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Everything posted by Aegis_RVIR

  1. Like the post above, I never had the amount of viewers to make me come back and stream some more. I usually pilot and the odd medic/repair specialist is also there. I used to stream some games on twitch, but we'll. No viewers during the stream .
  2. The requirements are: - a good amount of experience - being available on TeamSpeak to talk to other members without cluttering the in game chat. - A good mood It will take place this or next week Sunday, but that is all I can say
  3. Hello everyone! ill be hosting an event at Ahoyworld soon, which is currently being setup. I am looking for people that are willing to act as mentors for a flight school (yea it is coming back ). There are currently 2 slots open for that. If you aren't interested in teaching or aren't sure you are skilled enough at piloting, you are also welcome to sign up as a student. Once the event is properly setup on the EU#4 server, more information will be announced. I hope to see you than! (For any more questions regarding the flight school or the post itself. Send me a PM for me to explain.
  4. To bring this post back from the dead (and my forum activity as well). 64-Bit arms 3 is coming! Could that make my idea, with some adjustments, possible?
  5. Hello everone, Some of you might have noticed that I haven't been on for a couple of days now on the forums and in the servers. The main reason, well..... .....I just lost my 2 best friends and I am completely wrecked by it. I decided to post this so I atleast can share my loss with the world and feel better. I do not know when I recover, I neither do not know when I'll be back. I need to heal from this. Christmas without my friends, I am going to cry :'(
  6. Pilot, hands down my favorite class. It doesn't matter if I am flying a ghost hawk for transport, rain death from the skies with the kajman or just being a pain in the a** with the CAS jet Pilot FTW
  7. Pubs are pubs, but EU#1 is still not safe for rampaging tanks. Yes they are less common now but it only takes a good crew of 3 using vehicle chat to talk to wipe out multiple AO's before needing to restock on ammo again. Still, the underwater side ops are pretty organised. They will be your best shot at order at EU#1
  8. You wot m8? This is why you take the high ground and use the bloody lock on feature!
  9. Uuuum, maybe because not everyone owns the apex DLC? If they don't own it, they can't join and they just stay on EU1. The map is prob the problem in my opinion.....
  10. Uuuum, I am not gonna hate you for being straightforward with me. There are some flaws in my idea, that's true. But that is also why I put my idea on the forums, so that people can react to it, so you can change the idea until you reach a satisfying result. Never be afraid of me hating on you, it takes a lot more than a post to make me hate you
  11. Pubs are pubs, what do you expect? If you get the Chance, Just sit Back and watch the insanity unfold
  12. Back to the topic, you also should take into consideration the sound you heard. If it is like a normal gun, I tell the gunners to open their eyes and obliterate the annoyances on the ground. If it is more like an explosion, than I fly to the nearest hill or sharp drop... If it beeps I nope the **** out of there!
  13. From my experience, FOBs are pretty easy to take, since they are pretty empty and flat beforehand. Every time one has to be captured, it is just the AT destroying the armor in a minute, the marshalls and the hunters destroying the infantry and the rest is just there to clean up whatever didn't die. So my suggestion is that we turn the FOB missions into siege missions (hear me out on this one before going to the comment section): -FOB are heavily fortified, think about walls, stationary defenses and minefields. Thus requiring planning and not sheer force to take. -If OPFOR thinks that it is gonna lose, reinforcements will be called unless the radio tower can be destroyed first. - Walls and minefields are placed in such a way that vehicles can get through, but at such a speed that they can easily be picked off from a distance, unless when the infantry cleans the mines up so that armor could advance at a faster rate. Okay, what is your opinion?
  14. I have been playing SE for a while now and now I feel comfortabele with the New pro's n cons of my System, I am willing to host sessions for People to enjoy. Please Let me know if you are interested or think that this topic doesnt belong here (ill take it Down in that case).
  15. Sounds like a good game mode I would enjoy playing. It requires actual thinking and not throwing man and machine at it till its gone
  16. Sorry for the delay, internet was down. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fu5u0e2pl3v65xn/Spawn.Altis.pbo?dl=0
  17. Note to self, don't upload important Stuff whilst you are half sleeping. Proper link when I get Home lads. Sorry for that.
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