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Gamenight 25th Debrief.


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Josh / Cain, as someone who has created and hosted pen and paper campaigns for many years I feel you. Both creating those missions and executing them is hard work, and even careful planning doesn't always pay off.


However, since this mission seems to have been a relative failure I'm not too annoyed at missing out on it.

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Josh / Cain, as someone who has created and hosted pen and paper campaigns for many years I feel you. Both creating those missions and executing them is hard work, and even careful planning doesn't always pay off.

However, since this mission seems to have been a relative failure I'm not too annoyed at missing out on it.

Scuse me?
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Ohh nor did I, I was just confused by what he meant but I sort of get you now. To cover it basically they ieds were way to many, and with xmed not working it made the mission rather difficult as large amounts of each squad were having issues. So we took the option to restart with xmed removed however we had no core staff to reupload so we just prosponed the game night.

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And basically I had everything planned out ('cept for the lack of a second pathfinder element, and two HVTs) not to mention the fricking IEDs lol.

Essentially yeah. I'll take the hit on this one. Sorry guys. We'd never tried Xmed nor the IED systems before and this was a test run which clearly failed. But thank you to all who came and maybe next week will offer a much better gameplay! Also we'll redo the mission sometime, once i've re-worked it.

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Essentially yeah. I'll take the hit on this one. Sorry guys. We'd never tried Xmed nor the IED systems before and this was a test run which clearly failed. But thank you to all who came and maybe next week will offer a much better gameplay! Also we'll redo the mission sometime, once i've re-worked it.


Didn't we all agree at the time to blame David for not being on hand to sort tyhe server out ?



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