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Everything posted by iLLGT3

  1. Welcome to AhoyWorld Do you have a cat
  2. Do you use thermal sights?
  3. Nice to see a fellow Oblivion fan! Welcome.
  4. This is some impressive stuff! Hoax where you at? http://youtu.be/x9tvdjDAr1U
  5. oohhh a PS2 player! I tried to get into PS2. I had tons of friends that did and I did a short stint with The Vindicators but I fell out of the game for awhile. I've been wanting to get back into it for some time but all my friends have already quit playing. Anyway, welcome to AhoyWorld!
  6. In an effort to clean up TeamSpeak and fix our permissions system, we feel people should understand how your TeamSpeak identity works and what you should do if you access our TeamSpeak from multiple devices. (ex. another computer or a mobile device.) Your TeamSpeak Identity stores all your permissions across all of the TeamSpeak servers you visit. If you are a member of any of our server groups like AW Member, Ahoy +, Ahoy Admin, or a channel group like a music streamer, we do request that you backup your identity. If you use more than one device to access the AhoyWorld Teamspeak, you MUST import your identity to your other computers/devices. Doing this keeps the client list on our server clean and organised. To export your TeamSpeak Identity, follow these steps: 1. Click Settings at the top of your TeamSpeak 2. Click Identities 3. Click Export 4. You will be prompted with a security message (click yes) 5. The next window will require you to name the .ini file. Name it and save it in a location you can remember. To import your TeamSpeak Identity, follow these steps: 1. Locate your identity .ini file 2. Click Settings at the top of your TeamSpeak 3. Click Import If you're accessing AhoyWorld's TeamSpeak from different device, this is a requirement if you want to keep your permissions.
  7. Reminds me of the Rainbow Six games from day
  8. I get a solid 60 everywhere but in a few cities but throw in like 10 other players and it drops like crazy.
  9. I'll have you know that there is no pusssssieEeEeEeeEeEeeEeEEeeEeEeee
  10. We might not see private servers anytime soon or at all. https://www.facebook.com/ets2mpofficial/posts/761488950548942?comment_id=761489547215549&offset=0&total_comments=26
  11. Good spot Dingo. This is something we need to keep an eye on. I'm sure it won't be hard because if this takes off, we'll hear about it everywhere.
  12. What we've all been waiting for. ETS2 multiplayer! er... kinda According to PCGamers article, it's in alpha & is buggy but regardless, this is great news (Dacia) if you ask me. If we are ever allowed to host our own ETS2 servers.. *cough* AW Trucking *cough* Euro Truck Simulator 2 Multiplayer mod moves into open alpha - PC Gamer
  13. I got my account running now and I'm ready to play
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