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Too much CAS?


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Hi guys n' gals


I am an avid armoured vehicle driver and I often play on EU1 and 2 of the lovely Ahoyworld servers with my friends


I have found that lately that the CAS seem to be spawning insanely fast and rarely do you get a great fighter pilot that can help against the CAS and thus the armoured vehicles are easy pickings and then cant be utilized properly


am I the only one that thinks the CAS is too OP and ruins some of the fun?

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Just to give you my opinion on the matter... I see your point, but I don't think reducing enemy CAS is the solution. I too feel your pain whenever, as a UAV operator, I see my UAV's get shot down by enemy birds.


CAS is deployed only if there is an enemy Radio Tower active. In this case, a new enemy jet (Buzzard AA / Neophron) will spawn every few minutes (I am not sure if there is a maximum).


To prevent the CAS from becoming a threat:

  • The radio tower must be destroyed ASAP, fastest and most reliable way is by a competent UAV operator
  • The enemy CAS must be neutralized ASAP, fastest and most reliable way is by a competent AA Buzzard pilot.


If these two players know what they are doing then CAS shouldn't be much of an issue.


I believe in here lies the core of the problem, these player roles are very important and while it's not hard to do, it just requires a little coordination from the players involved. Hence i think for the roles of UAV operator and Pilot it should be that players on the AW Teamspeak are allowed access to these roles in favour over people occupying these roles who are currently not on TS and will not get on it.


In the end, I think this will enhance the gaming experience for everyone, as we have seen a lot of 'noob' pilots lately.

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I haven't noticed a sudden increase in the amount of CAS, but due to other priorities I haven't spent much time on the server recently. Removing the Radio Tower should be the first priority each new AO, however sometimes it is left until last meaning that CAS is spawning through the entire AO. If, however the spawn rate has increased maybe it needs to be reduced back to the old rate, which very rarely used to cause a problem.


Hence i think for the roles of UAV operator and Pilot it should be that players on the AW Teamspeak are allowed access to these roles in favour over people occupying these roles who are currently not on TS and will not get on it.


Although this isn't exactly on topic, I thought I would add my opinion here. EU1 and 2 are public servers meaning that anyone can use them. This is why the rules state that pilots "should" be on Teamspeak, it would improve the experience, but unless things are going drastically wrong they don't have to be. I feel it would be slightly unfair to force pilots and UAV ops to be on Teamspeak otherwise their slot is given away, quite often there are fantastic pilots and UAV ops who don't go on Teamspeak because they don't have it/ don't want to etc... These roles can be organised on side chat effectively, which is often needed since not many ground troops are ever on Teamspeak. Whilst I agree that it may improve the experience in general, I think it would be unfair since it is branded as a public server for anyone to play on.

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I too play as UAV ops a lot and find that most of my time spent manually flying is trying to dodge fire from the enemy aircraft. Something that annoys me, though it might not be patchable because Arma, is that the CAS aircraft spend a lot, perhaps too much time attacking friendly aircraft. 

Coordination between UAV operations and, well, everyone seems to be lacking in general, but that's the nature of the role; it's not "necessary" to complete objectives, and nobody seems to feel the need to call for support. 

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If your UAVs are getting shot down, climb them to 2000 meters.


I usually do keep them at 2km, however it doesn't seem to help a lot against enemy aircraft which will just climb to that altitude and shoot them down. 

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Decrease the AA Buzzard re-arm time >>> AA Buzzard is more effective at taking down enemy CAS >>> Profit


Having spent a lot of time on EU1 flying the Buzzard I've found that the biggest challenge is not shooting down enemy CAS or staying alive, but ammo conservation. My main thought whenever I'm in the air is to try and take down the enemy CAS with as little missiles/cannon-rounds as possible.

The reason for this is that it takes ages to rearm the jet at base, easily 6-8 minutes if you include take-off and landing. That is a very long time if you compare it to the time it takes to do anything else in the game, e.g. you can re-arm an Mi-48 Kajman attack heli in about 10 seconds. 


I'm sure there are many ways to fix the issue of "Too much CAS", but in my opinion the best would be to reduce the Jet re-arm time to around 2 minutes. If possible keep the current 5 min re-arm time for the Wipeout and Neophron since they are far more powerful.

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As everyone above me has mentioned, the RT should be first priority. Once this is down they cannot call for reinforcements.


Decrease the AA Buzzard re-arm time >>> AA Buzzard is more effective at taking down enemy CAS >>> Profit
 I'm sure there are many ways to fix the issue of "Too much CAS", but in my opinion the best would be to reduce the Jet re-arm time to around 2 minutes.

I disagree with this, although it would be nice, but from my experience I believe 5 min is ample time.

A great example last night or night before :huh: in EU1, about 30 people in centre of AO which was cleared, while RT is on the outskirt and ppl were asking what do we do now? and placing EVACS?
believe it or not most ppl walked past RT to get to the centre of AO


I have noticed that there has been a lot of new people in the server lately too with a few new pilots ( which is a great thing) but this is a regular occurrence among the experienced  too

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another thread to revive....


The only (maybe) issue here is the amount of ammo enemy AI has. Infinite (?).


From my experience as a helicopter and Buzzard AA pilot, enemy AA/CAS has just too much rockets on disposal, compared to friendly AA.

As an AA pilot, I have 4 long range and 2 short range rockets. That means a few missed missiles because of enemy flares (that is a question of skill, I know, I am really lame with jets), taking down 2 jets, doing some cannon CAS and RTB for +-10 minutes.

As a helicopter pilot, I have a few bursts of flares. That means 2-4 evaded enemy missiles in a row and 5th shooting me down instantly after. After that, the enemy AA just happily flies around shooting more missile salvoes at other pilots.




I might be completely wrong. Sometimes, jets won't fire a missile at all, they just fly around you, or try to shoot you with their cannon. The other pilots receiving missiles might be actually being engaged by the second jet.



There's something that needs to be done about the enemy CAS/AA. They are just tearing our base down most of the time. We can't actually destroy the RT before more jets spawn, because of the time it takes to evac from the old AO, RTB (optional) and get to the new AO without being shot down.

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As an AA pilot, I have 4 long range and 2 short range rockets. That means a few missed missiles because of enemy flares (that is a question of skill, I know, I am really lame with jets), taking down 2 jets, doing some cannon CAS and RTB for +-10 minutes.

From my experience you should be able to take down 4 jets before you need to re arm, unless that 4th is CAS then 3 is acceptable :)

Personally I don't understand why people do CAS runs, A. Your AA not CAS and B.its not very effective, that wasted ammo could be better spent on taking down another jet

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As for myself i pretty much only sit in cas birds ( when i get the chance ) and you can be very effective taking down wheeled targets and infantry with the aa jet.


And waiting 15 min for the new ao too spawn with a new jet is boring asF so you might aswell give cas support.


my record on 1 cas run was 21 inf 1 ifrit of some sort (disabled) and a jet so it can be very objective.

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I have had the same sort-of problem, I was in a Slammer UP with my friends and an enemy Nephron kept destroying my tank. There were also no jets to kill it.


I don't think that CAS is OP, I think it is up to friendlies destroying the radio tower and a good jet pilot to cover the ground forces.

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As for myself i pretty much only sit in cas birds ( when i get the chance ) and you can be very effective taking down wheeled targets and infantry with the aa jet.


And waiting 15 min for the new ao too spawn with a new jet is boring asF so you might aswell give cas support.


my record on 1 cas run was 21 inf 1 ifrit of some sort (disabled) and a jet so it can be very objective.


I have to strongly disagree with the AA buzzard being "very effective taking down wheeled targets and infantry". Whilst it is technically possible to destroy an ifrit, you need a stupid amount of cannon round to do so, with the same number of rounds you could destroy multiple air targets. As for infantry, you pretty much need a direct hit to actually kill someone, considering you're in a jet moving at high speed and your target looks like an ant, I don't think it's a very good idea either.


The time it takes a new AO to spawn is nowhere near 15 mins, probably more like 1 or 2 mins.


One thing I can agree on: "you might aswell give cas support" supporting other players who are in dedicated CAS helicopters/jets, e.g. helping them out with enemy air threats, is a very good idea, and that's exactly what the AA buzzard is for! 

I know this isn't what you even meant :D

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The time it takes a new AO to spawn is nowhere near 15 mins, probably more like 1 or 2 mins.The time it takes a new AO to spawn is nowhere near 15 mins, probably more like 1 or 2 mins. :

General time it takes from the first jet too go down till the next ao on a full server.


whilst it is technically possible to destroy an ifrit, you need a stupid amount of cannon round to do so 

20 on the windshield or on the wheels is enough too disable a ifrit letting the crew jump out.


As for infantry, you pretty much need a direct hit to actually kill someone

True but on clustered enemy's,like towers its a lethal weapon and the rockets work vs infantry just as well as those on a Pawnee.


One way or another were gaming and it comes down to fun and personally my idea of fun is not waiting 15 min for another jet too spawn to have 1 min of fun and wait 15 again it gets bored very quickly and when i fly the jet my #1 target is always the enemy jet and i normally get it in 1-2 min of spawning.


I know im getting way too competitive in this but i love my birdies #bob ross.

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