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ALiVE Operations!


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So Ive spent the latter of 2 weeks making a mission inside the ALiVE-mod. For you who dont know ALiVE the basic functions of the mod is very similar to MSO from A2(same guys who made that) Key features are :



    • ALiVE features the revolutionary Virtual Profile System that supports thousands of units operating simultaneously across the map with minimal impact on performance. Unlike older caching systems, Virtual AI groups will continue to move, operate and fight and will seamlessly spawn into the visual game world when players are in range.
    • ALiVE identifies key military, industrial and civilian installations automatically for any map. It uses an advanced, multi-layered AI Operational Command structure which assesses the strategic, operational and tactical situation across the battlespace, analyses the relative strengths of enemy and friendly forces and issues missions accordingly. The result is a fluid, dynamic and credibly realistic battlefield as forces modelled on real world Combined Arms doctrines fight for key objectives.



So you get the gist, large scale war with minimal server stress.

The mission I have made is geared more towards us at AW, and when the player persistancy is added we wont need to start the mission again from scratch,say if we take a town and we call it a day,we log, and next time it will start exatcly where we left of.



Now lets get to the basic outline of the mission: CSAT have taken 3-4 towns N--NW of the main airfield of Altis and also have landed forces in Kavala. BLUFOR have a 2-squad+Reconfireteam group stationed on the military airfield SOUTH of Feres, they also have available following land vehicles: 1xM2A1 SLAMMER, 1xAMV-7 Marshall, 2xHunter GMG, 2xHunter HMG, 4xHEMMT Transport for ferrying building supllies for FOB's. Available air assets are: 1xCH-49 MOHAWK, 1xUH-80 GHOSTHAWK, 1xMH-90 LITTLEBIRD. Also on station is 1xAH-9 PAWNEE and 1xAH-99 BLACKFOOT that can be radioed in for CAS. 


The mission is simply to deal with the invading forces! I would like to run a test of the mission as a game night some time soon if possible,to iron out bugs and stuff in the added scripts. Ill add some pictures later of the AO and some intel from locals depicting the invading forces.


Update 0.6

-tweaked zones and added cqb module for kavala and pyrgos.

-INS tweaking and adding of people who can revive.

-Updated igiLoad to 0.97

-added c130j by thebuu, this enables transport of large quantity of personell and hardware exept for armor.(transport and cargo version)

-reworked recon teams into two 4man patrols.

-added 4 chopper pilots and 2 pilots.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How was the performance during the testing?


depending on the host,


but due to the low player count (about 15 of us at peak ?)  it was really good FPS and lag free.


I wasn't around when it was posted on the AHOY server,  so can't say more than that

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Performance was good but I think we still had that fps fall off after time not a quick as usual though, Alive mod is more about the way Ai are handled and behave closer to an actual player would, rather then just stand and return fire, there are some performance boost with the caching that's done, there is still the dandruff build up that eventually bogs the fps, lots of theories on the BI forums about it, but like I said I reckon it's dandruff, dust, GSR, pollen, and spent bullet rounds travelling and spinning extremely slowly being processed constantly and maybe not cleaned up at all that may be causing this fps drops,

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 spent bullet rounds travelling and spinning extremely slowly being processed constantly and maybe not cleaned up at all that may be causing this fps drops,


Oh crap !  .. then it's MY fault ?   the way I go through four boxes of Zafir ammo in miliseconds  :D

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Updates\changes on the mission: 


-Tweaked the amount of units in large sectors (charkeia,pyrgos)

-Changed the sector around the main airfield to include airfield and upped the ai spawned here to simulate a HQ/center of supply chain.

-Tweaked the time for vehicles to respawn, changed some respawn settings and for the next update im adding a resawn for the recon unit(which are stationed on top of Agios Stemma.

-Changed from sector display to military intelligence( this is more akin to MSO style reporting of EI,shows movements for 15minutes in some places,not whole map. Will add some immersion so you actually need to recon, not just go to that red square)

-Fixed the possibility that an IED could spawn inside the starting base.


-Considering upping the ai more so they engange from further away.FEEDBACK ?


-Considering adding CIVS to some of the larger towns,simulating people fleeing to larger cities to get away from the war. FEEDBACK ? 

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  • 1 month later...

Update 0.6

-tweaked zones and added cqb module for kavala and pyrgos.

-INS tweaking and adding of people who can revive.

-Updated igiLoad to 0.97

-added c130j by thebuu, this enables transport of large quantity of personell and hardware exept for armor.(transport and cargo version)

-reworked recon teams into two 4man patrols.

-added 4 chopper pilots and 2 pilots.

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