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Everything posted by GamerbugUK

  1. It is indeed, I played it for about 30 mins when I purchased it back in... erm 2015 I think, and I have messed about with the base building in creative mode. Besides that not a lot I know about it, I recall reading some stuff on the forums a year or so ago but I avoided most of it. Makes it soo much more fun not knowing what I am doing. So complete n00b no, pretty much n00b yes.
  2. When a game can be this pretty but at the same time scare you just by atmosphere, then it's a good game. Sure tehre are a few bugs and the pop is can be bad at times but overall one of the best I've played in ages.
  3. So this is the first single player game that has had me hooked since.... erm can't remember. Beautiful, scary, and a lot of fun. Though it'd be a good place to put my playthrough vids and anyone elses if they are enjoying this gem of a game. Part 1 through 5 below
  4. Yep aready done that, thing is I use pedals for lean and that aint an option in Squad, so my leaning leaves a lot to be desired. Had a quick go last night on the firing range, feel simple enough, hope to pop on this weekend.
  5. So I've been playing Subnautica recently. Had it years, never touched it, now it's released I've jumped in with both feet and damn its good. Anyway if anyone wants to watch me boringly playing it, vids are here.
  6. Well I picked up a copy so if can pull myself away from Subnautica, I'll jump in and see how this works. FYI total n00b.
  7. Cool I have £30 worth of unspent steam funds, been considering this.
  8. Never played it but tempted, whats everyones thoughts on Squad?
  9. Agreed; this one stumped entire servers for hours an several occasions in the past.
  10. Hello welcome and I cannot comemnt on your marksman skills or piloting skills, but if you are accidentally shooting people thats a poor marksman, at least mean to do it
  11. Next you'll be telling people they can own multiple consoles and a PC!
  12. Hello and welcome. Dont listen t the AWErs stay vanilla, down with ACE! I jest, I'm sure you'll have fun if you tried it.
  13. Hi and welcome. Can't help but imagine you are going to be a bullet magnet because, you know, "Zeds dead baby, Zeds dead."
  14. Hi, welcome and enjoy your time on EU3. Just annoying up the Awe guys
  15. Hi and welcome. If you are about on the public servers (eu1 or 2), give me a tell and I'd be happy to show you what I (don't) know.
  16. GamerbugUK


    Howdy and welcome to the community.
  17. AW MVP 2017: The Scar (why not) AW most friendly admin/staff member 2017: Mark T AW most helpful admin/staff member 2017: Stanhope AW most helpful user *Non-staff* 2017: Amentes AW friendliest user 2017: Fir Nev AW best ARMA pilot 2017: I drive these days AW best moment 2017 (can be in any game or on teamspeak/forum): Piranha taking over, not that others were bad (they weren't) he's just a really nice guy. AW best forum post 2017 (please put url in): https://forums.ahoyworld.net/topic/9182-introducing-aws-littlest-member/ - Itsa Bayabeeee! AW best baby 2017: Mine (sorry Fir..) AW most absent staff member 2017: If they are that absent I won't know them to say AW best fail 2017: The Salt Factory that was "The Future of AW" AW best banned member 2017: Anyone who used the excuse someone else used my account - Gotta love them for trying AW best game of 2017: Arma 3 AW best official server of 2017: EU1
  18. Indeed however I had lots of problems with shadowplay and sony vegas due to it recording in variable bit rate, typically half way through the whole video would just go wrong, OBS was my saviour. Never had a problem with keybinds and my mouse for PTT.
  19. How did I miss this, congratulations. My recent addition is now 4 months old and the sleep is still hap hazard, still my older kid has proven they do get a lot better.
  20. Indeed I am, though I got the reference; my sarcasm meter is of the highest magnitude.
  21. Hello and welcome. Whats a 'dope marksman'? do you fire drugs instead of bullets?
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