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    Extra reacted to Someone in Non-Modded GAMENIGHT RESERVE YOUR SLOT!   
    Did a quick convertion

    4 PM EST = 21PM GMT
    So that should be 21PM for people from Britain
    22PM for Sweden/Denmark/Norway/Germany
    23PM for Finland etc.

    Seems like a decent time to begin an event at.
  2. Like
    Extra reacted to zissou in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    Okay the community has spoken the intention is good but the implementation isn't going over well?
    So firstly anything we implement can be unimplemented so don't worry on that front.
    Fuel issue will be sorted.
    Respawn time on choppers will be increased to encourage better flying.
    Wasting helis will be discouraged.
    Whitelisting slots will never happen not on the public servers it's simply not what aw is about.
  3. Like
    Extra reacted to Someone in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    It feel as if you're sending out double messages.

    I do agree, pilots are one of, if not the most important role on an I&A server and many pilots do not fly the helicopters the way they are intended to be flown. You often die when you get into a helicopter with a random, unknown pilot, and it shouldn't be like that. It's usually a combination of lack of skill, and cooperation which causes this, as people on the ground generally think the pilots are the only ones responsible for keeping the air clean of jets and making sure that the troops gets from point A to point B safe and secure. We say that we want more skilled and experienced pilots, but at the same time we want to be an open and easily accessible community.

    There was a suggestion in a thread earlier where Extra suggested that we could give known and experienced pilots a mark/badge or whatever to show that they are competent pilots. The purpose was to make it easier for people to pick a more reliable pilot to fly with, to lessen the frustration and respawnrates of the troops. The idea swiftly got shot down with the motivation that we're not a milsim. These servers are supposed to be accessible and we neither want people to feel excluded nor scare them away from trying new roles. Almost everyone was unanimous, this wasn't the way people wanted the server to go.

    Mere 4 days later, this post, with its new set of rules is posted.
    You're saying that people are misusing aircrafts, landing too close, abandoning vehicles, that they should not fly unless they know how to auto rotate and/or land a helicopter in a narrow space without an antitorque etc.

    You're saying that the pilots do not value their helicopters, that they put them at risk and when it downs and then rather blow it up than actually repair it. I do agree with this to some extent. It is a shame that you as of today need to satchel a helicopter once you're downed. There are a few problems with makes this nessesary. The first problem is fuel, a problem which you say you will adress. It isn't often that you actually do carry a repair guy once you do go down, but the times you do the helicopter most likely won't have any fuel left by the time he's done repairing it. Sure, you may solve this, I've seen it done on other servers before in such a way that helicopters gain a few percent fuel once repaired, so I don't why why we can't have that here, but that is not the only issue.

    You rarely have repair guys in you helicopter, and usually those slots are left empty. If you down your helicopter, you may be far from an AO (often you are), and taking a repair vehicle there would often take a tremendous amount of time, even with something you can airlift in with another helicopter. If you down too close to the AO you either need to drive there, or make sure that you have a competent repair guy, willing to help. If you try and fly there with a repair vehicle, you will most likely lose another helicopter, leaving you with even less helicopters for transportation.

    The helicopters would have a lot of downtime, and people already complain if there isn't a helicopter on the helipad the second they respawn. The average random player has the patience and attention span of a five-year-old and you often see they beginning to mess around once they get tiered of waiting.

    Some of these rules could be, but not on a server like this. The rules you're suggesting require way more disciplin, cooperation and communication than I've ever seen on EU 1 and 2. In the same way a writer has to adapt his style of writing to his readers, the server rules must be adapted to the player base. You can go ahead, you can give these rules a try, but I won't be flying with them.

    All i see in these rules are a recipe for disaster. All I see is a server where piloting becomes more dull and boring, a server where people will have to walk for several kilometers because pilots are too tiered to wait for their repairs, or too tiered to actually return to and repair their downed helicopters. I imagine a scenario where helicopters will be left behind a scenario where people will take new helicopters rather than repairing the ones they use right now. People already do it. There are broken helicopters left at helipads or at old AOs almost all the time. The admins simply cannot keep track of it and the players don't even know where these helicopters are located. What's suggested would require even more babysitting by admins, and even with an admin constantly watching, I cannot even Imagine a scenario where this will work as intended, not with the current player base.

    No, I do not like this idea the slightest. I think we're approaching this from a completely wrong angle. The problem isn't with the rules, the problem is the pilots. We do have a large amount of more than capable pilots, but they're often not the ones actually flying the helicopters. The pilot slots are very popular, they're often taken. People want to fly, they want to practice. Most of these pilots aren't the ones flying the way you seem to want them to fly, most of them are rookies trying their wings.

    A suggestion to make sure that you have at least a few decent pilots on the server would be to take another look at Extras suggestion. I'd rather suggest that you white list 3 of the 5 pilot slots. Have 2 of the slots open for new players, to let them try their wings, but lock 3 of them. Have the top 3 slots only allowing more experienced pilots into them, pilots which you know are capable, pilots which have proven them self through tryouts and/or recommendations. Having one or two bad pilots isn't really a problem, as long as the other 3 are capable enough things will flow smoothly.
  4. Like
    Extra reacted to zissou in EU1 & EU2 NOTICE TO PILOTS RULES ARE CHANGING   
    Ideally another pilot would take a repair vic to the downed heli.
    In the list check number 5 :-)
    This is what we're trying to reduce the number of crash landings due to poor flying, a good pilot will choose a good lz away from possible danger so as not to have to crash land. 
    These rules are going to affect the poor pilots who choose terrible landing sites where they can't land safely and end up crashing often. 
    Yes everyone has a bad time now and again but if they make the effort it will not be the norm. 
    We are looking at people to make a reasonable effort to repair. 
     1. Noob pilot breaks heli because he was stupid and can't fly.
    2. Noob pilot is asked to leave.
    3. Noob pilot refuses 
    4. Noob pilot is kicked
  5. Like
    Extra reacted to Mage in Mod Request: Advanced Towing and Sling Loading   
    I would think these mods could be a nice addition to both EU1 and EU2. We could use this mod to tug damaged vehicles, vehicle debris, planes, and helicopters. We can use hunters/hemtt to tow helis from hangars or jets. The sling loading can help transport supplies and vehicles to the ao. Possibly the players can designate a FOB/LZ to bring the supplies to.
  6. Like
    Extra reacted to razgriz33 in Mod Request: Advanced Towing and Sling Loading   
    kinda pointless? towing broken vehicles? manoeuvring broken shit from spawn? removing a helicopter from a tree? I think it's a fine idea, i was looking at this the other day in the steam workshop
  7. Like
    Extra reacted to Anyone in Mark of the Pilot   
    i agree to both sides XD
    i like the idea of having a badge for known good pilots but i understand that it would be difficult to implement and that it might cause problems such as people dont really wanna fly with people that dont have the badge and that people don't really wanna take a pilot slot because they don't have a badge
    (on the other hand, im the kind of person that will actively avoid a pilot if i know he is a bad pilot)
  8. Like
    Extra reacted to David in Mark of the Pilot   
    I'd agree with the majority here, but flying lessons aren't a bad thing, they've been done before and I'd be happy to run them again, but be warned it won't be easy!
  9. Like
    Extra reacted to Archon in Mark of the Pilot   
    Agree with smiley, people who don't have their 'wings' may be more reluctant to fly, and it may create some form of divide in the community. And as you said, good pilots become pretty quickly known anyway.
    Nice idea though, I can see where you're coming from .
  10. Like
    Extra reacted to Colsta in Mark of the Pilot   
    If pilots get a badge, shouldn't medics as well? What about leaders? And Marksmen? This was discussed in the EU3 community meeting, and it's basically what Smiley said.
    Besides, the EU3 community is much smaller than EU1 or 2, so mostly everyone knows each other, so we know who's a good pilot, who's not, and so forth. It doesn't make sense, and breaks the spirit of EU3, I feel.
  11. Like
    Extra got a reaction from Max in Mark of the Pilot   
    Hello everyone. As you can tell by the title, this is my idea about have a mark for pilots.
    I had this weird thought that for on the Eu1 and Eu2 servers, maybe even Eu3 (i do not play on that server so am not really in any position to say suggest anything) that for well known pilots they should have some sort of mark to say that they are good if not great pilots. Pilots which are well known to the server and are experienced. Although certain pilots are well known through the servers and well known to the Ahoy community. Some may not be or anyone who joins is unaware of the pilots.
    To sum up what i very badly worded, pilots who are well known should have a mark to say that they are recognised and skilled pilots. This mark could make certain events where pilots are needed easier to choose the pilots. For example "To pilot for this event, you must have your pilot wings." Or even when in-game depending on which pilot you're flying with, will make the difference if they can run riskier run and ao's. Also for when piloting jets, you want someone who can fly a jet and actually assist with the task at hand or be able to defeat enemy targets in the sky.
    This is purely just an idea. In hindsight quite a crappy and uneeded idea, so if you made it this far, well done. If anyone wants to attempt to reword,improve and expand on what I have said, please do.
  12. Like
    Extra reacted to chicken_bananas in Hello all !   
    Welcome to the forums !
  13. Like
    Extra reacted to Chuck in Hello all !   
    Welcome Extra ill see you around!
  14. Like
    Extra reacted to PiranhA in Solar Eclipse   
    Instead we can put chuck in a chopper and let him block the sun, no mod needed...
  15. Like
    Extra reacted to Chuck in Solar Eclipse   
    I like the idea, however people in the server would just say, why is the time changing again, and why cant it be daytime again. So this wouldn't work ( They like moaning ) This idea would make a cool mod.
  16. Like
    Extra got a reaction from Pungmar in ZEUS EU3 Night with Luetin (8 Jan)   
    Been waiting since like..... last friday for another one of these, cant wait :>
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