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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. Wonder how you'd fair with the new one.
  2. Hell, I'll still play it with ya! It seems horrendously spammy until you start using feinting a lot. Then it become more... sorta... "block-feint-stab-kill-win".
  3. Rarek


    ROGUETIDE! Yay! Welcome to the forums, m'laddy! We've got a lot of exciting stuff planned.
  4. fergie - there's also a couple of new TrackMania expansions coming out as well as, get this, ShootMania. It looks horrendous. George - you made me gufaw with that. Jolly good show! xD
  5. Call of Duty: World at War?
  6. Here's a bunch coming out this year that look pretty impressive to me! [h1]Hardware / Systems[/h1] Ouya Steam Box Nvidia Shield [h1]Games coming out this year...[/h1] Watch Dogs - "late" // From the Assassin's Creed lads comes an incredible-looking and supposedly ground-breaking new game made specifically for the PC Dead Space 3 - 8th February // The horrific sequel to Dead Space 2 - this time with co-op! Tomb Raider - 5th march // Another Tomb Raider. It's supposed to be pretty. Star Wars 1313 - "late" // Third-person action game described as "dark and mature" Strike Suit Zero - 24th January // Space! Fighting! Kaboom! (as mentioned by Kyrie) Starforge - TBC // Imagine Minecraft with guns, realistic graphics and both ground and low-orbit construction. Grand Theft Auto V - Spring // Yay! Remember Me - May // Third-person action / acrobatics / complicated-sounding combat game Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist - Spring // This should apparently be nothing like the previous Splinter Cell - back to the old sneaky sneaky! Yay! Lost Planet 3 - January // Cool. Clang - February // Sword fighting. Proper sword fighting. Another supposed "ground-breaker". Battle Cry of Freedom - TBC 2013 // American Civil War multiplayer with five-hundred players Beyond Good and Evil 2 - "late" // The sequel to Beyond Good and Evil! WOOHOO! Overgrowth - TBC // Like a finished version of Lugaru! Octodad: Dadliest Catch - TBC // Heh. Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs - January // Yep - it's the sequel to the last Amnesia. It looks fucking terrifying. Gone Home - "mid-2013" // From the devs of Bioshock 2 comes this Dear Esther-esque mystery game. Republique - September // A French adventure/hacking (the geeky kind) game Routine - TBC // Survival horror. On the moon. Oooooooohoohooooh Coma: A Mind Adventure - TBC // Sort out puzzles and issues in the mind of a comatose patient. Simples. Dream - Q1 // Another beautiful-looking first-person puzzler. Among the Sleep - TBC // Take control of a two year-old and wander around horrifically scary, supposedly deserted environments! Yay! Everybody's Gone to the Rapture - TBC // Half of the Amnesia team are working on this. 'nuff said. Outlast - TBC // A first-person horror adventure crossed with Mirror's Edge. Cool, huh? The Intruder - TBC // A survival horror with a clock. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - 18th January // Snipey snipey, killy killy built with CryEngine 3. Bioshock Infinite - 1st March // Yay! Crysis 3 - February // I do want to see the graphics... Day Z (Standalone) - TBC // The proper, not-a-mod version of Day Z. Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm - TBC // The under-played, under-appreciated Red Orchestra gets a sequel, this time in the Pacific Tom Clancy's Rainbow 6: Patriots - TBC // Another Rainbow 6 game that promises to go back to its squad-based, tactical roots. Metro: Last Light - TBC // A fantastic-looking sequel to the first game, Metro 2033. ArmA III - TBC // Still not sure when this will come. Warface - TBC // A crazy-looking free-to-play shooter that's already been in Russia for a while! Get on the beta now! Sir, You Are Being Hunted - July // A sort of horror-survival game where you're a man running through the procedurally-generated bleak, English countryside whilst being hunted by packs of posh-looking robots with top-hats and guns. Perfectly normal. 0x10c - March (alpha) // Notch is the lead developer and calls it a "Firefly simulator". Sounds good to me. Battlefield 4 - "late" // Heh. Should be somewhat explosive. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 - "late" // Seems like it's going to be wonderfully generic, as always. Takedown - July // Tight, squad-based, strategic and tactics-based first-person shooter based on Rainbow 6. The Elder Scrolls: Online - "mid-2013" // Should be lovely. Everquest Next - "late" // With the original Everquest continuing to thrive after 14 years, the sequel promises to "define the next generation of MMOs". World of Warplanes - Q1 // Follow-up to World of Tanks. Could be good. World of Warships - TBC // And yet another game from Wargaming.net! GRID 2 - Q2 // The next GRID! Raven's Cry - Q1 // A piratey, swash-buckling RPG Caribbean! - February // Another piratey, swash-buckling RPG Yogventures! - "early" // The Yogscast crew... they're making a game to... to... to rival Minecraft! Bus, Woodcutter, Bridge, Crane and Farming Simulator 2014 - "throughout" // Enjoy, you crazy fools. Total War: Rome 2 - October // This should be nice and pretty. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm - 12th March // Apparently this has been in beta for a while - they're releasing it soon. Command & Conquer - TBC // A multiplayer-only twist of the classic games led by the creator of Might & Magic. Also, free-to-play. Company of Heroes 2 - "early" // Another pretty-looking one. Also, not free-to-play. Scrolls - TBC // This is what Notch did with all that money we gave him. Godus - September // Peter Molyneux is making another game that will "change the face of everything as we know it". It won't; don't listen to him. The game might be alright, though. Planetary Annihilation - July // An RTS in which you fight on and blow-up planets in real-time in your very own solar system. Woohoo! X Rebirth - TBC // The X series is back! It's a do-everything space game. [h1]2014 and beyond...[/h1] Star Citizen - November 2014 // An incredible-looking space game Mass Effect 4 - 2015 // Always pretty. Thief 4 - 2014 // This could be wonderous.
  7. I definitely need a new game to play, or one that we can all play together. Every game I have I'm either sick and tired of or the multiplayer community is dead.
  8. Fair enough I suppose - always did wonder if everybody was just kicked to another continent when the "reset" happened. I guess when your faction owns all hexagons excepting the warp gates it marks the continent as conquered, then?
  9. Christ! Nice, man! Genuinely some impressive hexagoning right there! I've completed the first two now, just the last one to go, but the gauntlets in that are a wee bit daunting (though watching that video does show me how to do them... ). ERMERGAWD! These videos link to the Love Hexagon; a One Direction love story parts 1 to 16! BEST. VIDEOS. EVER. LZQBl9J4eZk
  10. I swear I was levelling a hell of a lot quicker on that other server we tried too. The funny thing is, I even prefer the Terran Republic's back-story...
  11. Aye. Seems common knowledge on the forums that the Terran Republic are OP and the New Conglomerate are "hard mode". I guess we can feel proud that we're playing the underdog at least...
  12. Also, somewhat relevant to Brooksie10: http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/steam-users-please-avoid-the-steam-validate-files-feature.51921/
  13. It would seem the factions are quite unbalanced after all. Straight from the fantastically-analysed data below, I quote:
  14. Edited that Facebook link to be the proper one rather than going through Bugglemuffin's account. Should be good.
  15. Thanks for doing this fellas. Sounds to me like there are two main things. Clean up the website WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING? Sam - mind going through the website with me at some point soon? We'll cover everything that needs covering and clean it all up. Minecraft wiki has been removed (data kept safe) as it's all about RP things anyway; all server data and information on the games we play will go in the Servers / Games tab. In terms of focus, I agree entirely. We need a solid decision and some commitment from all of us (mainly me). If we find something good to go for, we'll have to treat it at least partially like a job; if something needs doing, do it. Deadlines must be met and promises kept. I'm sure we'd all like to see Ahoy World progress and we have the resources to do it. I'll speak with you all soon, but start throwing around ideas for what could be our main focus and we'll set a plan. I say it lightly when welcoming new members but, truly, I'm glad to have you all here.
  16. Hello there and welcome! Hopefully talk to you on TeamSpeak in a wee bit, m'lad!
  17. A few things to clean up this month. Shouldn't be anything too gruelling. Here's the agenda. Minecraft Survival Server Status Who is managing this server? Plans? Advertising? [*]Creative Server All running as needed? Who is managing this server? Do the players need anything added / changed / removed? Advertising? [*]Tekkit Server Who is managing this server? Plans? Does anything need adding / changing / removing? Advertising? [*]Dedicated Servers Throttle Retiring after this month is over We will lose the ArmA II Windows server, though Linux now seems to be stable [*]Caroline Now has all RAM dedicated to Minecraft servers (+Tekkit) and ArmA II server Review costs with staff to look for upgrade if it's a possibility [*]Other items This post has been promoted to an article
  18. Welcome, welcome and welcome, my lad!
  19. Pretty sure fergie has just rocked the best forum post award.
  20. Kasper! We still haven't spoken on TS! I've seen you in the Minecraft channel a couple of times but I've, especially recently, been up to my neck in medieval combat. Next time pop into the Gaming channel with the rest of us.
  21. Well my thought process was that if a new trading system is going to be natively within the game, it would be silly to create a whole new one. There must be a way we can integrate the NPC trading with AhoyCoin. We might be able to replace AhoyCoins with Emeralds and be done with it (maybe divide all prices by 10 to make it fair?).
  22. Hey there Kasper! Glad to have you with us!
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