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Everything posted by iLLGT3

  1. Audiophile grade headphones like Audio Technica AD700's and a mic. Most people recommend Zalman's clipon mic but it's far too sensitive imo. I'd go for something like the modmic.
  2. I couldn't even get the grenade out the door hardly
  3. Can't make this one. Have to work a footy tournament. :/
  4. We used to use these but no longer. Not sure the reason why but I assume it is because of lag. (lol)
  5. The ArmA community amazes me with their talk about how much better they think they are than typical FPS players. That being said, I have noticed that most of the players in the community are really the same as the ones they criticise.. lazy, impatient, and greedy.
  6. applied I think I'm actually going to go to an event for once.
  7. I have tried to mess with the weather but it seems to be broken. I set it to cloudy and the game just progressively gets foggier as the mission goes on and I find myself annoyingly having to 0 setFog 0; We used to have an older version that started the game with 50% cover but as stated above, it'll get foggy eventually. this
  8. Pretty much anytime you get near a vehicle
  9. iLLGT3


    Hello and welcome to the forums!
  10. Should this be news? Are there actually any regulars that are in the community/Steam group only because of the Insurgency server?
  11. iLLGT3


    Welcome! But I must ask one simple question. Are you a bird?
  12. Honorable Mention Ahoy World Rangers
  13. Is this doesn't make you cringe, then I don't know what will. Whoever at MSI said this was ok should be fired. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWKA6WKDMHA
  14. iLLGT3


    Welcome to the forums.
  15. I was going to say Raz & David would be the people to go to but seeing as how they've already commented, I think you have your candidates.
  16. Welcome! We're glad you're enjoying the mission.
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