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RHS 0.3.6 released!

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and heres the changelog :


United States

### Changelog Legend```git+ Added- Removed@ Fixed^ Improved```### 0.3.6```gitADDITIONS+ SR25 (Big thanks to Kiory)+ KACSTOCK for M4s+ Mk18s and M4 Block IIs+ M2010 reload animation+ M200 blank rounds STANAG and M246 ( Are children proof!)+ Practise grenades+ "Lerca" LAF 1200 Rangefinder ( black & tan )+ RG-33 ( in early stage of WIP)+ USMC MICH 2000 helmets+ AH-64 OIF grey texture+ Coyote Eagle AII pack+ Feint's RQ11 Raven ( a big thanks to Feint to allow us to include it )+ Bowman Elite II Headset in various headgear configurations+ LMTV+ New infantry classes added to US Army ( Fire Support Officer, Joint Fires Observer, )+ FROG uniforms+ USMC faction (includes Force Recon subfaction) (early WIP)+ SOCOM faction with MARSOC (early WIP)+ Add AN/PVQ-31A USMC ACOG variants+ Weapon bags ( M2 & mortars )+ Radio Chatter inside vehicles+ Muzzle breaks for M4/M16 (SF3P SFMB)+ More versions of M4/M16+ EOTECH 552+ 3D PiP Test version of ACOG and Elcan sights+ New divisional patches for the US Army ( 82nd, 101st, mountain 10th )+ 7.62 M80A1EPR Ammo+ C-130J Hercules+ Rotex5 Silencer M14/M16 Sound suppressor+ Armament AH-64 variantsIMPROVEMENTS^ Joint Rail supported^ Vanilla accessories supported^ Stringtable translated to Spanish^ Stringtable updated for Russian and German.^ Improved US vest capacity^ Reweighed US IOTV vest^ Reweighed US combat uniform^ Updated M109 PhysX^ Tweaked ANPVS15 (green glow)^ Updated FMTV PhysX^ Added headlights & brake lights to FMTVs & Bradleys^ Added destruction textures for FMTVs^ Add RHS equipment in vehicles^ Added landContact lod for M109^ Ballistic glasses distribution is randomized among AI soldiers^ New groups for HMMWV and FMTV^ Added fake trademarks to ACOG^ New M134 sounds^ Improved 40mm flares ( duration and brightness )^ Added ability to cycle through different grenades types^ M1A1 FEP Olive Drab texture^ Moved all stringtables to XML^ Weapon inertia & mass tweaking^ Interim HMMWV proxy update^ Added initElev=5 to M1 tanks^ Added ability to fold AT4 peephole^ Added version of grenades for throw animation (without clip and safety ring)^ Changed M136 positioning for realism sake^ Add slingload capability to LMTVs^ configured HEMTT CPK variants^ Added selection for PiP in A10 cockpit^ Abrams PhysX Update (new engine parameters, new gearbox setup ratios)^ Added ability to take control for AH64 gunner^ Standardizing US helmets' armor values.^ Tweaked 7.62 M80FIXES@ USAF no longer requires AFRF to play ( finally! )@ Added missing weapon icons@ Fixed alpha channel issues on Bradley@ Edited camera shake for AH64@ Tweaked Bradley glass to protect the commander from enemy fire@ Added lockWhenDriverOut param for Bradleys@ Tweaked M2A3 commander turret elevation@ Tweaked M113 hitpoints@ Fixed M590 penetration materials@ Fixed HEMTT materials@ Changed classname of rhs_m4_m320 into rhs_weap_m4_m320, previous weapons is still available with scope=1@ Muzzle flash fixes for UH60 & CH47@ Fixed GAU8 spinning anim@ Missing ESS from various helmet lods@ Fixed: some grenades short name too long@ Fixed Tank Exhaust particles@ Tweaked armor values of gear, so they can be displayed in the Virtual Arsenal@ Muzzle suppressor speed corrected in M2010 @ Tweaked destruction materials for m113@ M16A4 (bipod) now sounds like a M16A1, not like a M4@ Tweaked behaviour of Zeus controlled M1 FCS@ M68 sight now fits in the rails@ Replaced radar with compass on HMMWVVs@ M14 reload animation when reloading other weapons@ UCP patches fixed@ Elcan correctly zeroed@ Increased penetrator timeToLive@ Fixed backpack Rvmat error@ STANAG tracer mags now have a color iconREMOVED- Removed all Vanilla equipment from vehicles- Deleted redundant config parameter "envelope" to prevent building crash




### Changelog Legend```git+ Added- Removed@ Fixed^ Improved```### 0.3.6```gitADDITIONS+ GSSh-A-18 Headphones for transport pilots+ Camo Tigr + Added UPK23-250 pods+ Tigr FFV version+ Tochka-U + RSP-30 flares+ PBS-1 and TGP-V Sound suppressors+ AK-103 (various variants)+ AKM+ AKMS+ PKM (Thanks to RobertHammer and Sarvs/SAM61) http://gamebanana.com/models/3207 for non-commercial license info!+ Makarov PMM handgun+ DTK-1, DTK-3 muzzle break. Standard AK-74/AK-103 DTK now detachable. Muzzle breaks have recoil compensation enabled.+ T-80UE-1, T-80UM, T-80U (M45)+ 6B13 Vest (various variants)+ 6B26 Helmet (various variants)+ 6B27M EMR-Summer ESS/Balaclava variants+ Suppressed sounds for the SVD Dragunov with TGP-V+ NPZ mount (to allow picattiny scopes)+ BMP-3 remodelled+ Added Mountain Les 6B27M variants+ Added MSV EMR, VDV Flora and VDV Mountain Les infantry to editor+ Added more Mi8, Mi8MT, Mi24 and Ka52 variants+ Added 6Sh92 as a standalone vest (without 6B23)+ Radio chatter in vehicles+ Added beanies+ Added PZU5 sight for T-80A & T-80UE1IMPROVEMENTS^ Joint Rail supported^ Vanilla accessories supported^ Stringtable translated to Spanish^ Stringtable updated for Russian and German.^ Added cargo system to BTR-60, 70 & 80 (you can now ride ABOVE them) (early WIP)^ Tweaked SVD hand anim^ Added 350m zeroing to PSO-1^ Added 9M47 model to PRP-3. Flare mortar now functional.^ T80B & T80BV NSVT is usable by commander when turned out^ Added new FAE effect (S8 DF/RShG2/TGB7)^ Added thermal camera view to Ka52 cockpit^ Tweaked headgear config - added hidden selections for retextures^ Zeroing of 1P29 now set from 400 to 1000m^ 1P29 now has tritium illumination for night operations.^ Added night illumination for PSO-1 and PGO-7V3 sights (N key)^ Added camera shake to ZSU^ Added misc heli variants - UPK, CAS, FAB, Cargo (mi8 without PKTs, with FFV positions & animated doors)^ Added Su25 w/ Kh29 rockets variant ^ Added random Mi24 skins script^ Added new rockets for S8 (FAE/tandem HEAT)^ Added CE penetration to S8 heat rockets ^ Added VV Shevrons^ Tigr PhysX updated^ Now clan patches can be used in Russian uniforms^ Tweaked RPG7 animation^ Ka-52 missiles uses proxies now (empty tube after shot)^ Tweaked CE penetrator behaviour (reduced timeToLive)^ Tweaked Mi24 damage selections^ Improved BTR-80 destruction materials^ Updated BMD series Physx^ Updated BMP-3 Physx^ Randomized scarf distribution^ Added numberphysicalwheels to Tigr^ SS21 PhysX and Buoyancy update^ Improved Russian flares intensity ^ Tweaked AK-74 hand anim^ Updated all grey aircraft textures (color unification)^ Tweaked 6Sh92 standalone variants to fit better on un-armoured bodies.^ BTR gunner & commanders may use compass now^ Added 7.62 mag in RU ammoboxFIXES@ Tweaked armor values of gear, so they can be displayed in the Virtual Arsenal@ Fixed UPK23 gun smoke position@ Fixed Mi8AMT door animations@ Fixed T-72B weapon magazines@ T-72B: reduced tankTurnForce (turning was too sensitive)@ Fixed UAZ open passenger seat@ Missing scope proxies from rifle lods@ Tweaked T-72 & T-80 loadouts@ Su25 corrected max speed to real value. @ Tweaked 2A28 - AI should switch now between HE/AP rounds@ Reduced NSVT damage@ Fixed road wheels shadows + reduced amount of sections in shadow lod@ Corrected URAL hidden selection textures@ Fixed textures in patchless uniforms@ Fixed helicopters UPK23 tracer start point@ Increased hull minimalHit for BMP, BMD & Sprut-SD@ Tweaked BMD4 hitpoints position@ Fine tunning BMP/BMD tracks hitpoints@ Tweaked smoke grenades@ Fixed BMD-4 PhysX@ Fixed infinite last mag ammo when folding/unfolding@ Added lockWhenDriverOut = 1; to T-72 main turret@ Fixed T-72 shadows + added shadows for NSVT@ Tweaked T-80 loadouts@ Fixed T-72B3 main shadow@ Tweaked OG7 and TGB7 penetration@ Added minimalHit to BTR turrets@ Inertia tweaked@ Slowed down RPG reload anim (for realism sake)@ Fixed visibility of NSV bags@ Fixed Ataka missiles proxies@ Fixed URAL RPM indicator@ Tweaked Yak-B sound configuration@ Fixed missing muzzle flash on AK-74M w/ GP25@ T-80 2A26 can not longer use ATGM (as in Real life)@ Fixed missing muzzle flash for Mi24 (main armament)@ Fixed missing FFV for Mi24 variants@ Fixed Mi24 gun tracers@ Fixed ZSU destruction effectsREMOVED- Mi8AMT Cargo variant


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Guest Quobble

Does anyone have sound problems since the last update?
Some weapons cant be heard at all, only bullet impact etc.


Happened today on the TacBf server :/

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Does anyone have sound problems since the last update?

Some weapons cant be heard at all, only bullet impact etc.


Happened today on the TacBf server :/


If you are running DragonFyre with RHS, those issues can appear (look into DF BI forum topic). It shoud be fixed (read - is being tested) in RC5 for DF.

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< C130J >


Did little test piloting on editor and overall it's a solid addition


*Capable of taking off from short runways and land on them


*Stiff handling, but it's a good thing for a cargoplane flight.


*Can transport light vehicles within, but unable to paradrop them, unlike the other cargoplane mods. It's a fairly useless function considering

the ranges between airfields in the game, better off airlifting with helicopters, until paradropping vehicle option is added.

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