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Everything posted by GamerbugUK

  1. 21 - 26 (and final episode).
  2. Gotta ask why the pistol and mag? You can carry 3 extra mags for your SPAR-16 in a weight trade off.
  3. I think all launchers except the RPG-7 should be AT only. It's a very pick up and point sort of weapon; used by very unskilled fighters worldwide. AK 47 should be available to anyone as well (same reason; not that I can imagine anyone picking that over a rifle with optics). As much as I dont want too, I agree with Stan on the MX/MXC as well. Wondering if Marksmen are restricted to the marksman versions of weapons? I mean picking an MX when you can have MXM or any of the 7.62's seems silly.
  4. So I had a few goes on over the last few nights and though I am loathe to say this... a few of the weapons don't appear to be restricted; SPAR 17 and AK12 spring to mind. Been using the SPAR 17 with a medic, I'm assuming this isn't meant to be? (I love this gun soo much though)
  5. Making people play together is not really what the public vanilla servers are about. If people want to lone wolf they can, restricting the tools stops those lone wolves ruining the fun or doing too much damage.
  6. Cheers, though this time my keys all 'appear' to be correct.
  7. I guess I'll figure that out when I log on next.
  8. Again, ah bloody hell!
  9. Aint real life a bitch! All the best, see ya about and thanks for all the hard work.
  10. 16-20 it gets scary, and deadly.
  11. Well that sucks..... oh wait no, that's what I have always done. Carry on
  12. Indeed I wasn't suggesting he'd be kicked I was suggesting he'd be taking a slot for possibly 10 mins - to who knows an hour to make multiple setups Also on an emptier server you can choose all the roles and thus create the right arsenal for each. Join EU1 and you might only have access to a repair specialist or a squad lead and you are back in the issue of what can i accept. Possibly also worth noting I do say some of the weapons shouldn't be selectable but were (maybe still are?) and they remove them from you as soon as you try to pull the weapon. So saving that setup would not be acceptable.
  13. You are better off constructing a role in the AW server arsenal, than the vanilla one in the main menu; on an I&A server it will not allow you to choose restricted items (however vanilla will, but then wont let you load them up). I would also say if you are going to do this, pick EU2 to do it on, as it is quieter and people wont be hankering for a slot that is being used for your arsenal admin. I did a video showing my opinion of a few loadouts/roles, if you want to check them out.
  14. "stop watching a train and get us closer to the AO!" "!Admin" "!kick Pilot"
  15. Of all that I'm most excited about an RPG option for blufor, but I'm wierd like that. Love me an RPG-42, hate that the camo is opfor; this ticks my boxes.
  16. part 11 -15 Getting some cool stuff
  17. Hey and welcome. You will soon find that chaos and destruction are the aminstay of the main servers; it's great!
  18. Looks like they are getting a bit 'romantic'
  19. Hi there All depends what server you are on, but I asusme the public ones as opposed to the AWE server. The public EU1/EU2 servers are ideal for people new to the game, are mod light (only a few basic mods are usuable and they are optional), does not use TFAR and does not enforce the use of teamspeak (it's optional). You can use in game chat to speak if not using TS (only use direct and vehicle chat) and its a bit more of a free for all so grouping up is based on just asking in the side chat/TS or go it alone. AWE is a heavily modded server, is a bit more tactical/cohesive, uses TFAR and requires teamspeak by default (for TFAR). However it is also a public server, so anyone can join. I'd stick to the public servers for a short while to get to grips with the game, but the guys on AWE are mega helpful as a rule and they will give advice. If you see me online drop me a yell happy to help where I can.
  20. Thats what my very last point was getting at
  21. 3 - those who do it genuinely by accident. I have comminted 3 TKs since joining the I&A servers back in 2013, all were accidental. I have been TKed countless times I'd say at least 25% were accidental. Blue smoke won't help that much in my opinion, as Stan said if they are TKing on purpose they'll just carry on, if it's because they don't know then the warnings will make them learn, ditto for accidents. Also lots of smoke can cause as many TKs as solve them (or lead to other deaths).
  22. Part 6 - 10 Getting brave-ish
  23. It's very very good, but depends what you wan't, fast paced and frantic, no, immersive, simple to grasp and plays on your subcouscious fears, yes. Haven't really gone that far or deep yet!
  24. Honestly never played it, mainly as I just havent had tiome to invest. I looks amazing, but single player is hard as a parent of young 'uns. You just can't invest the time, hence drop in drop out such as I&A public is ideal for me. Never ever finished GTA V either, got about 25% of the way in and just left it; GTA online was easier to leave and jump back in.
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