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Everything posted by Whigital

  1. FOBs are statically placed on the map, and hidden on mission start in initServer.sqf (line 24) The FOB stuff is defined in \Defines\Main_AOs.hpp Each AO in the config correlates to a map marker with the same name That should hopefully point you in the right direction. It's too late to go into anymore details, but feel free to ask if you get stuck and we'll do our best to help you. //Whigi
  2. I don't recall seeing "Disassemble" in the task description, but we'll fix it so there is no other option than to actually do what the task says: "Destroy" ....
  3. For v3.4.07, vehicles that gets moved now gets hitpoints with more than 60% damage reduced to 60%, and 10% fuel if below 10%.
  4. The arty firing is purely Arma mechanics, so the spread is inherent to the Sochor's themselves. We could put a limit in the targeting loop, to only search and target players within say 10km from the arty itself. Still probably going to be a lot of spread, but not as much as firing at a target 16-20 km away
  5. Tis' done. Pod now gets velocity from chopper when detached, and speed/alt. changed to 10/2 ....
  6. Current criteria for releasing the pod is under 5kph and 1m altitude. Don't know how much higher and faster is safe for a drop, but can double it to 10kph and 2m alt. I think it comes down to the pilot too, releasing when it actually "feels" safe ....
  7. Feature added, will be in next release (3.4.04) ....
  8. Fixed in next version (3.4.03) ....
  9. Same issue regardless of RotorLib settings, the Orca is just broken. Just tried slinging the pallet with 4 barrels on it, and it took like 7-8 attempts because as soon as the chopper gets loaded, it starts rolling like crazy. And it's not like i was being rough or anything. Centered the load and gently increased collective .... //Whigi
  10. Yes, this probably happens because you're in the vehicle for less than 60 seconds, and the respawn script doesn't register that the vehicle has been used, and despawns it. It's a defect we were aware of, but thought it would only affect edge cases. We might get a fix in with an EH that tracks when the vehicles aren't in use anymore, instead of relying on the respawn script to register it within it's 60 sec. interval.
  11. Addressed in I&A 3.3.73, which should go live any day. This (should) apply to all vehicles with beacons/sirens that are available as rewards:
  12. Despawn action on the drones are in. Wanted to enable despawn of remote controlled drones, but that turns out to be a little tricky. So for now, you have to physically be at the drone to despawn it. Will be looking into having the option when remote controlling too, but might take a while .... //Whigi
  13. As @Lindi says, outside base/fobs, vehicles doesn't respawn unless there's no one within 500 meters, and the vehicle hasn't been used the last 5 minutes.
  14. Vehicle respawn script got some love just now: - Valuable assets with a respawn timer greater than 5 minutes will no longer be deleted, instead, they'll be moved back to their spawnpoint. - Vehicles will now have a 5 minute grace period after abandoned, before they're respawned/moved - Vehicles close to base with players within 10 meters (filling inventory etc.) will never despawn We might have to tweak this a bit the coming versions ....
  15. We'll investigate the feasibility of this feature, but no promises. Initial googling indicates the "IncomingMissile" EH is iffy at best
  16. Beacons have been re-added, with the caveat that they turn off when the driver exits the vehicle. If there are complaints from the player base, they'll be removed again ....
  17. Well, managed to repro the issue, so it doesn't look like it has anything to do with RotorLib settings. It seems to me though, it only happens when you're cruising at a very low attack angle, and not applying much input at all. This was after about 8 minutes of flying, trying to force the issue .....
  18. Just tried it myself and didn't manage to reproduce that problem. Might be the RotorLib settings ? Here are mine for reference:
  19. Fair point. It was taken into consideration when it was added that it might be abused. And so it has, so we'll redo it the non quick'n'dirty way. Noted. We'll remove some of the guard units around that Research HQ. Yepp, wrong AI ability disabled on them, fixed in current DEV version. Noted and already fixed. Also already fixed.
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