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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. I had some trouble in the past whilst creating my own missions with commanders not being in vehicles. It could be that it doesn't affect anything but it does open up a slot for a player to get into so it would have to be locked as well. Oh they work. They do more AA than arty stuff but they sure work. If you've got enough points you can request an arty strike somewhere at the laptop next to the teleport/base AA laptop.
  2. Well i had a similar thought as Numbnuts when joining this evening. But i think we should maybe give it some time, it's now rather easy to point people to admins as you can just say: 'anyone with a tag with an A on is an admin'.
  3. So i just came from EU1 and some *cough* interesting stuff happend. Because of one of those interesting things a pilot got marked TKer and the friendly AI of the arty decided to take the commander's gun of the scorcher and open fire on the heli. It's definitely not the first time this happens, i've landed on someone standing on the pads before, got marked TKer and the sochor send some GMGs downrange, into the helipads. Luckily i got out instantly and respawned. Other people/pilots don't know this works. Now what i'm suggesting is to remove the ammo of the commander's guns. I did some quick googleing and came up with the following script-ish thingy: this removeMagazinesTurret [ 500Rnd_127x99_mag_Tracer_Red, [ x ] ]; this removeMagazinesTurret [ 96Rnd_40mm_G_belt, [ x ] ]; Now the 'x' has to be changed to a number/set of numbers that represents the turret path (more info here). But seeing how arma is being a **** to me i didn't have time to test it out yet (might do that later this evening/night). It should just go into the scorcher ingame init. Now i can think of some reasons why it wouldn't be bad for the scorcher to open fire on TKers but the thing is that if a full huron with 1 TKer in it get's near base the scorcher will try to take that huron down. So i think my opinion is rather clear, what do you guys think?
  4. I was actually talking about these points: But the general thing is good as well
  5. Just so i'm not wasting my time, do you need all the things i'm trying to do? And which one is in your eyes more important? Because the semester started again so i might have a little less time than i want/need.
  6. Not up to me to decide. But I certainly don't mind.
  7. Although i like the idea, i think you'd see a decrease in stuff like repair of roads and hummingbirds being spawned. Both useful tools. So maybe combine it with a timer or something similar? If after a fixed number of side missions completed nobody spawned something it would automatically spawn one of the lower rewards.
  8. Oh, forgot to say: the UAV falls into the 'on foot' category. Just max out everything and change your own setting to what you want. EDIT: Found the script in the 2.85 version, to disable it: Go to the description.ext file and find this line: #include "scripts\taw_vd\dialog.hpp" Delete it (or put a // infront of it) and it will be gone. EDIT no 2: Same for the 3.1 version, only the line is: #include "functions\CHVD\dialog.hpp"
  9. I like the idea as well, but what about pilots? If i start playing as a pilot i hardly ever have positive points. Same with the UAV as kills aren't credited to the UAV op but to the AI in the UAV.
  10. I know that there is a script running to set your view distance on the server. I don't know where it is in the files but if you, ingame, go to the arsenal guy you get a scrolloption to set your view distance. I'll look some more in the files when i got some time.
  11. I don't know which idiot wrote that script in the first post but it is rubbish, it only works for vehicles you name and needs to be endlessly copy pasted in the init files. Who the heck even listened to that idiot? On a more serious note: after @Chuck Norris messaged me in TS asking me if that script could take an array of vehicles i had to answer that it didn't. So i set out to fix that. After writing multiple scripts that either don't do anything or don't do what i want them to do, contained multiple nested ifs and where pretty long i came up with this solution (if anyone could tell me why i wrote those damn long scripts before coming up with this?): /*description: script that allows vehicles that are in the GunsInBase array to shoot in a given radius around a given marker. All other vehicles cannot fire in base. Can be put in both init.sqf and initPlayer.sqf. author: AW-community */ GunsInBase = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F"]; player addEventHandler ["Firedman", { params ["_unit", "_weapon", "", "", "", "", "_projectile","_veh"]; if (!(typeOf _veh in GunsInBase) && (_unit distance (getMarkerPos "hunterSpawn")) < 300) then {deleteVehicle _projectile; hintC "Don't fire inside the base!";}; }]; Features: -works for any vehicle not in the 'GunsInBase' array this includes players -works for all vehicle turrets -works for firing from vehicles -partially works for smokescreens (it displays the message but doesn't delete the smoke) I'm still trying to: -add a whitelist for vehicles that are of a type not in the gunsinbase array but do need to be able to fire -add a whitelist for a given set of UIDs -add an array of the markers around which shooting isn't allowed (-get a girlfriend and/or more icecream @TheScar ) So some practical info: -it is supposed to replace the current script -it can be placed in the following files: init.sqf, initPlayerLocal.sqf, onPlayerRespawn.sqf (i advise to put it in the last for the fobs, chuck will know what i'm talking about) -instead of an array that says which stuff can fire in base, an array can be made for which can't. However keep in mind that you'd need to add ALL vehicles in this array. I strongly advise to use the version in this post.
  12. You can drop them inside a freshly spawned AO and they will still moan
  13. I'd love to be faced with this problem. Yea. some people want to go to the next AO, some want to RTB but i've never had all 3. What I do to fix it is go to the closest one first. And I announce that i'll be doing this.
  14. And all i ask of those people that are indifferent is that they voice their indifference.
  15. I'm pretty sure it can be coded. At least they've done something like that with the experimental tank side-mission.
  16. So to make someone an engineer/medic: First open the mission in the eden editor. Then go to the unit you want to make engineer/medic and double click on it. You should get a screen with a bunch of things in it. One of those things should be an empty field titled init. Copy paste: this setUnitTrait ["Medic",true]; this setUnitTrait ["engineer",true]; into this field. Finally press OK. Repeat for all units you want to make engineer and medic. A screenshot: For the vehicle respawn: Place down the vehicle you want to make respawnable in the eden editor. Go to the modules tab (f5 tab) and find multiplayer in the list you get. Open the dropdown menu of multiplayer. In there is a vehicle respawn module, place that down. Like this: Now right click on the module, hover over connect and select the 'sync to' option, like this: You should now see a blue line between your cursor and the module. Click on whichever vehicle you want to make respawnable and the blue line should now connect the vehicle with the module, like this: And finally double click on the module to change its settings, like this: If you want to know what each option means just hover your cursor over the words and it'll give you a brief explanation. Repeat for all vehicles you want to make respawnable. (You can either sync each vehicle to that module or create a module per vehicle or something in between it doesn't really matter. But all vehicles connected to the same module will have the same respawn settings.) If you have some more questions ask away.
  17. Well, my personal opinion is that people having to simply say where they want to go is less disruptive than people starting to avoid certain pilots. But that's just my point of view. I guess that, from now on, i'll type out in chat "where do you want to go?" once every time someone get's in the back. But i'm not gonna keep asking and i won't fly out with one or two passenger in the back. If i've got a full bird of mute people i'll drop them somewhere to my choosing.
  18. For the repairing vehicles: add this code to the initscreen of all units ingame: this setUnitTrait ["Medic",true]; this setUnitTrait ["engineer",true]; This makes all players engineers and medics so they can use both the medkit and the toolkit. For the GBUs not locking: as far as i know there isn't a single script running that impacts this. I suggest watching this, a tutorial on how to drop GBUs. The tutorial was made with a wipeout but the principle is the same for the greyhawks. I can't find anything that else that would impact the UAV terminal not being available for other players, maybe someone else here can? To be able to respawn vehicles that are not standard just put them down in eden and sync them to the respawn module and select the options you want.
  19. I think refusing to take-off unless given an LZ is doing just that. How am i supposed to know the opinion of my passengers if they don't say anything? For all i know they are AFK.
  20. It's not that they wouldn't have given me an LZ, if they had given me which mission they want to go to i'd already be gone. It's that they wouldn't have given me anything. If they'd have said "main pls" i'd ask them if they want a specific LZ or just somewhere around main. In the case that they'd give me an LZ i'd fly them to their LZ, in the case that they'd said that anywhere around main is good, i'd have flown them to an LZ to my chosing around main. And on average i type out that i'll fly to wherever my passengers like if they tell me in sidechat once every 15 minutes. Another extreme case: I jump with some friends in a heli and want to go to side. We type this out in vehicle chat. The pilot doesn't listen/doesn't care he just takes us to the main AO. Now don't go telling me that that pilot did his job better than i who is merely asking people to tell me where to go. And yes i don't beg for them to tell me that, either they tell me spontaneous or they don't.
  21. I get it's easy for people to just get in a heli and be taken to the AO, but is it so hard to simply ask in vehicle if the pilot can take you to the AO? And i'm not really surprised that people don't get in my heli if i turned the engine of and wait for them to say something. I honestly find it rather funny to see people get in, sit in the back quietly and get out. Again, don't get me wrong, i realise that if i just left my engine running i'd get more passengers. And i sometimes do if i really want to fly. But is it really that hard to get into a heli and type out something? What's wrong with swimming against the flow? I realise that i'm doing it and know what kind of consequences it has. I might have been ranting a bit but as Eagle said, this is intended to change the mentality a bit. I'm not gonna force anyone to do what i do but i do hope they do it. Heck if anyone has a better solution to prevent pilots from having to beg their passengers to tell them an LZ i'm all ears. I believe Lone answered a similar question like this in another thread: Hey, if anyone talks to me in either english or dutch i'll understand them and be able to communicate back in the same language. If they talk to me in french or german i'll understand them and (hopefully) produce something that is understandable. But as lone said english is AWs language. Where i live you have to flag a bus down if you want pickup. Metros and train do stop at every predetermined stop. But i don't think helis have predetermined stops. What i do falls within the current rules, what other pilots do also falls within the current rules. I'm not going for a rule change as i don't want to force my opinion on other people. I don't mind people sharing my opinion of course, i just feel that if a pilot want's to ask his passengers for an LZ or leave his engine running he should be able to. Oh and i was flying on EU2 today. At a given point me, eagle and another pilot were landed in the pads (yes me and eagle were landed in the same pad, he was flying a humming so there was more than room enough). And all of us had our engine turned off. Now i'm not claiming that this is because of this thread but it's definitely not a bad thing because people get to see that even though there are pilots with their engine turned off, none of them are AFK. And i second what eagle said in his last post.
  22. On EU1 it spawns at one of the FOBs (can't remember the name, but it's a the airfield closest to the base).
  23. Well, in my opinion, they should. I don't really care that they don't but they better not complain that there aren't any pilots around when i'm standing next to them. Happened to me once even though i was typing in direct with the pilot on the other pad, both with our engines off. It was rather clear that we were pilots from what we were saying. End i put a safe flight over a lot of flights, which is in my opinion beneficial for the ground troops. After all if i'd just take off and crash on my way to the AO they will probably lose more time than when i take 30 seconds to mark my stuff on my map. If ground troops don't like it, most of the time there are 4 other pilots around. One of them might be willing to just go to the AO with no clue on where to land, which way to fly, how to egress, ... I'm not forcing anyone to fly with me. Oh i don't hang around an LZ longer than i have to. If i got a full GH i'll stay at the LZ max 30 sec. If you're not out you're going back to base with me. I'm not gonna ask someone to get out more than once. An admin can hardly ever do anything about it as they can't check what was said on the spot. Best they can do is give a warning. But i record whenever i'm on the servers so sometimes, actually hardly ever, i end up filing a player report here. I only do that for real bad stuff as it takes away half an hour of my time i could have spend doing something else. Me neither, but they shouldn't expect me to smell where they want to go. If someone is on for an hour or so and doesn't care where he get's dropped than he can just tell me, i'll be more than happy to put them at the closest safe LZ.
  24. I used to ask my passengers where they want to go 99% of the time i get no response. If only the AO was active i'd fly them there but if both the AO and side mission were active i don't really have any way to know to which one they want to go. So now i just wait until someone tells me where he/she wants to go. Well not exactly, i wait until someone initiates contact with me, can be through direct, side or vehicle. I've had people come into my complaining about other pilots talked to them a bit and got an LZ out of them. I've also had people come into my heli not saying a word. A comparison: you see a cab at the trainstation and you need to go downtown. What do you do? Ask the caby if he can take you downtown or just go sit silently in the back of the cab hoping the caby takes you where you want to go? If people don't put any effort into getting where they want to go, why should i? Well, it's not like i sit there like if i'm afk. I'm constantly looking around, helping people via sidechat, ... And if i do go AFK for a minute i'll get off of the pads, land my heli near the helispawn, get out of it and say in chat i'll be afk for a minute or 2. I do what i do because i try to provide safe transport for them. They can't go expecting me to draw my ingress/egress route and all related shizel on the map whilst i'm flying. Definitely not if there are 2 enemy jets in the air. Heck if i was really concerned about my passengers safety i wouldn't take of if there were 2 enemy jets in the air. Yesterday (or the day before, can't remember) there were 2 enemy jets in the air. Of the total of 10 runs (could have been more) i did that day i got shot at by a jet 3 times. 1 jet came after me with his cannon, i managed to dodge all incoming rounds by using nearby mountains/valleys. The other 2 shot missiles at me. Both times i couldn't dodge them and got hit. The first time my bird was empty and i autorotated it down 1.6km from base. The 2nd time i was over open sea. I tried to glide towards an island but didn't have enough speed/altitude. I did manage to hover it above the water for about a second. Everyone, including me, got out of the heli and managed to swim to the island. If in the last 2 cases the jet came back and decided to use it's canon i wouldn't have been able to do a single thing. And i do try to support players as much as i can, if anyone calls out that they need ammo in the AO, i'll happily take it to them. If an AO is done and friendly forces are scattered all over the place i'll fly to everyone, i won't land somewhere and wait for everyone to come to me. Out of curiosity which actions feel wrong to you?
  25. Damn, @Eagle-Eye beat me to it. But just like him i place down some LZs around the AO all pilots should be able to handle. Most of the time i stick to 3-4 LZs. And i don't force people to give me an LZ, if they say something like "to the AO, lz doesn't matter" i'd be happy to take them to the closest safest LZ. Well most of the time when someone shoot's at me i'll simply type out in chat "<name> why did you shoot at my heli". Sometimes i get a response like "because you left me, come back" but most of the time they just go silent. This is why i only fly with pilots i know. A lot of pilots just do whatever the heck they want, they don't even tell you what they're gonna do.
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