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Everything posted by Walk'N

  1. I've got just 2 suggestions: 1) Marksman should have access to MRCO without needing to buy it, it's just RCO but better (esthetic and working aspect) 2) Marksman may have access to better optics than the MRCO. (I know marksman are part of a fireteam/squad but if they can spot EI from distance, they should be able to take them out from distance) That's all I love the fact that you can choose the loadout of flying objects...
  2. The return of the ideas Here is the latest version. Maybe we can plan testing it on sunday(20/01/19) afternoon .(I'm little bit busy drinking with friends & correcting exams during the week) @ryko you were interested? Arma3EN.pdf
  3. Yes but I still got this error message... (deleted all files & redownloaded) Yes
  4. Hello I've got trouble getting on the server with the mods repository, is it up to date? (Issue with CBA keys mostly)
  5. Walk'N

    Working as intended

    Legend (@TheScar) never dies...
  6. Walk'N

    EU4 SAM.jpg

    More like script positionning, but it might be an armored vehicle crash...
  7. It's a bit on short notice but we can try tomorrow (Friday) evening one of the mission I should be on EU1 or AWE at 18h Paris hour
  8. Hello there I spocke of a serie of mission idea for gamenight in the forum previous month and here is the baby... It is not finished yet but you can send me your feedback on this paper... Arma3EN.pdf
  9. That's not funny... Nice With the no red smoke, it's a little bit redundant, no? I like the way it become (from the update, i can't play until 4th of december)
  10. Hey everyone!!! I'm abroad and i'll come back in two weeks. I'm a little alone so I write mission scenarios. Do you think that when i'll come back we can see to play it on AWE? In the gamenight idea... ( to revive a little bit the server )
  11. Next skin for @TheScar playing with a marshall?? (Sorry not sorry for your eyes...)
  12. Just one thought passing by: I know, I know it will be difficult BUT can we have back I&A on Tanoa?? Don't hurt, no kick please
  13. Hey hey hey It seems the cup update got some fancy boat such as kayak O_o and LCU ... SO we can do some infiltration &/or naval assault...
  14. not for Engineer & I have a question: Are the bought items always in your inventory,even after a deconnection/ reboot of the server?
  15. Yep that's good but it's with the arsenal save which doesn't work
  16. Hello there I've got an issue for 3 weeks: the saved gear from the server is not reloadable for several days. Am I the only one with this issue?
  17. Me if steam download the encore update in time... ><
  18. Hello there I was wondering two things: 1) Why the F tigris are so much overkill: they can disable a cheetah (same class vec) and the opposite isn't possible... Can't we adjust damage from tigris? 2) Isn't it possible to run a script for people speaking on forbiden chat such as: If player speaking on forbiden for more than 2s (every one make mistakes) Then display Fullscreen message on client side screen End if Have a good day ?
  19. Thanks, Ghost It is working (at least yesterday evening)...
  20. Did you had some time lately? Hope your exam went well...
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