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Everything posted by Ryko

  1. A couple of notes - Generally - our survey results suggested the majority of players aren't really concerned about the size of the repo, so I'm not sure what the overall aim of this exercise is. You talk about change as a goal, but what I'm seeing is just removing content so that it's not available. 1) Gorgona and Kunduz will eventually be removed, Kunduz had to stay until at least 059 because I'd accidentally used a few structures from that mod pack to populate some buildings on Lythium 2) PLA & Middle East Factions are tiny mods, just config files that leverage existing assets, without them you are essentially fighting nothing but Russians 3) Killoch's MNP is in use by PLA & Middle East Factions, as well as a few players, I think it could be possible to use other uniforms not in MNP for them. There will of course be the standard contingent of players who will be upset that they have to redo all their loadouts because the uniforms will no longer exist in the arsenal. I'm not married to MNP, I agree with Noah that some of the uniforms are OP. 4) SMA, I'm not super happy with the imbalance on some of the weapons, but again some people feel very strongly for them (as your own poll shows) - for example magazine weight it not consistent 5) For DAR, yes, the textures are pure Arma 2, but I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for RHS to add additional content. It will probably happen eventually, but in the meantime, those vehicles add very useful functionality based on the way players tend to play the mission. Players tend to drive vehicles to the AO and then advance on foot. Theoretically I could remove DAR, Strykers and LAV25 and the majority of players wouldn't notice a difference. However since we are trying to emulate some form of realism I'm loathe to do that as those vehicles are hugely integrated into the US branches of the military, which we are often playing. 5a) For the Stryker and LAV, we had got those working quite successfully but then an issue cropped up which continues to pop a config error. It's on the to do list. If we were having a conversation about the mod pack, I'd entertain discussion of integrating CUP in its entirety, but to go down that route would probably the third rail of AWE politics. There is a ton of excellent content in that mod, but all it takes is one crappy texture and people are willing to cross the entire package off the list.
  2. So - love the idea. There are of course a few elements that make this concept a bit harder to execute than may be initially seen as straightforward. 1) personnel starting as wounded - Arma isn't consistent when it comes to applying wounds properly. In the initial version of the "rescue pilots" mission, it was just a one-stage mission of finding the wounded pilots, and bringing them back to base. Sometimes, the pilots wouldn't be wounded; sometimes they'd be dead. 2) moving around non-player personnel - it's kind of working in the "Peace Talks" mission, but adding non-players to player groups isn't (to my mind) the best option. In the mission you're proposing however, it seems that's the only way it'd work, to get the AI to behave reliably (otherwise you'll have to cable tie them in order to load them into vehicles). 3) Essentially this is a modification of the "extract asset" mission (rescue Bishop, rescue Joker, etc) so you could feasibly extend on that mission, if it was a case of then needing to bring that non-player asset to another location for mission success. The original version of the extract asset mission worked that way - you had to bring him from point A to point B, rather than back to base- but I started running into exceptions where you'd establish where point A was successfully, but the logic in finding a reasonable point B failed. So it was easier to just bring the asset back to base. At this point, I'm putting a hold on elaborate development of Stiletto and concentrating on other activities (such as the pub server mission) - I will continue to support Stiletto in terms of bug fixes and feature updates, but ultimately, the mission is (I think) about as far as it can reasonably go before additional features will start to impact on the performance of the server. If people want to extend upon what I've done, I'm happy to help in a support capacity. - R
  3. Civilian vehicles spawn with random amounts of damage; some are fine, some are busted up.
  4. Stiletto 059 is now live on the server. CHANGE LOG 058/059 1. Tweaks to various code to fix script errors. 2. Tweaks to intel review to improve reliability and performance 3. Tweaks to capture/kill HVT missions 4. Fixed error where civilian trading, unable to put something in your inventory because you don't have enough space, created an error and didn't complete the trade by putting it on the ground. 5. Removed Heli UAV due to spawning and usability issues. 6. Fixed error in hostage rescue mission (among others) 7. Added BAF CH47, Bulldog and new enemy SAM vehicles 8. Better support for VTOL vehicles from service pads.
  5. Yeah, I figured this out for the Logi spawn menu. It doesn't really work consistently for the vehicle menu 1) because there are two columns, one for unarmed and one for armed, and it would be tricky (but not impossible) to reorganize / revise the layout to also accommodate the preview image; and 2) because there's no guarantee there are accurate pictures for each vehicle. It works consistently for the Logi menu because there are only vanilla assets being spawned, which all have accurate preview pictures: I believe for some vehicle mods, there are not preview pictures, or it's the same vehicle picture spread out across multiple vehicles.
  6. Nope. 3cb did the config for that vehicle, so you'd have to convince them to make that so.
  7. Sorry to hear that. He was a genuine and authentic dude.
  8. Since version 051. HVTs and other mission-specific characters will always surrender: otherwise, the chance of surrender is related to the subject's courage and the presence of nearby allies.
  9. Stiletto has been updated on the server to version 057. CHANGE LOG 057 1. Removed Vanilla BIS MAAWS; Vorona is now available to Eastern factions. 2. Fixed script error in Recover cache mission. 3. Fixed issue with service pads not rotating, or working, on VTOL vehicles. Note that servicing your vehicle will return it to its default state as spawned: if you want to apply a custom loadout, you will want to service the vehicle first. 4. Fixed issues in Escort VIP mission (Peace Talks). 5. Added Task Update notification for various two-stage missions. 6. Tweaked enemy ground vehicle spawn to prevent instant exploding. 7. Added counterattack mission to list of available missions in mission control dialog.
  10. I've played with that script, it doesn't actually solve the problem as stated: if a player is shot, he "should" go into ragdoll, regardless of whether he's just wounded and unconscious, or dead, so that you actually have to go over to him and check his vitals. Right now, if a player ragdolls, you know he's dead and it's not worth it to go over and try and save him. The script just puts people in a different animation state rather than doing a ragdoll, so it just replaces one state with another.
  11. Thanks - we have already done this. Don't know what to tell you about dePbo'ing - it's compressed no differently than anything else, afaik.
  12. Ryko

    New Update?

    Unless BIS makes changes to underlying functions that break the mission, I&A should work tomorrow. We have a new version ramped up to deal with a few issues relating to automatic restarting of the mission, and I'm looking to put a hold on that version so we can integrate the new vehicles into the mission.
  13. Stiletto version 056 is now on the server. I've changed the base location on Tembelan to a land base (including plane spawns) to switch things up a bit. CHANGE LOG 056 1. Added functionality to jam SMS messages: in global, enter: smsJammed = # (where #=0, 1 or 2) 0 = sms messages are not jammed 1 = sms messages are garbled 2 = sms messages cannot be received 2. Fixes to rally point deployment. 3. Added a timer to kill/capture HVT missions, if the HVT is not identified / captured within 20 minutes of his death / activation the mission will fail. This may screw players in some cases (I was just about to finish identifying him and then the mission failed) but it will cover a multitude of scenarios where the mission cannot be completed. 4. Tweaks and fixes to intel review. 5. Tweaked pylon rearming distance (25m now instead of 15m). 6. Fix to MARSOC dynamic squad layout.
  14. Tried, no matter what settings I use, it removes the commanding menu (scrollwheel menu options).
  15. 10/10 best briefing video! Let's all do our part to max pop this mission - it would be awesome to get all 40 slots filled!
  16. Yeah, I wouldn't do it that way again, rather I'd add both actions and use the condition to show one or the other. Tweak away
  17. CUP Terrains Core is 5.7GB. Chernarus Redux is 1.9GB. Total package size would be 7.6GB for one map.
  18. I think I've found the ace variable which defines the distance, I'll kick it up a notch (it's currently set to 15, think maybe 25 meters will do it based on current locations?)
  19. Stiletto 055 has been loaded onto the server on all 6 maps. CHANGE LOG 055 1. Added flavour helmets for pilots, removed SAR-21 rifles. PRC152/FADAK radios now properly restricted to Corporal and above. The arsenal will still probably eat your radios from saved loadouts, so always check you have a radio before you leave base. 2. Added Single & Double flood lights to Logi spawnable items. Note that they can be turned off via ACE interaction, but they cannot be reactivated if you do this (blame ACE). 3. Changed Fog dynamic: Fog will not improve or disperse over time to avoid Arma's wonky fog mechanics. 4. All HVTs / human objectives will now automatically surrender if you point your gun at them and use the Stop action (within 20m). 5. Tweaks to rally point deployment to fix spawning errors. 6. Dogs can no longer bite you through vehicles. 7. Admin Show FPS command shows server & HC units being controlled by server & HC. 8. Fix to USMC Squad layout (thanks Plant1ng), and update to BAF Squad layout (thanks GhostDragon) 9. In all missions, OPFOR will support themselves a bit better (groups will no longer blindly patrol when another group is attacked) 10. Fixes to capture/kill HVT missions, HVT fleeing area refined and mission fail conditions refined 11. Fix to Deploy Comm array mission (enemy reinforcements were not being summoned, thus mission could not complete) 12. Inanimate objects will no longer complain about you searching them (thanks Moonfire) 13. Enemies who are restrained/surrendered now properly referred to as Enemy rather than Civilian, and different interaction options are available in talk menu (ie., you can't trade with them) 14. Boat spawn options cleaned up; assault boats added 15. Tembelan island rocks deleted where AI were able to walk through them.
  20. Hey @Plant1ing Some information on your quest to understand intel: 1) The intel types are "flavour text", one type doesn't correlate to a specific task (whether it's a GPS tracker, a stash of crumpled notes, a radio, doesn't matter). 2) Intel relates to all tasks at any given time: including past succeeded/failed tasks. Getting new intel after you've completed a task, that intel could relate to that completed task. After 051 intel review should be more specific about what task the intel related to. 3) There is a greater chance when reviewing intel that the intel will relate to the closest task. 4) I added the return of "intel is garbage" to try and deal with the fact that somehow, somewhere, intel is getting bugged. I'm trying to identify and lock down all the sources of intel so that they are all in the same format and that method was supposed to be an exclusion process so that if the intel code isn't processed successfully, it completes gracefully and doesn't leave the AO unchecked. Obviously there's still a problem. What would be really helpful would be to examine your intel periodically after you collect it. Right now, you can collect intel from the following sources: 1) Trading with civilians 2) Searching restrained civilians, or dead civilian bodies 3) Searching restrained enemies, or dead enemy bodies 4) Searching vehicles, caches, spawn camp crates 5) receiving intel from other players. If at any point you receive or see the result of "any" then that'd help me identify what's causing the error.
  21. Stiletto 054 has been released across all maps. CHANGE LOG 054 1. Tweak to weather, fog should be slightly less severe in worst cases. 2. Tweaks to ambient OPFOR spawning in relation to its move to the HC. 3. Added new Stryker and LAV-25 vehicles to vehicle spawn menu. 4. Fix to vehicle service/spawning area where vehicles weren't able to be deleted, and wouldn't reload ammunition completely. 5. Added new option to allow command player/admin to switch player faction and reset all vehicles/squad layout. Must be performed with all players present in the command building. Currently available for BLUFOR only.
  22. Stiletto 053 has been uploaded to the server. CHANGE LOG 053 1. Fixed error in intel review. 2. Complete overhaul of Ambient AI & Ambient Civilians and how these functions interact with the Headless Client. Ambient OPFOR units have traditionally been run by the HC: to improve performance, Ambient Civilians are also now run by the HC (if it's available). 3. Fixed rally point deployment. 4. Slight raise to logistics crates: 350 for small box, 700 for large box. 5. Added scroll action to logistics crates, crate may be destroyed (useful for clearing away clutter, especially when the resource points are exhausted). 6. Fixes to FOB infantry spawn point, including arsenal which didn't disappear (it now does). 7. Another attempt to fix team colors staying as configured, this attempt is a bit more brute force but it "should" work. 8. Revised diary to update Stiletto game mode rules, and added description of dynamic groups. 9. Applied mission end fixes to Capture UAV mission and Hostage Rescue mission. 10. Tweaks to civilian ambient vehicles to prevent explosioning.
  23. What was the security level of the town? Civilian's don't guaranteed stop any more, they'll run away if they're scared of BLUFOR.
  24. Please note that 052 is the most recent version, and while bug reports are fine, I am not developing on version 051. I have explored fixes for radios being eaten by the arsenal, and it's not possible with our version of TFAR and how ACE parses the arsenal. Apparently the TFAR 1.0 beta has support for the ACE arsenal, but until they've ironed out their audio issues and produce a version which doesn't have the horrible clipping issue we're stuck where we are. Short version: check your loadout before you exit the arsenal and ensure you have the radio and scope you desire.
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