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Everything posted by Stanhope

  1. The reason I don't play a lot on EU2 anymore is many real life stuff. I simpy don't have the time to game a complete hour. And if I do find myself with half an hour of free time I actually want to do something, so I join EU1. In the very uncommon case I do have more then an hour I do join EU2, most of the time as a pilot. Another thing about EU2 is the fog. I know that there's nothing that can be done to prevent it. And that I should ask an admin on TS to remove it. However during the 'down hours' there usually only is 1 admin or spartan online or none at all. (I get why, admins and spartans have a life besides AW as well) But this makes it rather difficult to have the fog removed. On zeus enhancing gameplay: This could be because of me not playing a lot but the only zeus i've seen active on EU2 is @Eagle-Eye. Now I understand why someone that want's to zeus prefers EU1 to do this on. But this results (imo) in a similar situation as players needing to join to make other players join. If there are a lot of really good zeusmissions on eu2 people will start to join eu2 (imo). I personally don't have a problem with the base, tanoa or the missions. Now for fixes. For the number of players: maybe some EU1 regulars could temporary change to EU2? Until it has regained some popularity? Or maybe advertise EU2 on EU1? (I'm just brainstorming here) The fog: Maybe put a marker somewhere on the map explaining to new players how to get the fog removed? Enhanced gameplay: I don't think we should (can?) force spartans to join EU2 and zeus there. But it would be great if they could.
  2. Some days ago i went to an underwater mission and well, my experience was a tad different. I got a pilot to lift the sub, with me and another guy in it, to the mission. He dropped us +/- 1 km away from the edge of the circle. When we got there i dropped down to the seafloor and started heading towards the mission. The guy that was in the 'gunner seat' used the thermals and found the tower rather easy. Our plan was to 'land' the sub on the roof and go from there. Due to my *cough cough* wonderful *cough* 'sub-drivingskills' I, gently, bumped into the tower. Next thing we see, all the AO fleeing. So we get out, dive in the tower, set the charges, get out (in time), hop back in the sub and get some distance before everything blows. During this whole thing i didn't fire a single round. The airlift took longer than the actual mission. Although I, and probably a lot more people, think that the concept of an underwater-mission is great, until BI decides to give the underwater stuff an update i don't see this mission being a great success. So my suggestion: put a timer on this mission. This way the people who like the mission despite the flawed underwater combat still have a chance. But that it also doesn't remain active for multiple hours.
  3. Good that i save some of the stuff i come across on social media:
  4. Also keep in mind that spartans can remove the fog as well, you don't really need an admin. Send from my phone
  5. I've also noticed that whenever i join nobody is in a pilot slot so i take one. And most of the time the second i've set up my squad walked and over to the helis, somebody else has joined as a pilot as well (even though there are only 3-6 guys on the server at those times, so i usually switch to the UAV slot to help the guys on the ground with some well placed GBUs). I don't know why people only seem to take a pilot slot if somebody else already has one, maybe they are afraid of being the only pilot on the server? I sometimes see people that don't have the apex dlc trying to join (often multiple times) but this also happend when I&A2 was running. Apart from what s0zi0p4th (and eagle eye) said about the repeating AOs i haven't noticed any bugs. Maybe a few minor things like an empty task screen that pops up after another task completes, turret lock script not working (i even think this one is fixed, haven't checked in the last version). And now i think about it most of the things i was thinking about are already fixed. I even haven't seen the fog in a while (but this might be because i haven't been able to play a lot lately). I don't know why people don't join EU2 maybe this is because people that play on EU1 don't know that it exists (I'm not talking about the people that are active on the forums, but about people that haven't signed up on the forums and just always join EU1). Something that might help is to have maybe some spartans create some zeus-mission on EU2 and advertise about these missions on EU1? (if that advertising isn't against the rules?) This could make people aware that there is a second server and they might look for it if their favorite slot on EU1 is taken. It's just an idea feel free to shoot it down and provide another one.
  6. My bad, i didn't mean to say that the fog is the only reason why eu2 has so little players. I just think it's one of the contributing factors. On the up side, I don't see all the pilot slots being filled when there are only 10 guys on any more But yes the other day i joined as infantry and someone ingame asked me to switch to a pilot slot. (Even though the AO was only 3km away from base)
  7. Some additions to what @Eagle-Eye said: I've noticed this too and think it's because of the fog. The last 4 times i've joined eu2 I couldnt see more then 15-20m due to the fog. When i get an admin/spartan/... to remove it, it seems like people don't leave as quick. Maybe put a marker somewhere on the map to let people know they can ask admins/spartans/... to remove the fog if it's too bad? (Although this could lead to players spamming admins/spartans/... for a little bit of fog, so maybe not?) I've seen this AO as well, and as UAV operator I had to take an RPG and run to a hill outside of base to prevent a marid from killing everyone and everything at base. On EU2 I've noticed that if I (as a UAV operator) destroyed both the Prio arty target and the radiotower the AO would complete even though the AO was far from finished. I believe This particular problem is solved in the version that's running now. (Havnt had time to do destroy both the RT and Prio yet ) Not only UAV operators 'abuse' this, yesterday i saw an AT rifleman kill 10+ EI with a single AP missile. It was in one of the previous versions of EU1 as well, haven't had the time to test it out on the newer versions. However I think on EU1 this isnt OP as it is really really hard to get the greyhawk in the air.
  8. I dont know if this will help you but this is how i soved my problems: I was running the 32 bit version on a 64 bit system, changed that. Downgraded video quality (I don't inted to put it on YT it's just to have some evidence of TKers). I'm also using screencapture and not gamecapture because I never got that to work.
  9. My favorites are: UAV op > pilot > sniper > AT rifleman > engineer/repair spec Most of the time I end up playing as an AT rifleman or an engineer.
  10. So obs seems to be trolling me. I changed my settings up and most of the time it records everything perfectly. The only time it doesnt record properly is when: someone is shooting a 30mm at me, when i try to get some footage of an !d!ot trolling around at base in a pilot slot, ... These are the setting i'm using at the moment: Output: recording: recording quality same as stream recording format MP4 Streaming: video bitrate 2000 encoder software x264 audio bitrate 160 video: base resolution: 1366x769 output resolution: 1092x614 downscale filter: bicubic fps: 30 Anyone know how i can tweak it to record properly? (It doesnt have to be in high quality, if you can read the chat it's good enough)
  11. So turns out i was running the 32 bit version on a 64 bit system. For the obs settings (i couldnt change my obs to english so some translations might be different): record quality: same as with streaming streaming settings (simple): video bitrate: 2000 encoder: software x264 audio bitrate: 64 encodingsettings: superfast I'll look on youtube for some tutorial on how to tweak your settings. (If someone knows a good tutorial feel free to share)
  12. An other option to the baling is the ability to put your backpack between your legs before taking a parachute (i believe ACE has this ability? Dont know if it's possible on eu 1 and 2 to add this function without using a mod).
  13. Yesterday i was recording whilst i was playing on eu1 with OBS. When i stopped playing, stopped the recording and started to review the footage i saw something strange. OBS only captured my map. And this only in real time when i was ingame in my map. Whenever i wansnt in my map ingame it recorded a screenshot of my map of when i closed it. The weird thing, the audio was recorded correctly. (Does this make any sense or should i upload a clip from the recording?) Does anyone know what caused this or what i should do to fix it? Information that might be relevant: My specs: intel core i5-5200U 8GB ram (DD3L) NVIDIA GeForce 940M (4 GB dedicated VRAM) My video settings ingame: everything on low (or off), with view distance off +/- 2000m OBS settings: Havnt changed any of them since the instal
  14. I actually agree, but if we did this we would only have 1 or 2 medics for an entire AO. Another benefit of being able to revive with either one is that if you have to parachute out of a chopper, you can still revive players. (This probably doesnt happen a lot)
  15. I think it's good that you only need one of the 2, but since a lot of people who dont play as medic a lot tend to forget their medkit and only take faks. So maybe give the medic the possibility to revive using a medkit OR a fak? I dont know if this is possible with the current scripts. If it isn't I would prefer that you need a medkit.
  16. Yea, i guess i'll mark things in group from now on. The reason I mark stuff in vehicle is to give the players in my heli a general idea of how long it will take, how i'll fly and so that the gunners know what too look for when. Lets hope there arnt any trolls in the pilot slot or i'd have to make my own private group.
  17. The only thing i mark in side is the LZ itself, all other things I mark in vehicle, as this is the channel i'm tuned to while flying and with the new update i can't see stuff i marked in other channels. Well yes, i should work on a 'thicker skin'. I tried, multiple times. The thing is most people do have the balls to initiate a votekick but not tell whoever they are trying to kick why they are trying to votekick him. As off 3 days ago, i started recording every time i join a public server (because someone shot a 30mm nade at me, killing me and my bird and got away with it). In those 3 days i managed to capture: 1 mass TK at base, a guy shooting a 30mm at me (what is it that makes my chopper such a good target for 30mm nato grenades?) The thing is, i marked it in vehicle. And filing a player report for someone trying to votekick me? I personally wouldnt do that. People may think, hell they can even tell me, that I'm a bad pilot. But all they have to do is tell me and I'll see if there arguments make sense or if there are enough people that think it and i'll have 0 problems leaving the pilot slot FOR A BETTER PILOT.
  18. Something related to this but a bit off topic: Yesterday i was flying to a freshly spawned AO, I marked a safe LZ and a flightpath in advance. The flightpath was needed to make sure i turned into the right valley and didnt expose my bird to a bunch of enemy vics at the same time. So there i was cruising at about 170-220 through a valley when suddenly someone in the back decides to delete my flightpath. Since i didnt have a waypoint set on the LZ (but did mark stuff related to speed on that flightpath) i suddenly had no clue how far i was from the LZ let alone where to go. So i slow down to a stop and put my heli in autohover, type in chat that i'd return to base if someone deletes my flightpath again and redraw the flightpath, and just to be safe put a waypoint on the LZ and memorize how to fly there. Guess what happens moments after i had redrawn my flightpath? Somebody deletes it. So i slow down, turn around fly 100-200m back and then turn back around and go to the LZ. Agreed this isnt the best way to handle this, but i'm a bid fed up with people deleting stuff i mark to get them somewhere safely. This isnt the part that shocked me, this happend to me before (and i did exactly the same). The part that shocked me is when 2 guys in my heli decided they would try to votekick me. The weird thing was that at the moment they tried the votekick me we were traveling at about 200km/h at about 20-50m. So if i did get votekicked they would all die. I really dont see the logic in that. If someone doesnt like the way i fly and asks me to leave the pilot slot for a better pilot and enough people (or the right people, like admins) agree i would do that without any hesitation. AFTER i got everyone safely out of my heli and put the heli where it belonged. NOT in the middle of a flight with a nealy full ghosthawk. What do you guys think about this and do you guys know a better way to handle people deleting the stuff you mark on the map?
  19. @Cebi, I usually fly a ghosthawk or a hummingbird (or pawnee if it happens to spawn) When i'm flying with the humming I will most likely abort the landing and fly to safety unless there is cover real close. Because which ever caliber it is, it will ruin my day if it hits the engine or me. When i'm flying the ghosthawk it depends on the caliber and the direction the fire is coming from anything from the front can ruin my day real bad, and if it's coming from one of the sides or the back i bug out if i guess it to be more than a 7.62 since they can mess the engine up in a single shot or maybe 2.
  20. @duffyman i personally have seen the entire art of flight series, and highly recommend all pilots to watch at least most of them.
  21. Tnx and yes i also see a lot of pilots doing stuff that annoys me as a pilot and is really annoying inf. And scince that 30mm I now record every time I join one of the servers.
  22. Just like cryo i have a situation i've been faced with a few times recently. And would like to get some advice on. So the situation: an AO just finished and i'm (as a pilot with a chopper) close enough to evac people within a minute or so. When i'm approaching the evacpoint I hear snaps and I can tell that the fire is comming from my 12. This means that 1 bullet could send the heli crashing into the ground (if that 1 bullet hits the pilot, me). So what should I do? ( considering: 1 there could still be enemies at the ao targeting me, 2 people like to fire of their guns when the ao finishes, 3 people think firing in the direction of a heli will encourage the pilot to pick them up) What I usually do: bug out as soon as I hear snaps comming from my 12 and, when i'm at a safe distance, tell people not to fire in the direction of my chopper. Then I go back to evac people. This has on one occasion caused a player to be 'upset' with me and fire his 30mm at my chopper, knocking out the engine and the main and tail rotor. Causing me to crash, and another pilot having to fly the 10k to the old ao. This is a bit of an extreme reaction I usually only get called all kind of things. Usually people get mad because I 'waisted their time'. Yes I did waist a full minute or mayby even 2 minutes of their time. But if I'm shot down they'll have to wait even longer. So am I handeling it wright or shouldt I handle it differently (an how then)?
  23. Couldnt agree more, but unfortunately I can still think of situations where you might have to kick players out of your chopper and/or lock it.
  24. Frequently playing on PC: Arma 3 Occasionally: Anno 2070 farming simulator (17) heroes and generals the crew watchdogs team fortress 2 war thunder Console: none
  25. Yes, it is always possible someone went afk for a minute, but if the chopper was going to base and he knew it i don't think he would mind being dropped at base without that he himself got out. About the new and unskilled pilots, if they use those functions when they are not needed they are a clear indication that he shouldn't be in the pilot slot in the first place. But yes there is a problem with new and unskilled pilots, and no i don't have the wright/best answer.
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