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ArmA 3

  • ArmA 3 Player Name
    Pvt. KPSradical

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  1. Hello guys, here is my input. I like Kieran's idea and I will tell you why. Right now I have come to the conclusion that If I am alpha team lead I will most likely be the squad lead at some point. Now squad leading comes easy to me but, If I am a team lead and I head out into the field without a Longrange radio and then SL disconnects. Now I have to either A push on with no comms and let everything fall apart, or B, waste time finding SL's body to take his LR. As of lately I have just said fuck it and snuck a LR as Alpha 1 TL because I know the inevitable will happen. Simple fix is to use Kieran's new Squad organization.
  3. @Colsta I know it was requested I linked it as a reference so ryko knew what I was talking about. Also no, its locked now and under review of the steering community so commenting is over. Just put it out there just in case they forgot that it does have the ranger vest that they might want. Thanks for the intended help.
  4. Also, you guys might want to get the Spec 4 Gear mod in before the next op as it adds in ranger themed vest that fits the OP perfectly.
  5. Other than that I believe this was enjoyable op from bot sides. I heard that the Blufor had an Amazing time with their stealth gameplay and overall it was 10/10. On the Independent side, I enjoy the occasional action along with the engagement as we did not have night vision so it was very tense. We had to rely on other means of spotting enemies using flairs etc! Plz allow us to stuff their ears with jungle leaves b/c shot hurt our ears. Overall I would like to thank @Ryko for not forgetting about us and occasionally giving us something to do 10/10.
  6. Are you going to do an event next friday b/c i can only do friday events every other friday so next friday would be optimal for me.
  7. I have been an Admin on two other communities for about 1 year now (Arma Network alias Steve Sanchez just to name one). The communities closed down do do people stealing the mission file but (Thats besides the point). I will have to disagree with you thinking this is admin abuse. This is more admin friendly than ever. It plays more into the aspect of warning people without haveing to state that they are going to be kicked or banned. An admin always tries to deal with a situation in-game and tries to resolve it there. Kicking people randomly and banning them or using lightning is abuse. Making them run the airfield is not abuse. It plays into the aspect of what the military actually does to disciplin people. I fully back @Origins desicion and I hope he does it more often.
  8. Obviously if you where there today (9/19/16 I became lead of a few operations. One night-op on Altis with parajumps and a few on cherno. With that being said, I am a little rusty from leading as I have only come back to EU3 recently. For those of you who played with me and under my command, plz leave feedback on what I did well and what I could improve on. All feedback is accepted and I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks - KPSradical
  9. sadly i cannot make it. If only it was an hour later. Have Fun
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