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Operation Cross Comms: 10/7/2016 (Sunday) 5:00 pm EST (21:00 GMT)

Liru the Lcpl.

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37 minutes ago, CobaltCat said:

next time could we get passworded channels since we got randoms hopping in the channel disrupting coms that cost some of us to get shot

Yes and the rest of the feedback has been compiled to make future operations better :)

the main action part of the operation is being uploaded now, i'll post it here when it's ready!

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Thank you Liru for mission and Shadow for hosting it!


Some feedback from CSAT perspective:

Thanks @JimboSpike @Ezlann for great teamwork. Was a pleasure playing with you guys. The plan was spot on. There was some confusion in the end. In the briefing we were told that to extract static device which was in one of the bunkers we need to land on one of the helipads and Ezlann decided that i should be the pilot of VTOL doing the extraction. When 30min passed Liru told us that Ezlann will take VTOL and so i ran to Tempest and waited for VTOL to make enough noise that it will drown the sound of Tempest Engine and will allow me to dissepear in confusion. Ezlann then decided that he will try to scare enemy with some strafing runs and that is the point where all went sour. When i parked Tempest device near the coast, thus completing objective, Liru told us to try to recapture device in the base. I respawned back to the Com Alpha and found out that we have been attacked and there was a Humming bird with engines still on and dead Eagle-Eye slumped in his chair. I decided that i shoud take it, land it on east side of the base and engage Blueforce inside. But what happened was that when I arrived I noticed Brandenburg guy on armored tower. I still don't know how I was able see his player tag. I decided to scare him by buzzing the tower and then give guys on the ground chance to spot that somebody stole their vehicle. Sadly, it went badly as i touched a railing of the tower in high speed . I am deeply sorry for that.

Here is printscreen of our map done by Ezlann




PvE&P element - 

I like the direction Liru took with involving players to be part of opfor for operation. This is very original and i can see great potential in that. 

Thinks that will increase fairness of PvP firefigts:

3rd person: off

I will let Dslyecxi explain this one.

Extended map content: off

We had it almost too easy  because i could see rought (sometimes exact) position of enemy players even before they ware spotted by my eyes. This way i was able to spot marksman in jungle 1km away (decided not to engage him becouse he was no thread to us there even though he managed to kill some AI on towers), IronLance coming up at base was spotted while he was still some 500m away. Even silencers did not help.

Killed by and Score table: off

I also recomend this. Players tend to be distracted from objectives to go on personal vendetas. In situation when you kill somebody out of your LOS (target in bush, behind wall...etc.) you are imidiately informed that he is down either kill massage or checking your score.


Random thoughts after watching video:

Liru, You are cluttering your view (and decreasing your FPS) by leaving the objects in base composition be active in zeus interface. You can let Shadow place those for you or you can use the Ares module to add/remove objects from Zeus. When you lost sight of Alpha team which was being transported to south of the objective you could have used it to see them. I also suggested to you to add objects to Zeus after we placed mines so you could see them and decide their fate as I feared we might have placed some mines in paths of AI patrols (which we did and some AI were killed by them).

It was sad that coordination of bluefor attack did not went that well when recon got itself spotted and alpha deployed too late too far. If you could coordinate atacks from two directions with Pawnee hitting those ATC towers like Amentes showed us we would be screwed and mission might have been total succes for bluefor.

Also @Amentes we could not hope to defend against your attacks. It was simply perfect and you almost did not give us a chance to return fire with rifles let alone with MANPAD. I went for AA launcher when you made first pass, but after another two i returned it back to supply box because it was obvious to me that you will not give me chance to lock on you. I think you made a big impact on us because you allowed others to advance, while we tried to hide from you.


PS: Sorry for my english.

Edited by Cebi
Added: Killed by and Score table: off
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Yeah, the strike was definitely more about the psychological side.


Knowing about the AA threat, and not wanting to just destroy everything completely, I was really trying to keep it defensive.


As you see, I only go for the tall buildings, as all of the approaches that would keep me hidden until the last minute would also result in being unable to nose down enough to get strikes on the low buildings, without exposing myself to the MANPAD threat :)


I believe I was the target of small arms fire on the outgoing path of all the runs, but no rounds found their mark.

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As mentioned shortly during debrief:

As a pilot, the main crutch was visibility, which was (at base) ±150m on ground, but close to 0 as soon as you lifted off. Even though visibility was slightly better at AO, we were forced to either stay high or go slow all the way in, if we didn't want to crash into cranes, poles or cables. As such, it didn't make a lot of sense to even use helicopters, and vehicle transport would've been a more logical option. Nevertheless, I think Amentes did a good job, I tried my best and we got the troops where they wanted to go. :)


As pilots, a few things were unclear to us. E.g. initial insertion plan and what we were supposed to do after the initial insertion, especially because CAS seemed/was pretty much a no-go at that time. The initial post here says CSAT was allowed to respawn, but it said nothing about BLUFOR and despite seeing a few kill-messages, nobody seemed to show up at base, so we didn't know if there even was a respawn allowed for BLUFOR. Future ops may benefit from a bit more clarity on that topic, for example by having a general mission brief, then allow squads to prepare and finish it off with a quick relay of intent.


Finally, it's a shame the mission went south, particularly with people using vehicles they shouldn't have, and (unintentionally) destroying them in the process. Poor discipline, which resulted in chaos that could have easily been avoided/settled with some basic communication first.



I want to finish on a good note, however, by saying that I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the mission, and I hope to be part of it again someday soon. :)

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1 minute ago, enxyo said:

One thing. CSAT respawn may should have been in Coms Bravo, or some indication that reinforcement may come from Coms Alpha. Didn't expected Jimbo to come from behind us.

Yeah, finding out about that after the mission was a HUGE shock to us...
Trying to enter Bravo from the Western side and then being shot by someone who spawned behind us.
We had no idea that OPFOR was going to be respawning, let alone that they would be doing so behind our advance.

Amentes did a pretty good job with the CAS runs, but I was completely unaware that they were coming until they hit, which made it hard for me to figure out if I should push in or not. Didn't want my guys on the receiving end.

Totally unclear on the whole recon thing with Darters etc. Someone mentioned that we apparently had a Darter or two for recon but I don't even think we had a UAV guy to use them did we?

OPFOR team did a great job, made it really good fun.

Was a damn good Mission until things got a little confusing. Great work Liru.

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Like I said, there's always new things to learn: PvP is a VERY difficult thing to balance, and that Charlie foxtrot was a result of multiple issues that I'll try to have resolved in time for the next operation.

In the future things need to be organized a little further: I did have people sign up for the UAV Darters but not use them, I should have been clear about the CSAT respawns but my fear was that the respawn would be camped (we couldn't get the respawn timer to work properly, had to improvise)

I really hope to see you all for Baywatch, and I think i'm going to just make it standard PvE. Too many places where CSAT can easily camp, and I want this to be a fun experiment with just how epic offshore platforms can be. I've actually doubled the size of the thing (as I pray nothing breaks) and am increasing the amount of small platforms around it.

Regardless, once again, I thank you all for the feedback!

link to Baywatch:


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@xSniper1982: CSAT ability to respawn was mentioned in first post. Location of respawn is actualy one of the hardest thing to balance. If Liru placed the spawn somewhere inside Coms Bravo he risked that we might be spawned camped and i guess he wanted to make impression that respawning CSAT players will be some kind of reinforcement. After respawn we had to climb down the face of volcano to get to Bravo which was very exposed and aprox 900m away.

I actualy think that only Jimbo got killed and ran back from coms Alfa. Ezlann respawned after Jocky killed him and he went for VTOL and I respawned to get back from beach where i parked Tempest with the Device.

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I think in future PvP missions a few of my ideas could be considered? 

1- 60 second respawn timer 

2 - 1 or 2 spawns at the defenders objective but used at random (if possible) 



Playing vipers last night was fun but they are extremely OP 

Having been sprayed by @IronLance for a good 5 seconds I was still at 30-50% health 

Plus this eliminates the accidental use of thermal 


Cheers for the great shoot out 

Much love 

The Lion 

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Just remembered, something Amentes and myself discussed last night was that (almost) everyone was using suppressors, so maybe there should be a limitation on those as well.


For the attackers, during a full-on assault as a quick reaction force, I don't think you're really concerned about coming in quietly. In fact, I think the mere sound of your fire - especially when it's coming from different sides - can be as overwhelming, distracting and/or disorienting to the enemy as your actual assault.


As for the defenders, because they had suppressors, they were able to pick the attackers off so easily, without ever having to worry about giving away their position. It would've been a lot harder/riskier for them to open fire on someone if they knew they could be spotted, and possibly come under return fire from a few other guys.

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*keeps taking notes* Christ I should throw something together for the next week or 2 on top of what I'm already planning to do some further testing. What do you guys think? Something similar to this but testing a few other details for the sake of balance...

*cough* maybe fog? XD

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1 minute ago, Liru the Lcpl. said:

*cough* maybe fog? XD


Fog is a good balance for players that dont have a powerful System,

i've used it multipul times when i've been Zeusing


between 30-50% but then its down to personal preference, and on the mission "concept"

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4 minutes ago, Ezlann said:


Fog is a good balance for players that dont have a powerful System,

i've used it multipul times when i've been Zeusing


between 30-50% but then its down to personal preference, and on the mission "concept"

Here's what i'm thinking: a 2 part mission for the sake of experimentation. The first part is pure PvE where everyone works together, and the second part has the small CSAT team for testing.  This is so I can know, as a Zeus, that I'm making good improvements for players' experiences in general, then players' experiences for the PvP section. If this sounds good i'll write something up tonight and have sig ups for it within 1-2 weeks.

Although I do love vipers, I am agreeing with the majority of what I have read and taking them out, outfitting standard CSAT soldiers instead. If we get the player counts that Luetin ever gets (which would be both great and a pain in the ass to organize), then i'll bring them back for outfits.

ALSO, I have uploaded the other two segments from the Cross comms mission, it's the briefing and the time between the mission being a go and first contact if you're interested.

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Yeah, in my opinion, so many suppressors change the gameplay dramatically, and I'd personally prefer that suppressors be used sparingly; unless we're talking about an 8-player mission, it shouldn't be used on all units.


The noise of gunfire really adds something to the feel of an Op, and at night it obviously becomes especially spectacular. It highlights even further any weaponry being employed such as LMGs or rockets, and it also opens up the option for a large-scale assault force acting as a diversion for a smaller infiltration unit to crawl up through the cracks in the rear. (hehe)



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Had a great time on this guys and looking forward to future operations with you all. One thing I was wondering is why did Alpha team stay at the airfield until contact had been made? I ask because when watching Liru's POV video I couldn't figure any reason to do so. Was it caution while the southern areas were scouted?

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12 minutes ago, JimboSpike said:

Had a great time on this guys and looking forward to future operations with you all. One thing I was wondering is why did Alpha team stay at the airfield until contact had been made? I ask because when watching Liru's POV video I couldn't figure any reason to do so. Was it caution while the southern areas were scouted?

I can't speak for most of the others on my team but from what I was understanding is that we were discussing where we would insert and also were letting P057's team do some recon before we mounted up..


That's what I gathered from my brain.

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From what I gathered, they were indeed waiting for the recon team to report, and then decide if and where they would need an air insertion. The moment we saw "first contact" appear in side chat, however, everybody just mounted up and we left for Vagalala.

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We had a couple of possible ways to insert, and were waiting on intel from Posts team.
Unfortunately they got spotted and the plan went out the window, forcing us to leave our vehicle behind and get a quick drop at Vagalala to avoid the Heli being spotted and shot down on the way in.

Extra who was our advanced scout, was on site around the same time as posts team, and managed to stay hidden until what looked like AI tripping mines and alerting themselves.

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