and even then, some people are really toxic. So we should have a player list of those that will play Payday (I know at least some, since they're almost always in the TS channel), along with their steam usernames so we can all add each other and rob banks in style. Cool? Alright, let's get started! My user is still Cain. Synonymous across a lot of things.
  18. God, your eloquence goes down the drain when you're tired.
  19. Oh god I've insulted the whole core staff haven't I xD I was kidding guys, just making a playful comment on how you guys play payday together. I realize you guys have a lot of work on your plates, and y'alls are real busy almost all the time. 's cool that you guys can play something together to chill and stuff. I actually got the game yesterday, when I get home I'll be playing it a bunch, hopefully. Maybe then I can see how the core staff rolls whilst robbing shiz
  20. Oh, nothing, its just that whenever I'm on teamspeak and I look at the channels, the payday channel is almost always populated by core staff xD
  21. In my experience all the core staff are playing Payday :v But yes, I've seen a few people go bother the core staff, even if there's an arma admin in the channel below them. Not too many, but I guess it's enough that the core staff feel the need to make an announcement of it xD
  22. Once people learn that enemy CAS will be showing up, almost everyone will begin to carry AA in order to take it down ASAP. You must remember, this is the pub server we're talking about, not the ACRE server, where we will most likely attempt to play our roles and outfit ourselves correctly. And a big no-no to the random dropoffs. If we have no idea where they're dropped off, and the squad dropped off most likely will have AA, you're going to find a lot of shot down helicopters, and a lot of pissed-off grunts. It may add some challenge, but it adds a hell of a lot more annoyance.
  23. I understand where you're coming from, and I'm sure this'll be tweaked to some extent in the future, but right now it's not really a big concern. Yes, you can sit on trenchfoot with only a titan and a backpack and webbing full of rockets, but to be honest, does anyone actually do this, besides to give their score a big shove upwards? It seems very boring. Especially on I&A currently, as it's only players versus AI. However, I seriously doubt anyone will 'exploit' this as much, because it's incredibly boring to do so. I disagree, though, with your suggestion for the removal of all ammoboxes outside of the base (which I believe is only trenchfoot, but I could be wrong). They are incredibly useful for quick rearming when you're out in the field, and it makes sense for there to be ammoboxes at FOBs and other friendly encampments or emplacements, you get me? I realize that a lot of people right now just grab the biggest pack and roll out with a Zafir and 20 boxes of 7.62 tracer goodness, but removing the largest packs is only detrimental to the overall I&A development. Especially for the more tactical aspects of gameplay, like our ACRE server. In the future I would hope that those with the biggest backpacks are those that actually need them, i.e ammo bearers, AT/AA and others, but I'm not too positive about that coming around in the public servers. In game night and ACRE, though? Definitely. There'll be more restrictions as we make it more realistic.
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