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Everything posted by Rarek

  1. I can imagine getting a knock on the door is all. Maybe they'd think we were using it to practice assaults. Probably even watching this conversation as we joke about it!
  2. Empire: Total War. The only one I put the effort into to fully complete. World domination, baby.
  3. I will indeed make you a regular ASAP, razgriz33. To reassure anyone wondering, here's the plan for the server. Regulars and above (i.e. Trusted Regulars, VIPs and Admins) have access to near enough everything they need. Most notably they will be able to switch game modes from Survival to Creative. Currently, ordinary visitors to the server are provided with no building privileges - they can't build anything. Once we have WorldGuard sorted out to protect spawn areas as well as regulars' creations, building rights will be allowed for ordinary visitors in free, unprotected zones. They will, however, be stuck in Survival mode, and we'll be turning monsters on. They'll start in safe spawn areas with access to resources and the like, but if they want to start playing and surviving they'll have to venture out. The finding of our creations will just serve as safe havens and eye candy. As aforementioned, as soon as we have WorldGuard sorted out we'll begin.
  4. The creepers are supposed to have 4 legs. There's an ARMA / BF3 placeholder background. It's very short though. 'tis difficult to find good screenshots of ARMA that don't need to be viewed in widescreen.
  5. Aye unfortunately that's just the map's fault. Nothing I can do on our end!
  6. I'd just like to update this thread to keep everyone informed. This could well be a really nice little event and we're looking for everyone to come along! While the details still haven't been ironed out, we're getting closer and closer to the date! So make a space on June 16th and try to organise some travel! The day will be pretty fluid so we'll just figure out what we want to do when we're all there to decide. Please RSVP to this event and also to our Facebook event and I hope to be seeing you lot pretty damned soon!
  7. Hello there laddy! Glad to have you with us! You know me.
  8. Both issues fixed. Thanks for pointing these out!
  9. The IP is mc.ahoyworld.co.uk
  10. You can make your TNT jail now.
  11. Just a quick heads up. Not sure when everything will be resolved, but just something to think about if you're having troubles getting on today.
  12. We should finally be at a point where everything's working. From now on it's just requests for additional features.
  13. Was thinking exactly the same thing as you when I put the banner up, Ciaran.
  14. Glad to have you with us bud! Hopefully I can catch you on Minecraft pretty soon and check out your infamous building talent. Oh and don't worry about the whole ranting thing. Package them into a review and we can post them on the front page!
  15. Aye I do. Done this site and was doing most of the Minecraft server stuff last night. It keeps me busy finding things to add; the downside being I seem to spend more time fiddling with the site and mods than I do actually playing with you lot! Thanks though - 'tis nice to hear that someone likes it. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
  16. Ha! As I said - a few wee hitches. I'll sort that out as soon as I get home (at work at the moment). Will be fine ~18:00PM GMT. Other than that, though, everything's working okay for you I hope?
  17. As some of you may be aware, we've recently changed Minecraft hosts. As a result of which, me and GarethJoiner have been working hard to get all the details figured out. We've even managed to get in a few addons. To keep everyone updated, here's a quick list of everything we've done so far. -- TeamSpeak Integration To get our Minecraft community more involved, Minecraft text chat now shows up in TeamSpeak and vice versa. This should aid in bringing everyone together through a medium that both parties are comfortable with. On TeamSpeak, chat will currently appear and be read from "The Lounge" channel. This may be changed to the "Minecraft" channel at a later date, though the idea is for The Lounge to be a social place that a lot of people have access to. -- Dynamic Map The site will now show a Dynamic Map of our Minecraft server. This map features surface, cave and isometric 3D views of the entirety of our current world, as well as showing live player positions, chat messages and allowing the user to chat through the web interface. This should once again offer slicker integration between our site and the Minecraft community, providing ways for everyone to communicate. The dynamic map can be viewed by navigating to About > Minecraft Map or clicking here. -- Groups and Ranks The old server's organisation regarding player ranks was that a few trusted members received Operator status. While it worked fine, it's preferable to keep only the top guys Operators to avoid mishaps such as people shutting down or restarting servers. Ergo we've integrated a new permissions system whereby everyone should get what they need without posing any risk to the server. It's important to note that everyone on the old server with Game Mode / Creative permissions still have those rights. Nothing has changed for the regulars! To give you a low-down of the current system we have in place, here's a boring-looking list with group names and notable permissions. [ADMIN] Administrators - OP status and access to all commands Trusted Regulars - All the permissions of a regular member with the addition of being able to change other players' game modes [VIP] Donators - We're not sure yet. You'll get something special for donating. Promise. Regulars - Ability to change their own game mode, change the time of day and full building rights Visitors - Players joining for the first time are put in this group. Building is disabled so that people can't come on and grief. A new group may be created for "Trial" users before they are put into the "Regulars" group -- As a final note, there are lots of new commands now available on the server, so type "/help" and have a gander. If you personally or your group does not have access to a command that you believe you should have, please raise the issue with either me or GarethJoiner. While everything should be configured fine for the moment, I'd still expect a couple of hitches over the next few days. Other than that, happy Minecrafting!
  18. Glad to hear it George! Hope your build is coming along well - can't wait to get makin' some gameplay vids with ya!
  19. S:S&S EP can be interpreted as a streamlined 21st century re-imagining of the point & click adventure videogames of yesteryear. Alternately, because of the primacy of Jim Guthrie's musical score, S:S&S EP can be understood as a prog rock concept album you can hang out in. The player is free to discover the narrative & the play mechanics of S:S&S EP in their own time. The project was built with the goal of subverting expectations & positively surprising audiences with new, interesting ideas... so the less said about the nuts & bolts of the experience, the better! L0D8cRmjhaw
  20. What browser are you using? Works fine for me in Firefox and Chrome.
  21. I'll get right on that as soon as I get home.
  22. Oh. Well we'll keep the feature. There's no way of stopping that little exploit without disabling the ajax quick-reply, and I like the ajax quick-reply. Like hell am I gonna have a whole page refresh just for one post.
  23. That's... interesting. How did you manage that, Ciaran?
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