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This weeks game night


8 members have voted

  1. 1. Game night or weekend off?

    • Game night Sunday
    • Weekend break

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As you may of noticed I haven't done a post yet, here is why.

Basically I go back to work on Thursday which means I'm working Saturday now which means I can't host.

So I thought after a period of game nights we could take this weekend off enjoy a small break, or I can try host something on Sunday instead which I'm more than happy todo. (No promises I myself can make it, but I can hustle something up, anyway give it a vote and I will review tomorrow(Wednesday) or Thursday.

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Ok with either, or we could just do a as a "lets go back to Altis Saturday" just to brake the monotounous of guantlet. We have been having that map 24/7, with the ocasional zeus mission in between, but im up for some Altis once before returning back to Gauntlet on sunday.

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well im making a small insurgent type mission for this week, itl be 3 insurgent squads vs XX amounts of AI and a player MARSOC team just to add some randomness. Im gonna make a post about it when i get off work later =) 

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well im making a small insurgent type mission for this week, itl be 3 insurgent squads vs XX amounts of AI and a player MARSOC team just to add some randomness. Im gonna make a post about it when i get off work later =) 


Sounds great, so you are hosting the game night on the usual saturday ? If so, will you be doing any kind of registering like usual?

I`ll be happy to help with any preparations btw, let me know if you need/ can use me, gladly help!

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I'd like to have a gamenight but after last one and the insurgent one i'm kinda meh about it, plus i'm not sure numbers will be as great due to it being a sunday and also people tending to play other games as of now.  :unsure:


If we could do something nice on the weekend (doesn't have to be admin maintained for the whole time), something like a map change or whatever that could be classy.  :lol:


I've also talked to Spongebob bot your shoulder, he already wasted Patrick and set a public example on Sandy so he's coming to break yo other shoulder.  :P

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Soo the basic gist is 3 squads from the insurgent(indep) rhs faction, that would be 8x3 = 24 players on opfor supported by 2 btr's they have available, and on blu it will be 4players acting as marsoc specialists attached to the guarding AI.

The mission scope is that the insurgents are to raze a supply depot that is located on the north island of sahrani. I may attach a PLTCO to the insurgents so that some can get blamed if it goes to shit.

It will be one life type mission with spectator on. But i may give some lee-way if insurgent get wiped on first contact.

Ill make a newspost today hopefully seen as i had to work some 7hours overtime yesterday and got home late.

Hopefully the mission sounds fun and im aiming it to be a harder than my last mission which had waaaay to little AI

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