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  1. First off when I played one of the first ill iterations of the fight for kavala it was fun and enjoyable. I joined the next day to find no one using the helicopters because it was impossible to without someone dedicated to sitting inside them while you fill up at spawn. Same goes for vehicles as the you can't lone wolf vehicles script ruins vehicles for many players. The pilot class was better as a role selected before joining the game.
  2. I agree, the old system was much simpler and better, I stopped playing on the PvP server because of this as many of my freinds did as well.
  3. Right now players and AI can tame multiple bullets to the head before dieing. It isn't that fun when players and AI have a shield around them like this is a halo game.
  4. I would prefer not to teleport into the AO because then why use a helicopter or a different aircraft. And it eliminates the transit aspect of the game.
  5. I would like for the Coop invade and annex servers to use a headless client. This would mean less lag, AI is not affected by lag and less stress on the server.
  6. As lifting and towing mabey be implemented soon I would like for players to be allowed to be inside the vehicle as it is being Lifted or towed. A domination server had this and made for some high speed recue pickups with the vehicles wheels lift off just before we hit the end of the road. Obviously people might abuse this but like everything some people just want to see the world burn. We would ban or kick these people for these actions.
  7. I would like for extended armor to be disabled by default. It's a crutch for new players and allows multiple pistol shots to the head before the soldier dies.
  8. Right now armor and enemy aircraft aren't vary scary as a lot of people carry around launchers. Like sniper rifles, I would like to see AA launchers and possibly AT launchers restricted to certain player slots.
  9. I have experimented and found you can place large rocks and other objects creating a sunken or new underwater environment. To mix things up once in a while we could have side missions involving diving after a target or clearing a wreck of enemy divers. Enemy boats would be on the surface with divers in the sunken areas or underwater caves. A few enemies like snipers could be watching on shore and possibly helicopter flying around the surface patrolling.
  10. After playing for a while I find things can be repetitive and people always almost outsmart the AI. So I propose an option to let a few players be on the enemy team with random spawn the other AI. One of these players on Opfor would then have a high command option so that they could possibly outsmart the players on Blufor. There would be an option to allow a small amount of players on the enemy side like 1-3 players. If that option was selected, then you would have the option to give one of the players partial or full high command ranging from total control to just a few units.
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