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When you wake up after a good night's sleep.. [Removal of the WBV scope]


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*Internal screaming intensifies*


Seriously, though. Did people really deem the WBV scope too good for the Sniper class? It's a tool used for sniping, after all.. I don't see the problem. It's a bit odd. If it's an oversight, then alright. I didn't say anything, ignore this post. If it wasn't, then I'm probably not going to touch a sniper slot again, at least not at night. I'm one of those people that think that hitting running targets in ArmA 3 is hard enough, and now that I finally manage to do it without wasting about three mags worth of ammo, the most viable scope is restricted to the Squad Leader again.. (Let's be honest, if you want an easy time spotting an target and getting the range, you can just use a Laser Designator. But why make things harder if they can be easy? The default nightvision scope is terrible in every aspect, to say the least, at least for a dedicated sniper. For a Marksman.. alright, I suppose. If it was an attempt at balancing I&A, then it's one that I don't fully understand.)


And yeah, I get that I sound like a dumbass when I complain about minor things like these, but I'm just no "dank MLG" sniper like other people in this community, sorry. I just casually choose the slot whenever I feel like doing something else than blowing up tanks and flying other people over to the AO.. but this? Meh.


And I might also add that I made this post not to offend anyone (I don't even see how I could, but you people know the internet these days. You say one wrong thing.. and everything collapses unto your virtual self.), but to ask why the restriction got re-introduced. This isn't supposed to be a discussion of any sort.


Tl;dr: Why did the WBV scope get removed? Please don't shoot me. Have mercy.

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Any type of thermal scopes were removed from everyone beside squad leaders with a reason. The reason was a lot of temkilling was happening, where people were sitting on top of a hill, shooting inside the AO, not able to distuguish between friendlies and foes.


I understand your reason why the snipers should have it, we will think about introducing it again to snipers only (not spotters).

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night is night. the AI has a major handicap on spotting, so it's a balance issue.

the NVS has a zoom, it's 2.5x compared to the RCOs.

also the TWS is massively op, let alone the stalker. portable night vision is not supposed to bring you "daylight" ranges.

sniping is easy enough, why make it even easier just because it's dark and ppl don't want to run...

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You're right, it has a 2.5x zoom, but no additonal zomming function (like Khalia etc). That's what I'm talking about. ;)


I think thermal view is op at all, no need for it on a weapon (for that we can use the rangefinder).

Sniping might be not that hard, agree. But with the actual options, marksman would be ok but its more or less useless to be a sniper at night.


I'm just asking, because in other mods are probably some useful optics for the night. Maybe we could import some of these (maybe CUP or BW Mod?)

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I think its fine there is no long range NVS even for a sniper.


The standard one allows a range of 600m, thats pretty damned far considering, and being able to be 1000m+ away at night popping targets at your leisure is a bit OP.


Snipers don't have to use the big guns all the time, and at night taking a marksman rifle and utilising the NVS or the RCO type scopes is a pretty good option.


Look at it this way, all day long you are a super long range 1 man killing machine, is it so bad at night you need to get closer to be effective?


TL;DR Snipers plus long range thermals at night = OP (or a recipe for accidental TKs)



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4 hours ago, Gamerbug said:

is it so bad at night you need to get closer to be effective?


Most people lack the skill to move in close. All they see is a big hill, climb on top and try to be a terminator. It would be nice to allow people to only kill the enemy from a maximum range of 250 meters.

The thrill to get so close you can hear them talk is (for me) much more exciting. Its the snipers that ruin this kind of fun.

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15 minutes ago, PiranhA said:


Most people lack the skill to move in close. All they see is a big hill, climb on top and try to be a terminator. It would be nice to allow people to only kill the enemy from a maximum range of 250 meters.

The thrill to get so close you can hear them talk is (for me) much more exciting. Its the snipers that ruin this kind of fun.


On a quiet server I get the sniper/marksman on a hill popping targets, but on a relatively full server doing that just means once the frontline infantry get to the enemy, they're already dead.


Another big value to them is overwatch, suppression and confusion. If you can engage an enemy squad at distance with a few shots here and there, it mean they will probably be returning fire at the sniper, and allowing the infantry to get in close with less engagement. They can meake great scouts as well.


However on a public server what you describe still happens most of the time; hill, high powered gun and scope, pew pew pew.


Love getting up close and personal, anything over 300-400m feels long range to me, and hearing the ememy close talking by is a clench moment and your heart pounds and you wonder just how close they are.

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