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Everything posted by BenjaminHL

  1. BenjaminHL

    And down we go

    Can I get a BDA on that adventure? Or is the GAZ FUBAR? FUBAR= F@#K'd Up Beyond All Recognition
  2. Depending on how much ram you have this can be a useful solution (8-16gb): 1. Set up a mod set in the vanilla launcher and use it to launch your game instead 2. Go to parameters 3. Go to memory allocator 4. Type system 5. Change the amount of cores to however many you have including hyper threading if applicable in that parameter 7. Enable hyper threading parameter This helps as it uses almost all of your system memory and has help me greatly. Also the more ram you have the better this fix is. @ShadowAce11
  3. Followed it and good job posting this, never would have found it otherwise. +1
  4. One thing that I have been having trouble with is that sometimes my sound just cuts out. I don't know the problem and have had it for sometime now. I also know it is a TFAR problem as activating my radio fixes the bug. Also it is across all gauntlet version. -Ben
  5. Couple recordings I have from a week or two ago. Side Bar: 1. I know that they are in 3440x1440 so enjoy if you have an ultra wide 2. I didn't realize just how annoying I sound until now, but deal with it 3. They are raw (I don't have the will or time to edit them) 4. The screen shot glitch happens with Ge-Force, sorry 5. Yes I use 3rd person 6. Enjoy!
  6. @Karate Pyjamas I would tent to dissagree about the uselessness of our current fsg groups when it is just a single SL. I find that often times the vechile that is loaded with launchers is often compromised, the regular infantry doesn't take enough AT, there is too much armor, the armor is too heavy, or the infantry simply miss their targets. A specialized AT unit has almost non of these problems as they can reload and relocated a self sufficient squad with ease and bring AT ammo that can deal with all type of armor and infantry. They also sometimes eliminate the need for a single vortex pilot to have to fly CAS. For these reasons I think it is important to keep them alaliable at the same time as alpha to keep armor at bay.
  7. So first welcome, secondly to find all available servers in arma just go to the multiplayer and then the internet tab. The game tracker with the IP and ports of the AW servers are on the home page. Eu1: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ (Altis I&A) Eu2: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ (Tanoa I&A) Eu3: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ (Modded) If you want to know how to install the proper mods for eu3 just look under the enhanced topic and go to guides. Hope this helped and welcome. -Ben
  8. I will make a new form soon and add it to this event as soon as we can decided on a date if people show up today and there is enough of a player base I would be more than happy to play it today. -Ben
  9. Due to the fact that Valve/ Steam literally and figuratively shit themselves today making it impossible for most to come and timing we are moving this to this coming Wednesday (Or when ever we can get a good crowd) at the same time. I am sorry for all of the confusion about timing, but I think the wait will be worth it. -Ben
  10. I think that is a great idea as even though it doesn't help fill alpha it is a great team oriented slot, if you are doing cas, and could provide a lot less tension for ASL with air assets. Not the mention the all important (not really) realism factor of a SL would not call in air assets.
  11. Well @Ryko one of the things I have been thinking about is having game night Saturdays. I have a couple missions ready to go and more coming as I have a lot of time over break and would love along with anyone else in the community make Saturday a game night day much like tvt Tuesday. I think people have been liking my missions so with approval and some help to make interesting missions when I am busy I think it could work. And the system on my game night did work well but idk if it is what we need or is necessary.
  12. agree with Benjamin on saying that if there were more people... , but I've come to the realisation that the mentality change, together with some other unnecessary or unwanted changes in the playerbase or mission composition has caused a lot of the older veteran players to quit and do sometihing else or totally leave the community -smiley (using my phone and don't know how to quote) One of the ways I think we could change this is enforcing default loadouts and only being able to say change your gun, sights, and being able to get more supplies. One of the things I hear right now is "wait for me I am having arsenal problems" which isn't ryko's fault but points to the fact that people are more concerned about looking cool than playing the game. I know some people would be pissed they can't were M81 in the desert but ffs you will be ok. And for the second point of contention I feel like some people might think it is becoming milsim which is a argument but I feel a closer to milsim type style of play is what eu3 used to be (that last part is option as I obviously wasn't around). But I feel people could look past being tacticool for the sake of better team play. I would also stop the waistline of a lot of time. -Ben
  13. Well Like I said don't you think the problem is that we just don't have enough people on the effectively fill the command structure? I think if we had more people on and more people filling the slots the chain of command would work beautifully. Also to adress Ryko the SL doesn't need anymore goodies he has enough fun stuff and power as it stand now. There shouldn't need to be anymore incentive.
  14. I don't really think the rearranging will change anything. It will just be superficial and the same problems will continue. I am wondering why people don't take the SL slot? I enjoy it from time to time as commanding and coordinating air is fun, but just the other day I was getting a lot complaints that my plan was bad and got everyone killed. (I was trying to take the southern cherno airfiled with just 5 guys so success was not in the cards). But the point I am trying to make is I think people are afraid of messing up, which shouldn't be the case. It is just a video game, be it one people take more seriously, but you don't have someone's life in your hands so just go for it. What do people have to lose? Also say what stops you from taking SL so we can maybe we can fix the problem. IMO reducing the squad size / splitting the fire teams into two different squads would reduce what the SL has to do, trying to coordinate the two fire teams along with Vortex, MAT etc etc along with any infantry overflow to Bravo can be too painful and frustrating to enjoy. - Kieran To address this I think it is the low-ish player count we have on the server. We simply never have enough to people create an appropriate and efficient command structure. And then the nevriousness of taking SL only get bigger with plat co. -Ben
  15. Thanks for a great mission, and sorry I had to leave but time zones... -Ben
  16. I can't really speak for EU 1 or 2 but enhanced yes and so will the two upcoming game nights if possible. @MessedUpSmiley
  17. I know it will be fixed was it you Leo who signed up?
  18. AW MVP 2016: Copey AW most friendly admin/staff member 2016: Ryko AW most helpful admin/staff member 2016: Ryko AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2016: Ksp Radical or Martin KK AW friendliest user 2016: Ryko AW most tacti-cool ARMA player 2016: scarface AW best ARMA pilot 2016: amentes AW best Teamspeak singer 2016: Duffy AW funniest person on Teamspeak 2016: AW best moment 2016 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): AW best forum post 2016 (please put url in): AW best drunk member 2016: Josh AW best driver 2016: Me (don't want to be rude but my lag from the US makes everyone else look like a dumbass) AW worst driver 2016: Duffy AW best baby 2016: Copey AW most absent staff member 2016: razgriz33 AW best fail 2016: Who ever this poor SOB is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_NkRepM-_Y AW best banned member 2016: Reece Mills (RIP)
  19. Although I only received about 20 responses the lines of best fit already were showing the best times for game nights. The majority of players of Enhanced are in the GMT (+1 or +2) time zones and unsurprisingly the people in these times zones prefer to have a game night that starts at about 7pm their local time. There is also the odd person like myself who plays from the US and has to work around these time constraints. To accommodate the people across most of these time zones the best time for a game night is about 6:30 to 6:45pm GMT. This isn't great for the US people but depending on the time of year either -5 or -4 and the day these times are still reasonable. The consensus on days was a bit more varied however. About 2/3 of the responses opted for a Saturday date which can usually get both the EU and US crowd. The other 1/3 unsurprisingly wanted Friday as their day of choice, but this day can be a problem for US people as we are still at school or work during the preferred hours. The interesting part was a demand (in the additional notes section) from a few people that wanted weekday game nights on either a Wednesday or a Tuesday. I think this is a nice idea and I have a small mission (the ideal type for a weekday) that will be going up soon, to meet this apparent demand. I hope that this information is helpful to the players and staff that plan events in the future. I'll also keep the link alive to the form if more people will like to contribute. Thanks -Ben
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