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    65.00 GBP 

Everything posted by GamerbugUK

  1. Hello and welcome, I trump your age by a few years, so I can empathise somewhat. Have fun shooting stuff.
  2. If you are sticking with 1080 gaming that set up is pretty much fine, dependant on memory available. You could upgrade the GPU and it should kick most games arses at 1080p. Second monitor as mentioned, always a good call.
  3. Yep ther are 50-60 people on the public servers nightly, which is considerably more than those on AWE nightly. So what makes AWE so much more important than the other servers, why should anyone who does not play on the AWE server care? It won't stop their fun in the slightest. This issue (whatever it actually is and by many posts it seems to be a bit fuzzy overall) does not relate to everyone, and those who are not touched by it now get to read it and comment on it, by default this topic is asking for that (or else it'd be on the AWE forums). When you say AW's future you mean AWE's future, or you and your fellow AWE players (gaming) future. So I feel vindicated in sticking up for the overall community as I have had a lot of good times on it, but I am happy to say I know nothing about the drama on AWE, but I never cared to read those forums anyway. TLDR; AW is a great place to play and have fun overall, but AWE seems the opposite for whatever reasons - including feeling self entitled.
  4. People keep saying AW is dying, are we talking about AW or AWE? Because they are not the same thing. I see EU1 full all the time, occasionally less so during the week, so much so I cannot get online on those occasions I want to hop on (fair enough as well). If this is aboue AWE, shouldn't this be in the AWE forum as this seems to be where all this hubub is kicking off from, and by the sounds of it those who do not play there are better off for it. I've never played AWE, have a great time on AW public servers and plug the community/servers wherever I can, nor have I ever seen the level of issues you all seem to have, so I guess staying on the fringes has it's benefits.
  5. Depending what you are doing the i5 will do you just fine; though the i7 stated is a nice upgrade, it's not needed. However if you are recording, or doing a lot of video rendering an i7 is a better choice. 16gb is a good number for memory, go 1600 and get 2 x 8gb matching sticks, corsair is my choice but kingston etc are all good. The SSD is another good option if you don't have one for gaming.
  6. Never had a problem with @Stanhope on a public server and I don't play on AWE so canot comment there. He is the most active Admin I have seen in a while and has a good forum and server presence. Seems to try his best on the development of the I&A mission, and overall seems to have AW's best interests at heart. This all comes from my perception of him, as a bystander who has seen him appear on the server, and then make a name for himself as a helpful community member initially and then an admin. That said I do not really engage in chit chat with people on TS, prefer to do my talking in game, or I try to be active here on the forums. What I don't ever think is great is bitching about one another on the forums in public, it does nothing for anyone, at best it makes people look bad or petty, and when you are meant to be the people running the show that is never good. As for the AW community needing to know this, why? Staff comes and goes, some good, some bad and I have never really know which was which (though some of the banter from some admins on in game chat is borderline childish on many occasions), or cared really; all I, as a player, cares about it the server runs smooth (active admins where possible), the bugs are ironed out and the server carries on providing entertainment. Want to argue or complain about each other, please go do it in private as admins/core staff/whatever (and as adults), don't tarnish the server with bickering, it helps no one.
  7. Howdy doody and welcome, hope to see you about.
  8. Is Cyberpunk actually going to come out in 2018, if so hell yeah!
  9. There is an even faster way, launch Arma 3 - click MODS - look for the tab at the top that says MORE with a drop down, hit the drop down select UNSUBSCRIBE FROM ALL STEAM WORKSHOP MODS I personally DL the mods through the REPO then add them to my launcher using the LOCAL MOD option.
  10. Apologies to [OCUK] Timo for the TK, otherwise a very fun night.
  11. Haha possibly, I'll check my video to see; should have stuck with me, I racked up 54 kills and only one death last night which is impressive for me (and 1 TK, sorry Timo! )
  12. Hello and Welcome. As said by Lindi, EU1 is a good place to start, or any of EU2, 4 or 5; though those are quieter but can be a good place to tinker about. Follow the rules and have fun and all will be good. See you on the battlefield.
  13. The MXSW provides the best ammo/stopping power/accuracy/manueverability ration in my optinion. The SPMG and Navid give better stopping power and accuracy if you are stationary and have someone to tote ammo around for you (or you have a vehicle); next up would be the Zafir; that said if I'm driving all the way to an AO, I'm taking AT not MMG rounds, I'd rather hop on a heli if I'm being an autorifleman. M200 is ok but the ammo weight makes it less impressive than the MX. All the others fire 5.56 making them less attractive options overall.
  14. Nice idea, and would be fun, not sure it would work for the reasons mentioned. Might give Scar a challenge though? I like that idea a lot; add in some variety.
  15. They are the ghosts of the dead forever in TK limbo....
  16. Most pilots will use the standard flight model, so to change it for a few who use AFM seems the wrong choice. I get your desire to have AFM and a chopper that doesn't flip, but "the needs of the many" and all that.
  17. There is a Mod sub forum though it's generally used for I&A modding though not sure if there is any rule about asking regards other mods; should be fine really. Or you can ask in PC gaming or you could as in General Discussion. They are a good bunch here and will help if they can.
  18. Welcome to the forum and servers. EU1 is a good place to learn your craft, cohesions is as mucha s you want, ask to squad up and you'll probably get a few responses, dojn't and you can go lone wolf happily enough. the AWEU3 bunch will be along to show you the path to glory through modsville shortly.
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