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    George got a reaction from Ducky in Hat Films Play AW Invade & Annex :D   
    I've been watching these guys for years! It's so awesome to see them playing our map!  
  2. Like
    George got a reaction from fergie in Hat Films Play AW Invade & Annex :D   
    I've been watching these guys for years! It's so awesome to see them playing our map!  
  3. Like
    George got a reaction from Kyrie in Hat Films Play AW Invade & Annex :D   
    I've been watching these guys for years! It's so awesome to see them playing our map!  
  4. Like
    George got a reaction from Mach2k5 in Hat Films Play AW Invade & Annex :D   
    I've been watching these guys for years! It's so awesome to see them playing our map!  
  5. Like
    George reacted to Kyrie in Oil Cooling   
    I've seen one other person do this is looks cool but far to much work and that tank of mine is pretty small so it's more effort than it's worth for maybe one goldfish xD

    Boom 98% there. just neeed to organize all the cables inside make sure everything works 100% and then fill with oil!!!!

  6. Like
    George reacted to iLLGT3 in Screenies and Videos Thread   
    A bit of Far Cry 3..

  7. Like
    George reacted to fergie in Whats your setup like?   
    Well, after Repeatz told me he'd rather die than have to sit at my desk I decided that it might be a good idea to tidy it up
    Here are the results: 
    (still need to do some dusting)

  8. Like
    George got a reaction from fergie in Whats your setup like?   
    Temporary setup change! 

    I wish this was just a quick joke for the lols. I've just had an op to sort out a medical issue and now it's very uncomfortable for me to sit down, I won't go in to details but this will be my setup for the next few weeks until I heal
  9. Like
    George reacted to kamaradski in Whats your setup like?   
    Memories of childhood come to mind when i didn't have a proper desk.
    Hope you'll be able to sit again soon mate !!
  10. Like
    George got a reaction from razgriz33 in Whats your setup like?   
    Temporary setup change! 

    I wish this was just a quick joke for the lols. I've just had an op to sort out a medical issue and now it's very uncomfortable for me to sit down, I won't go in to details but this will be my setup for the next few weeks until I heal
  11. Like
    George got a reaction from iLLGT3 in Whats your setup like?   
    Temporary setup change! 

    I wish this was just a quick joke for the lols. I've just had an op to sort out a medical issue and now it's very uncomfortable for me to sit down, I won't go in to details but this will be my setup for the next few weeks until I heal
  12. Like
    George got a reaction from Brooksie10 in Whats your setup like?   
    Temporary setup change! 

    I wish this was just a quick joke for the lols. I've just had an op to sort out a medical issue and now it's very uncomfortable for me to sit down, I won't go in to details but this will be my setup for the next few weeks until I heal
  13. Like
    George got a reaction from kamaradski in ArmA 3 Screenies & Videos Thread   
  14. Like
    George got a reaction from Brooksie10 in Whats your setup like?   
    No, this looks like a computer out of Portal...

    Do want! 
  15. Like
    George got a reaction from kamaradski in HDD on way out, need advice.   
    So from that I guess we can conclude, get what ever suits you best razgriz33  
    <waffle> I've got a couple of SSDs, I did have them in RAID0 as soon as TRIM was available for SSD RAID0 arrays runnign Windows 8. One day I was adjusting with my cable management but accidentally unplugged an SSD when I meant to unplug my CD Drive- RAID0 aray = broken But now you can have your Steam Apps on different drives I've just gone back to single drives. I'm going to have to throw another SSD in soon as I'm running out of space! That's when I wish I'd gone for Intel SRT cause of the costs, though I guess SSDS are coming down in price. </waffle> 
  16. Like
    George got a reaction from fergie in HDD on way out, need advice.   
    I know I go on about this technology a lot but Intel Smart Response is seriously cool.
    1) Confirm that your motherboard has a Z77 chipset and a Ivybridge processor (if it doesn't, blow your next pay cheque on a motherboard that does and return to this post)
    2) Buy a super cheap 32 - 64gb SSD and a big HDD
    3) Install your OS on the HDD and set up Intel SRT
    4) Profit from the performance of an SSD and the reliability of the HDD without having to worry about the size limitations of SSDs 
  17. Like
    George got a reaction from fergie in Win £35 to spend on Steam!   
    Win a FREE Steam game for the best screenshot!
    Run in collaboration with GameCast Ltd., the competition starts immediately and runs for two weeks until 6th March. All you have to do is open up a tab at gamecast.me, sign up, and start posting your very best in-game screenshots.
    The winner will be announced at 12pm on Wednesday 6th March, and the game will be delivered immediately!
    Any game of your choice up to £35 in value! Choose from titles such as Dishonored, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Far Cry 3, Omerta City of Gangsters – ANY of these could be yours by the 6th of March.
    On gamecast.me you can upload any image from your PC, post from any static page with an embedded image, and even post videos from YouTube. It doesn't support posting from your Steam profile page just yet, but the GameCast guys are working on getting this fixed. For this competition you must post your screenshots on gamecast.me and leave a note in this thread (so we know it's you). Simply sign up to gamecast, create your own board, and start posting all your favourite screenshots.
    Also the site’s still in beta and you may find bugs here and there. If you do find any bugs or have ideas about how to make the site better, please post them as replies in this thread as it’ll help them make the site better.
    Thanks and happy posting!
  18. Like
    George got a reaction from Brooksie10 in LAN Anyone?   
    Ahem, talk of sponsorship and whatnot does not belong in the public forums. As you can see in the video, Epic LAN has the potential to be massive and is a mid/large size professional setup at the moment. Tickets for the events are very reasonable, check out their website http://www.epiclan.co.uk/
    I think Epic LAN is bring your own gear at the moment. If you're looking for a small LAN, their's one a 2 Pigs in Cheltenham every now and then and I think Gareth has one running regularly at the Brunswick in Gloucester. 
  19. Like
    George got a reaction from Brooksie10 in LAN Anyone?   
    One of my friends at work helps run Epic LAN. Looks like a pretty good setup and it's not too competitive.

  20. Like
    George got a reaction from razgriz33 in Need a new game to play...   
  21. Like
    George got a reaction from Brooksie10 in Need a new game to play...   
  22. Like
    George reacted to Rarek in How to host a Minecraft server on Ubuntu 12.04   
    Minecraft, now with over 7,000,000 purchases, is truly a fantastic game. One of the best extensions of Minecraft is the multiplayer side, so right here we're going to show you the quick and easy way of hosting a server on Ubuntu 12.04. It should be of note that this guide should also work for a whole mix of Linux distributions and versions, so don't think these instructions are isolated to Ubuntu 12.04.
    Let's get started, shall we?
    Before we begin, let's make sure we have a few essentials. All we'll be needing is Java and Screen, a utility that allows us to run applications on virtual "screens" (like tty for experienced users). First, let's focus on grabbing Java. In the terminal, let's run the following commands to get our hands on the Java RunTime Environment 6 (recommended for Minecraft):

    sudo wget https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6/raw/0.2.3/oab-java.sh -O oab-java.sh
    sudo chmod +x oab-java.sh
    sudo ./oab-java.sh
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre
    sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts[/CODE]
    You might get a few prompts along the way asking you to confirm some actions; you'll want to hit [b]Y[/b] for those.
    Next let's look at getting screen. This one's a lot easier.

    [CODE=bash]sudo apt-get install screen[/CODE]
    Easy, right?
    [h1]Downloading Minecraft[/h1]
    Let's download Minecraft to our server. It's really, really simple. All we have to do is grab one file from Minecraft's servers and we're set! First, however, here's something to consider. If you'd like a server with mods on, you'll want to use Bukkit. Bukkit is a separate entity that works with Mojang (the creators of Minecraft) to produce a modding API; if you want mods on your server, you want Bukkit.
    Putting that aside, however, let's first create a user for Minecraft so that anyone else we want to help manage the server can just have access to that user and not the whole server! Let's make it simple and call our user [b]minecraft[/b]. Run the following commands to do so:

    [CODE=bash]useradd -m -s /bin/bash minecraft
    passwd minecraft[/CODE]
    After you type [b]passwd minecraft[/b] it will ask you to type in the password you'd like for the new user. It'll look like nothing's being typed, but it's just hiding what you type in-case anyone's behind you!
    Let's switch to our new user by using the following command:

    [CODE=bash]su minecraft[/CODE]
    You'll be asked to type the password you just defined and then you'll be in!
    Now, if you'd like a normal, plain, vanilla server, use the following command to grab it from Minecraft's servers:

    [CODE=bash]wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/launcher/minecraft_server.jar[/CODE]
    If you'd instead like a moddable server (using Bukkit), use this command instead:

    [CODE=bash]wget http://dl.bukkit.org/latest-rb/craftbukkit.jar[/CODE]
    Brilliant! You've now downloaded Minecraft to your server! Time to get it started.
    [h1]Creating a Start-Up Script[/h1]
    To generate the configuration files we'll be needing to edit, we first need to start up Minecraft. Exciting, right? Let's do it properly, though. We'll make a file called [b]start.sh[/b] that we can use at any time to start the Minecraft server. That way we don't have to remember a long line of commands. So, let's create the file.

    [CODE=bash]nano start.sh[/CODE]
    This will open a screen with, what is essentially, a text editor. Now we just need to decide on something: RAM usage. Now the servers here at Ahoy World use 512MB to start up but have a limit of 2048MB (2GB). Setting it up like that causes a brief lag spike when the RAM usage goes up to the limit, but then it's stable and doesn't have to be running at that level all the time. For now, let's assign 512MB minimum and 1024MB maximum. This is done with the [b]-Xms###M[/b] and [b]-Xmx###M[/b] flags. Let's type this into our text editor, substituting [b]minecraft_server.jar[/b] for [b]craftbukkit.jar[/b] if you downloaded Bukkit:

    [CODE=bash]screen -dmS Minecraft java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui[/CODE]
    Now press [b]CTRL+X[/b] to start exiting the program. It'll ask if you want to save at the bottom - just press [b]Y[/b] and you're done.
    Now that we've created our start-up file, we'll quickly need to make it executable so we can use it. To do so, type the following command:

    [CODE=bash]chmod +x start.sh[/CODE]
    Brilliant! Now at any time we can type [b]./start.sh[/b] and our Minecraft server will start! Don't do it yet though.
    [h1]First Start-Up[/h1]
    Let's start up Minecraft for the first time, generate some config files and then stop it so we can edit them. Using part of the code we typed into [b]start.sh[/b], type the following into the terminal, again substituting [b]minecraft_server.jar[/b] for [b]craftbukkit.jar[/b] if you downloaded Bukkit:

    [CODE=bash]java -Xms512M -Xmx512M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui[/CODE]
    That should've started up the Minecraft server and made the terminal stream some data. Let it create all the config files for the first time, along with the map. When it says [b]Done[/b] on the last line and stops, simply type [b]stop[/b], press enter and we'll edit some files.
    [h1]Configuring the Server and Forwarding Ports[/h1]
    Minecraft's configuration is really, really easy. It's all sorted into one file for you and nicely laid out with a bunch of user-friendly options. Let's open up the [b]server.properties[/b] file that Minecraft has created and edit it. Type:

    [CODE=bash]nano server.properties[/CODE]
    Now we're editing the file! As you can see, it's pretty simple; just a bunch of variables and their values. Here's a couple that should be noted:

    [b]server-ip[/b] controls what IP address the server will use to accept connections. Unless you have a server with more than one [i]external[/i] IP address, leave this as [b][/b]. Changing it could cause you issues
    [b]server-port[/b] is the port number that Minecraft will bind to and use to accept connections. Everything uses port numbers - if a web server is accessed it'll be accessed through port 80. ArmA II uses port 2302 to accept connections, FTP is 20 and 21, SSH is 22 etc. [b]25565[/b] is the default and means that people won't need to specify the port number when connecting to the server. You only really need to fiddle with this if you have more than one Minecraft server running.
    [b]view-distance[/b] can be heavy on resources. Most servers use a view distance of [b]10[/b], though I'd recommend setting it to [b]5[/b] if you're running your server with or less than 1.5GB of RAM.

    When you're done editing, just save and exit the program like last time ([b]CTRL + X[/b] followed by [b]Y[/b]).
    Now a very common problem is people not being able to connect to their Minecraft server as the port is blocked by their firewall. While I can't cover port forwarding every router (try a website like PortForward.com), I can show you how to accept connections from the [b]25565[/b] port in Linux. We'll use [b]iptables[/b]. Use the following command to accept [b]TCP[/b] connections to the [b]25565[/b] port (make sure you're logged into an administrative / root account when you do this):

    [CODE=bash]sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 25565 -j ACCEPT[/CODE]
    That should do the trick.
    [h1]Starting the Server and Using Screen[/h1]
    Let's fire 'er up! Type [b]./start.sh[/b] and the server will start in the background using [b]Screen[/b]. As mentioned above, Screen allows us to run applications in the background as if they're just on another monitor. Let's go to the Minecraft screen right now. Type:

    [CODE=bash]screen -r Minecraft[/CODE]
    You should now go to a new screen where Minecraft is running! Fantastic! Type [b]help[/b] to get a list of commands you can use to administrate your server! If you ever want to stop your Minecraft server, connect to the screen using my above command and then type [b]stop[/b]. This allows Minecraft to save all block changes and the like before it shuts down so nothing is lost.
    To get out of the screen and leave it be, press [b]CTRL+A[/b] and then [b]D[/b]. Not [b]CTRL+A+D[/b] - press [b]CTRL+A[/b], let go and then press [b]D[/b]. This will detach you from the screen and leave Minecraft running!
    Hoorah! We're done! Use the IP address of your server to connect and go!
    That should be everything. Any questions, just ask.
  23. Like
    George reacted to Rarek in Sword & Sworcery EP - Review Preview   
    S:S&S EP can be interpreted as a streamlined 21st century re-imagining of the point & click adventure videogames of yesteryear. Alternately, because of the primacy of Jim Guthrie's musical score, S:S&S EP can be understood as a prog rock concept album you can hang out in.

    The player is free to discover the narrative & the play mechanics of S:S&S EP in their own time. The project was built with the goal of subverting expectations & positively surprising audiences with new, interesting ideas... so the less said about the nuts & bolts of the experience, the better!


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