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Everything posted by Walk'N

  1. To my mind Logi takes too much importance. It might be fun to set up FOBs (I think i'll enjoy it) but when there are only 3 "fighters" (ASL, A1 or A2) and 4 Logi, it's problematic... An idea may be to reduce the amount of Logi members (to 1). BUT when a FOB has to be created, all members of the Forces can help to install the FOB, Logi being the "architect" of it and giving order to "simple man". Like that FOBs are mounted more quickly but is that easily scriptable...
  2. Hi That's good but I won't be there I would have loved to but social stuff... Anyway, can you (instructors principaly) record it so I will see it during Xmas holiday? I never thought of that but maybe we should have a list of regular person with their skills (didn't searched, it may even already exist) Like now I know that if I want to improve CQB i have to go see J0hnson...
  3. tecHunt has a good feeling about proposing a bootcamp but as several of you explained it, it can be disappointing for both "teachers" and "learners"... I think it will be nice to have/catch some scenario (workshop) we can do on our own (singleplayer) to improve ourselves. Those kind of scenarios may even already exists on workshop and armaholic... I think it will be the thing i'll do tonight to improve my marksmanship: VR environment, random dudes distance to distance and try to shoot them...
  4. I had the slot and it was russians What's the problem?
  5. Does that means we can go CSAT to trouble the common Coop game?
  6. AW MVP 2017: AW members AW most friendly admin/staff member 2017: Piranha AW most helpful admin/staff member 2017: Stan AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2017: TheScar (he gave me some interesting tips on coms) AW friendliest user 2017: TheScar AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2017: Miniply AW best ARMA pilot 2017: I tried when the slots are free AW best TeamSpeak singer 2017: didn't encounter this kind of thing. AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2017: have to spent more time on TS AW best moment 2017 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): null AW best forum post 2017 (please put url in): null AW best drunk member 2017: I did some stuff on Tanoa while drunk but nobody saw it AW best driver 2017: null AW worst driver 2017: me \o/ AW best baby 2017: "Little Ass Kicker" (fir_nev baby) AW most absent staff member 2016: (<=2017?) what? AW best fail 2017: the usual slingload dropped because of the speed or the hunter flipping AW best banned member 2017: who? AW best TeamSpeak channel of 2017: AWE Set Up room AW best game of 2017: AWE vietnam war one, I learned a lot in it AW best official server of 2017: Tanoa (EU5?) :'( Yeh, it's kinda neutral, I have to get used to AW community
  7. If i understood it well, this props was to bring backunused vehicle to base, right? Can't it be a difference between ground vehicle and air vehicles in scripts? just these two categories? If so, you could program destruction and respawn of a new one for air unit and just the respawn for ground unit. Yes. to do this action with the bobcat will we should be inside the bobcat as ??? (driver,gunner,commander,any) position or outside?
  8. Hey Speaking of vehicle spawn, I encounter a blackwasp problem on Malden serveur: it spawned with it's gear under the deck of the USS (and so with damage) and unable to repair it as they were no repair spec on the server)
  9. Yeah but in the field, you can blow up things... I experienced it a time ago but i thought this was removed as i wasn't able to find the option anymore...
  10. This is really usefull because damaged helis in base are broken rotors in range of breaking rotor stuff... Nice (a quad and a tank require the same amount of people?) I don't know but maybe change the amount of player needed if the Bobcat is within 5m... (that's a realism suggestion) Does that means after the 3rd teamkill you are kicked? What happen if the CAS make a massive friendly fire? radio tower mission for example. One is lazing it and doesn't see a unit planting charges at the base of RT. GBU do not take a side on the fight... Yeepi kaï. (One of the engineer was able to do that but extending it to all engineer is good)
  11. Seems nice... Why scenario are now on friday evening? I wont be able to play with you but next week I will...
  12. What will be the interest for VR? A server will allows VR? (as i need to deactivate BattleEye to play with VR and VorpX)
  13. Hey, That was my first OP on ArmA3, it was nice and it was awesome to think how to do an vietnam war OP with only the mods of AWE. I came a little bit late so I didn't got the briefing and I didn't understood what to do in a first time. I also have to get use to interaction menu and AWE specificity. I learned very well the principle of spacing XD thanks to 1 F mine. (Funny things: Vietcongs where black guys ;D )
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