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Posts posted by Jorgensen73

  1. For me AWE is teamwork, setting up the execution of the mission and having fun.

    I remember some Friday’s there was custom missions with limited slots, everyone had a job to do and one goal, do the mission. With good communication and everyone playing their role it was some of the best times I had with Arma,

    I really hope that I will experience this again in the Ahoy community soon.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. Hi, 


    1) I also like the Tactical playstyle. Construct a well thought out plan, execute it and reach our objective. 

    2) I really liked it when we splitt up to different units, one recon, two assault, one support etc. Each one with their own objective. For the missions I would like to see is: 

    • Hostage rescue mission - We know that some high value assets have been taken hostage, and belive held in an area. Recon, Find and take out all enemies, and rescue the hostages. They are held in a hostile area so we have to be stealthy or else all hell breaks loose. 
    • Blow up communications tower on an hostile island - need to scuba dive in, night time


    There are tons of missions out there that we could probably tweek to use stiletto, but that is my 2 cents. 



  3. Stan, I have played on AWE, but rarely I see that you take the slot of ASL, even if the slot opens up, there is always a “push” for someone else to take the slot. I don’t want to be rude, but do you go over and tell the ASL your opinion when this with Logi happens? I hope you do since you tell everyone else to do this.

    I for one have been reluctant to take ASL or even TL since every time I ask especially you for advice you reply “You are in charge” that for me is not helpful. I don’t know all the different helicopters by type and specific details, so instead of blowing people of you could be more helpful. Personally I would love that and eventually be comfortable in a leadership role.

    Hope you don’t take this the wrong way, it’s my opinion and I respect your experience in AWE and would like to learn from you instead of feeling like a fool sometimes.

    Best regards

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Hi, 


    Getting this when launching AWE:

    13:30:12: Starting BattlEye Service...
    13:30:13: Launching game...
    13:31:27: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game.
    13:31:27: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "E:\Ahoy Mods\@AW_ace\ace_medical_x64.dll".
    13:32:11: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "E:\Ahoy Mods\@AW_ace\ace_break_line_x64.dll".
    13:32:21: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "E:\Ahoy Mods\@AW_ace\ace_parse_imagepath_x64.dll".
    13:32:31: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "E:\Ahoy Mods\@AW_ace\ace_clipboard_x64.dll".
    Any hints for resolving this issue?


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