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Posts posted by JuX

  1. Im a bit alarmed after watching a impression video of this game.


    How the game has a identity crisis trying to many games at once with all sorts of features from best selling shooters, which seem to be undermining

    the history of the rainbowsix franchise and i agree after seeing the video demonstrations of these subjects. Not too optimistic about radical changes

    after experiencing the supposed "alpha" and "beta" of the evolve, which is really trash game in the end with lot of potential.

  2. Although I do think that ''ranks''is an issue, since you could say : ''Who's going to host/lead these trainings''and ''Core staff/admins dont`t always want to host these sessions and monitor them''. There should be a motivated group of people accessible who have f.e a weekly password for ( maybe?) EU4 with the training mission on it. They can take a group of players who are motivated enough to sign up ( like game nights sheets perhaps?).



    Perhaps people could apply for instructor qualifications in certain aspect or multiple aspects. Then become approved / qualified by admins.

    (Doesn't necessarily require demonstration to be approved, long as any admin can vouch for their skill).


    Example. Applying for flight instructor (jets, choppers) and officer training instructor (squad lead, fireteam lead, cadet training[CO]).


    If we have training server or training days, we could potentially have forum branch for instructors to post when they are coming online. Perhaps accepting

    to join their training could potentially be applied through giving ahoy coin for their post.

  3. You should do the session military training way. Have training areas with individual trainers, rather then single man guiding the whole platoon.


    Things to practice


    Officer training / Leadership - To have more eager squad leaders and have fireteam leaders prepared if squad leader is gone.


    Tank commanding - People don't have much experience in tank commanding role, calling out targets, ordering which to prioritize and where to drive.


    CAS jet piloting - Seems only few people here are qualified to use the A-10. Many been complaining unable to lock-on or hit anything with the GAU.

                                  (I flew yesterday on the A-10, the lock-on is fully functional and there is nothing wrong with any of it).


    Specialization - Have people specialize in classes, too many are carrying dead weight, by trying to be jack-of-all trades.

                               (Perhaps time wasting demonstration is in order to have people run a lap around the airfield on their bloated gear, see how long it takes).


  4. < Little notification >


    When you see me running Charlie squad slots on #EU3, im generally running a "Ranger" unit with more different and challenging approaches to operations (from hot-airdrops to recon and support), so if you are interested hop-in to Charlie squad slots and join me, but there are some conditions.


    Conditions :


    Be able to operate without a backpack. I have personally done the loadouts (without OP vests) and every class is more then able to carry enough ammunition and grenades for the purpose to avoid fatigue. Rangers operate with single use launchers to combat enemy vehicles (light weight only [NLAW, AT4 and RPG26] pending what class/heavy you are).


    Each member is to carry 1 epinephrine, 1 bloodbag and 3 morphines minimum, on their uniform to ease medics work.



    Note : Rangers will occasionally deploy through chopper landings, but focus reinforcing through para-drops and recover previous long range radio transmitters.


    If you like playing this way often, can post on this topic and ill try keep the names in mind when i start running the Rangers.


  5. There is a feedback section to post suggestions, bug reports and such, for gauntlet.



    Most missions don't require much air support as you might think, it comes down to mission planning and execution.

    When only few people playing, then air supports becomes more dominant and people are occasionally reluctant to drive

     armored vehicles to the AO anyway.


    I personally mixed my gameplay by starting the Ranger squad to para-drop in to hot zones, as well the occasional recon op.

  6. Do you have any evidence to support your accusation?


    Comeback with concrete evidence to support your claim or call upon admins on "teamspeak" when this violation is in progress.

    Admins simply cannot start banning people on basis of words on forum. 

  7. < C130J >


    Did little test piloting on editor and overall it's a solid addition


    *Capable of taking off from short runways and land on them


    *Stiff handling, but it's a good thing for a cargoplane flight.


    *Can transport light vehicles within, but unable to paradrop them, unlike the other cargoplane mods. It's a fairly useless function considering

    the ranges between airfields in the game, better off airlifting with helicopters, until paradropping vehicle option is added.

  8. Chernarus has much more challenge to it, compared to Altis. As well feels having much more terrain variation despite it's smaller scale.


    Altis in general feels like open terrain across the entire island, where most positions can reveal everything with a single thermal sweep.

    Chernarus however has very dense forrests, making recon a much bigger task in certain areas, but there is still plenty of fields all-around,

    specially within western and central region.


    My only concern at the moment is the limited speed of certain vehicles.

  9. Was thinking about maybe starting to learn 3D modeling near future and try to make ArmA 3 boat model, i think it deserves.

    This is  a concept picture (in progress) i made of gunboat for ArmA 3. Basically same boat in slightly bigger scale and mortar type turret,

    capable of engaging boat-to-boat combat and fire support.



  10. I know that but it's also making the gameplay more realistic and I think that's where we are trying to go with EU#3.


    I know I can be annoying sometimes and I sometimes indeed talk with my indian accent or (try and) talk like Borat but that is only at base. I mean we are not in the army so it doesn't always have to be strict and so on you know. And I think EU#1 is more for casual day gaming and EU#3 is more for a more realistic but also more fun gameplay as a team.


    I don't particularly play EU3 for the realism, i play it for the organization of doing missions (+tacticool of radios) and just getting away from unmodded servers, where people will use side mission reward vehicles (A-10) to cleanup the AO before anyone gets there.


    I thought the whole purpose of gamenights was to have these uber realistic sessions you are talking about and rest of the week being casual.

    I think it's better that way anyway. Cause during the week people are on the server at uncertain rates from 10-20, weekends being the usual exceptions.


    I don't mind you doing your borat thing, but occationally do it at wrong place at the wrong time, when things are being organized. Cause even in base we need to get things done. Perhaps you should setup a canteen area for friendly banter in base (you know a place where ready players can talk while others equip), which isn't within earshot of the Arsenals.

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