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Everything posted by Cain

  1. I'm waiting on full VR immersion. Don't know how it'll work, but by god I want to fly a jet and feel as if I'm in the bloody cockpit with the gs pulling.
  2. Boy, I haven't played planetside in so long. I started off as Vanu because those fuckers are awesome, but I created an NC character and I like the NC way more. DOWN WITH THE TERRAN REPUBLIC! DEATH TO THE OPPRESSORS!
  3. Not a bad idea. Though having to get an admin to log on and then lock/unlock vehicles, and having to repeatedly do so when they respawn (Because let's face it, they will crash/get shot down at some point) would be really tiring. If the pilots could do this, that would be a different story, however we don't really have problems with people taking helicopters. Nice idea though. Just don't think it'd be all that useful right now.
  4. I love Bioshock. Especially infinite. The writers for the games are just amazing. Another game that stands up on its own with no multiplayer, decent gameplay, but an incredibly strong story, visual and audio combination.
  5. Yeah, I mean once the full game comes out we'll have all sorts of heavy artillery and stuff to play with (I want to see airburst rounds) so it'll come into use much more then, its just right now with only mortars, and how they're still sort of buggy xD
  6. This is all very good and all, but we don't even use the mortars that much! xD
  7. Cain

    War Thunder

    Yeah, I went the US Airforce route, and my Airacobra and Kittyhawk are the best things ever. Now if only I had a joystick.
  8. Eyy! Now lets hunt down those DDoSers and shove a DAGR up their backsides.
  9. Cain

    War Thunder

    I used to play it quite a lot, but I feel that the amount of grinding you have to do to get to higher-tier planes is really large, and it's near impossible to get the highest-level planes without hundreds upon thousands hours of gameplay. Of course, you could pay to get said planes, but I think the game is slightly more in favor of pay to win rather than it being equalized. Still though, tonnes of fun.
  10. Ah. That sucks. I hope it gets back up sharpish.
  11. The TS viewer on the main page is down for me, and I can't join the TS channel, it says I failed to connect to the server. Anyone else getting this problem? Or is it just on my end?
  12. Who's on the stream team? Ahoyworld subscribers? Cuz I want to start annoying everyone by streaming league of legends.
  13. Cain


    Buying Borderlands 2, the season pass and the mechromancer pack when I get home. I love Valve.
  14. Well thank god I don't have a BI forum account. I'd have to change ALL my passwords.
  15. Yeah, there better be a GOOD PC port of this or else there'll be hell to pay, Rockstar. If not I'll get it on my PS3. Still, though. It looks pretty awesome, the switching between the three main character thing looks really cool and you could probably set up some awesome stuff with it.
  16. We didn't force you to make an insanely popular pvp mission! xD Good luck with the Centration kickstarter though! I heard you got onto the Rock Paper Shotgun front page? That should boost the number of backers.
  17. Can we end the poll now and get the server up with Battle for Stratis already? xD It does seem to have pulled pretty far ahead.
  18. The world of Mirror's Edge is a futuristic utopia-style city with modern designs though, all the high-rises and such. How would that work on the ground level? It'd really suck to be running around on streets. If it were open world on only rooftops or something? Y'see how I'm sort of skeptic on how it'll all come together. I guess I'll see.
  19. Open world huh? Hm... I don't know about that. I quite liked the linearity of the first game, like you had a set area to go through, but there were many ways of doing it. If it was open world, I don't know how that'd work.
  20. Tbh, I'd subscribe to Ahoy just to get the pretty username backgrounds.
  21. Yeah, I hate EA with a passion for what they've done to some of my favorite games (Mass Effect in particular ) But I don't mind them as much as long as they don't bastardize the games I like.
  22. Rarek, perhaps a good idea would be to post a summary or something of the recent I&A development talks that were held a while ago? I know it's still all a possibility to remain in or not, but it'd be nice to inform the masses that weren't present.
  23. Is it an RTS game? I've heard about it, looks pretty cool. Though, since Company Of Heroes 2 only recently came out, I'm torn.
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