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Mark T

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    250.00 GBP 

Everything posted by Mark T

  1. Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay and most importantly have fun. See you in the fields.
  2. Mark T

    Community Update#3

    Choose from the drop down menu and click the subscribe box not the donate one.
  3. Mark T

    Community Update#3

    We've now added the option with 4 different price plans to choose from, payments can be made using PayPal or Bank Cards. There is still a lot of work to be done as to figuring out what benefits each plan has and to integrate a subscribers box. But for now it's very basic and it works
  4. Mark T

    Community Update#3

    Ahoy all, Not much to report this month, we have some good news and unfortunately not so good news. AWE As you are aware changes have already been made in AWE; Colsta has stepped down handing his Team Lead role over to Mouldy. Repo size has been massively reduced to 16g in total. There are more to follow which I can't go in to details just yet. I would like to thank all the AWE staff team for their hard work in making this happen and continuing to improve the experience for all. IA4 We are very close to completion of Invade and Annex 4 although no date is yet to be revealed. Our first beta test will begin tomorrow Friday 26th October at 1900UTC on EU2. Lastly, the not so good news; Our server fees and Teamspeak licence are due this month, once those are paid our funds will be critical. Piranha has kindly donated privately to last us until Jan, If this trend continues then we may have to look at the possibility of closing down in January/February time. We have already decided to drop down to a smaller Teamspeak server to save cost and are discussing other options to ensure our survival. See you in the 'fields, MT
  5. Mark T


    Hey and welcome! Enhanced has been a bit quiet but it's starting to pick up again, join our Discord so you can keep up with the latest on AWE https://discordapp.com/invite/z5k8R3H Have fun.
  6. Hey and welcome! Anyone is welcomed here, if you need help just ask, we have a lovely bunch
  7. Ahoy All, It's that time again for a brief update on what's been happening inside and outside of AhoyWorld. Not much has been going on behind the scenes with regards to administration, some have been busy with real lives while the rest (@Ryko) have been focusing on the development and testing of I&A4. In this update I have decided to try something new, a letter from Core, rather than just hear me waffling away, you will also be hearing from the rest of the team. I would like to start off by welcoming @BorderLive and @J0hnson to the AWE moderation team, both have vast knowledge and experience within the community and have ideas that will hopefully help revive AWE. Discussions are well under way on what to do with Enhanced and what plans we may have for its future, all will be informed along with your valuable input before anything goes ahead. We are looking for more active Enhanced moderators so if you feel you meet the requirements, apply here --- Squad XML memberships have now been added to the Player Tools tab on top of the forums, this makes easier to navigate and submit your application. If you are interested in joining, apply here; https://forums.ahoyworld.net/forms/17-squad-xml-application/ --- Last month we ran a competition for our Donors to give them the opportunity to display their very own image on our I&A4 billboards. (gutted mine didn't make the grade) so I would like to thank @Stanhope and @Michal who posted numerous pictures which are already live around the base. Keep your eyes peeled, we will soon be hosting another competition for a chance to win the Official SCUM game. --- Last but not least, I would like to thank everyone who has participated and contributed to the development and testing of I&A4 and look forward to seeing what the final version will offer. --Mark T Letter from Core: See you in the 'field.
  8. That is correct, a base will randomly spawn after a server or mission restart.
  9. I get that with Scum but I just leave it ?
  10. I mean can you explain how you fixed it so others can when they have the same issue.
  11. Could you elaborate for future reference?
  12. Need to be more specific, which base? If its the Selakano base I think it would be best to remove the concrete pads. Put down as much info as possible to make life easier for us.
  13. Ahoy Members, This is just a brief update on what's been happening internally and externally in AhoyWorld. First, I would like to thank you all for the kind words regarding the change over. It certainly has been an eventful few weeks. There has been a lot of discussions involving finances, staff structure, activity and how we can improve upon them. First change I'd like to announce is how the staff structure is displayed: this will clarify the roles of each member and make easier to know who reports to who. We will keep this updated here: As you can see, there are positions available that we are looking to fill. --- Second change made is how we as staff communicate. We've been using Telegram for the last few years for business-related chats, quick-fire questions and response and felt that it was time to move on. So without further ado, we have finally decided to migrate over to Discord. We felt that by doing this we could better accommodate you guys which should help us engage and interact with our members more. Being a gaming platform, hopefully it will expose and grow AhoyWorld again. You're all more than welcome to click the banner below: https://discordapp.com/invite/z5k8R3H Please bear in mind that this will be a TEXT chat only and not a replacement for TeamSpeak. --- Now's also a good time to confirm something we teased a few weeks ago: Invade & Annex 4. We have been hard at work developing the sequel to Invade & Annex, rewriting the mission from scratch with an emphasis on efficiency and security, meaning more fps and (hopefully) less hacking. We'll be running an open beta test in the near future, so stay tuned. And lastly, I would like to take a moment to thank all the staff for their hard work behind the scenes, especially @Ryko for his rigorous testing and development of I&A4 and @GhostDragon for maintaining the back end stuff to making sure that you all have a smooth and enjoyable experience within AhoyWorld. That's all for now, we look forward to seeing you on our various virtual battlefields.
  14. Mark T


    Welcome, have fun and look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  15. Mark T


    Hi and welcome! shout if you need any help, we have a very helpful bunch here.
  16. Mark T

    Taking the Reins

    Hi all, I will keep this brief, As you've all probably noticed Piranha hasn't been around much lately, this is due to a number of reasons which I won't go into, so with a heavy heart he has decided that it would be best for the community to step down from his leadership role and hand the reins over to me. This isn't my first rodeo, and I'm sure further down the line I may make mistakes, possibly big mistakes, and bad decisions that not many people may agree with. Nevertheless what I can bring to the table is openness, transparency and hopefully stability. There are a few areas that I will be looking to improve on; clarity of roles, community engagement and most importantly communication within staff. I hope that you will all back me through this difficult period and be patient with me in trying to turn this community around. Remember, if you have any ideas/suggestions please bring them to us, we are always looking to improve. Lastly, I would like to thank @PiranhA for his contribution and wish him all the best for his future endeavours. Mark T
  17. apologies for the inconvenience, there was some back end changes last night but its all fixed now so shouldn't happen again.
  18. We are currently looking into this, Once we have something we will let you know.
  19. Mark T

    Eu1 rewards

    Are we just talking about promoting laptop rewards or looking to add more rewards in there?
  20. Mark T

    Some things are better left unsaid

    wtf you abuse me, dress me then share it with the world
  21. In this instance there wasn't an admin online, how do we proceed then? you could complete 3 side mission in under an hour not many admins may be present to witness that either, what do we do then? I will not task our admins to monitor who does and does not partake in side missions just to find out who is eligible for the rewards, Its just not feasible. After all we are there to enjoy ourselves as well. I understand the frustration that things might not go your way but remember, we are not here to detriment peoples experience, it is in fact quite the opposite. So rather than bemoan about our admins, why not try to come up with a proper solution like other people here have, not just "gut feeling and common sense" Might I suggest we remove the rewards altogether and just concentrate on FOB assets?
  22. Gamerbug pretty much summed it up, As Stan mentioned there is something being worked on but not much details can be shared yet. This is down to Admin discretion, Not something I want to see a Spartan doing. 5 seconds left
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