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ArmA 3

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  1. I shall pester you no further. I meant no offence to any of the current admins as I previously stated and I understand it's difficult to voice opinions on this matter without it being perceived as criticism or it resorting in the 'get more involved' retort. Keep up the good work providing the community and I wish you all the best.
  2. "If anyone needs to talk to me about this or anything grab me on TS next time im on." I'm sure there's a euphemism there somewhere. Any road, I'd vouch for him and a few others spring to mind. I'll be out for two or three weeks after Sunday 2nd, but already looking forward to getting back into the field.
  3. Sorry for the blunt post David, perhaps one born of frustration at the tirade of teamkillers, griefers and abusive players on lately . It's not a personal attack against any admins and I should have been more specific. It's an apparent lack of admins actually playing on the EU#1 server. I know one or two present admins play occasionally, and the server is a much more pleasant experience at these times but this is a very small percentage of the time. I realise it's possible to 'poke' them on TS and request their presence but this becomes tiresome after a while, when it's the same folk constantly having to nag an admin. It would be nice to see some of the current dedicated players be considered for admin. Those players who are on daily and actively help/advise players. I'm not suggesting myself, although I do try to assist as much as possible, because I travel a lot at the moment and can't guarantee when I'd be available. Maybe I am reading the situation completely wrongly and you are satisfied with how the server runs, I'm speaking entirely from a personal perspective and basing it on my observations in-game. I really admire the dedication the present admins show towards the game and appreciate having such a great server to play on, I just fear for it's longevity when I see the 'regulars' getting frustrated and disappearing at an all too rapid rate.
  4. Sort your in-game admins out pretty soon.Or don't.
  5. Love the ambush concept. It would also be great if the reward was based on capturing an enemy vehicle or supplies that were being transported.
  6. As above but I'll go a step further and request kangaroos in the ambient life and spawn protection is essential, especially around school finishing times!
  7. Gurkha

    Ay up

    Pte stands for 'Private' in the military. or 'Pirate' in the navy; from whence he came. Enjoy playing alongside you Welshy, I'm also a Steve
  8. I Second this and many of the points Shorts has raised. I personally enjoy the HALO and don't think it affects the gameplay too much. It was getting monotonous flying to AO, clearing, flying out of AO, rinse and repeating and the reliance on competent pilots being present can be restricting at times. The UAV and mortar issue is a major frustration for me. I would also like to mention certain individuals, who are regulars on the server, and who have taken it upon themselves to be the 'Server god' type and criticise/insult players who don't wish to play as they envisage. PUG servers are always going to be populated with people of different experience, ability and play-style, live with it and play as you wish. Phrases I hear regularly like "Get the f*ck out the co-pilots seat, *expletive*" are understandably born of frustration, but it certainly isn't the players' fault 9/10 times; it's the delayed action menu, broken game mechanics or simply inexperience. Have some patience or play another role.
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