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Everything posted by Ryko

  1. I'm not disagreeing, all I know is that in a pilot's targeting screen it's just going to come up "T-100" and there's no way the player is going to see the flag.
  2. I have to say that offering opfor assets as reward vehicles can't help anti-tk measures much.
  3. Hey BB, Glad you are enjoying the server and mission. Nothing is super secret here - download mikeros utilities and use eliteness to open up a mission pbo and you can see exactly how the sausage gets made. For stiletto each of the submissions uses a trigger to determine when the mission is succeeded or failed, at which point a routine is called the launches the next mission. R
  4. It's the bane of my existence. I've tried to fix it about four times now. ... gearing up for attempt #5
  5. Stiletto version 052 is now on the server. I'm putting a hold on developing further on Gorgona and Kunduz because those small maps have problems which make them bothersome to play on. As such the rotation for 052 will be: Lythium, Bozcaada, Tembelan, Malden, Stratis and Altis. CHANGE LOG 052 1. Additional sanity checks when joining groups. 2. ALT-END will decrease zoom level on mini map. 3. Stinger anti-air launcher added to Rifleman LAT and Rifleman AT for western factions; Igla added for eastern factions. 4. Fixed picking up intel from dead friendlies. 5. Civilians will (if they like you) occasionally reveal the locations of mines on your map. 6. Dynamic group system now has parameter setting for None (Commander will create), Default Stiletto, and draft versions for US Army, USMC, MARSOC, British and Russian configurations. 7. Updates to review intel mechanic: additional feedback from Crossroads about the task the intel related to. 8. Discovered missions mechanic tweaked: as intel is collected, there is a proportional chance a new mission will spawn. 9. Tweaks to deploy/defend comm array mission should reduce the overall length of time the array needs to be defended, and enemy reinforcements should spawn more rapidly.
  6. Please note, the way the mod works, you will probably experience reduced frames, as it adds an eventhandler on every gunshot, explosion and basically anything that produces a sound effect to alter the sound that's produced. We have no control over this. Your mileage may vary.
  7. This is correct. The radio thing is like this: TFAR includes 1000 unique radio items for each model, but only the base model is represented in the arsenal. If you save your loadout with a TFAR radio, the loadout saves that unique item number (TF_RF7800_13). But when you go to load that loadout, the unique radio isn't in the whitelist, so it gets removed. There is a script that runs when you open the arsenal by scroll action that removes your radio and replaces it with a base copy before you enter the arsenal: if you save this way, it "should" save correctly. But if you change out your radio and then save your loadout, it probably won't load the loadout with the radio you've selected because it's created a radio with a unique number. The absolute way around it should be: create a loadout, exit the arsenal, re-enter the arsenal, save the loadout. As for radio items being improperly whitelisted for ranks - I'll have a look.
  8. Stiletto 051 has been uploaded to the server, available on all maps. CHANGE LOG 051 1. Fixed error in Logi functions: when attempting to place a structure where the gradient wouldn't support it, it would prevent the player from placing elsewhere or cancelling. 2. Added show FPS/hide FPS to admin commands (shows both server and HC fps) 3. Revised method for creating new missions and setting karma through mission control dialog (easier and requires no markers) 4. Civilians (and the enemy) will no longer allow you to restrain them without being surrendered. To try to make a unit surrender, point your weapon at them and use the stop command. 4A. The odds of a unit surrendering are related to the courage and extremist ratings on the unit, and are modified by the unit being wounded. 4B. Unconscious units can be restrained. 5. Updates to stop action / surrendering methodology. 6. Added optional mission Clear Armor (armor-based mission) available through mission control interface. 7. Slight tweak to ambient AI: air assets should spawn slightly more often. 8. Fix to abort missions on the mission control board.
  9. Ryko


    Results of Hobnob's A-10 gun run.
  10. Stiletto 050 has been fixed and rolled out across all maps. CHANGE LOG 050 1. Fixed errors in intel review, searching, and deploy rally point actions. 2. Fixed errors in logi actions not setting. 3. Fixed errors in Extract Asset mission. 4. Intel review is now performed one piece at a time per action to avoid wasting intel. 5. Revised how Zeus modules are assigned. Moderators are no longer automatically assigned a module and must use an ACE Self-Interaction to Take or Leave a module. (This is for staff only, and now it really works as intended, thanks @J0hnson)
  11. Stiletto 050 is on the server on Altis, which should fix these issues. This is a test version as there are important changes for how Zeus modules are assigned for admins, and when that's confirmed working I will roll it out for all maps.
  12. Stiletto 049 released on all maps. Lythium has been placed first in the default rotation, followed by Altis, Tembelan, Malden (default faction OPFOR), Stratis, Kunduz, Bozcaada and Gorgona. CHANGE LOG 049 1. Fixed error in Recover Cache mission where returning the cache would cancel the mission instead of completing it. 2. Fixed mission load error: Resource Title Default not found. This also fixes the minimap not being removed error. 3. Removed dependency on XLA_FixedArsenal for repo. 4. Fixed error causing dogs not to spawn. 5. Tweaks to marker movement on intel review. 6. Generous civilians will gift you intel items again. 7. Response/Blood pressure/Pulse/Tourniquet actions on civilians will not give you a friendly effect, and friendly effect is not guaranteed. 8. Fixed crate spawning issues (medical among others) Things that may or may not be fixed (further testing required) 1. When you died, dynamic groups has a tendency to remove you from the group, this may now be fixed so you are still in the role while you are respawning (please advise if this is in fact the case)
  13. Ryko

    A few issues

    When I asked you to itemize your issues, I meant issues related to the mission, not I&A Dev - because you focused so much on the idea that Stan was doing work that did not improve the mission. Thus I am going to focus on Point 4 "Yet there are many things that could be optimized which aren't even glanced at" Please itemize.
  14. So I've confirmed the radio issue, but I couldn't reproduce the scope issue. The only thing I can suggest is that it's somehow related to how ACE handles the setting of variables, in that the arsenal may be loaded before all the variables are properly set. For scopes, try closing the arsenal and re-opening it before dealing with a loadout, the variables should be set properly by the second time. For the radios, it's probably related to the fact that saving a loadout, you are saving a specific radio, and those 2,000 individual radios are not individually whitelisted in the arsenal. I'll see if there's a workaround, but for now, just make sure you've got a radio before you exit the arsenal (like always).
  15. Scaling enemy units so that there is an appropriate number of units compared with the number of players will increase FPS, so I don't understand your premise. Did you read my earlier post about this issue? If I am understanding this comment, you feel that players are just fine with the idea that it may take a long time to win an AO because there are many more enemies than the current number of players can effectively handle, and that our proposition to scale the number of EI to balance with the player base, in order to complete AOs, is unnecessary. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think there's evidence to support this, however, there's no evidence to support the other argument, too. I would submit that there is a natural tendency to want to win an AO, and the current reward system also requires an AO to be completed for additional vehicles to spawn. So I think there are plenty of good reasons to want to make AOs "winnable" from a player perspective. Please itemize. Itemize, and stop dragging this down to a personal level.
  16. I guess I don't understand this comment. Are you proposing we just have a continuous battle in one AO, with new enemy units continuously spawning in?
  17. How would you propose this be handled?
  18. With a main, priority and side mission, that's three separate corps of AI sucking up CPU processing power. If the goal is to increase server FPS then every AI group that is removed will have a positive impact. The benefit for a variable / balanced algorithm for creating AI based on the amount of players is that for lower-player games, you'll create lower numbers of AI using a lesser amount of resources. The problem is that if more players arrive, there will now be more players than anticipated for the mission and it will become easier ("why aren't there more enemy soldiers to fight? This is easy"). Imagine the server starts, 10 players join, 25 enemy soldiers are spawned in the first AO. Over the next 10 minutes another 50 players join, now you have 60 players fighting 25 soldiers. The AO is quickly secured. Then the next mission is spawned and maybe it creates 100 enemy soldiers to fight. Players leave (maybe it's getting late and people are starting to go to bed, or maybe it's too hard) and now you've got 20 players fighting 100 enemy soldiers. The solution would be either an ambient AI system that dynamically spawns new enemy groups in response to players out in the battlefield (we use this on AWE and it does fill in the gaps nicely, and makes a less static mission) and/or a system that over time adjusts the number of enemy groups upwards or downwards in response to overall player count (maybe the enemy gets reinforcement groups if there is a sudden increase in player count, or enemy groups are called away as the player threat is not enough to justify the size of the enemy presence). One particular problem with Arma is spawning units in places that make sense: finding the right number of enemy units to challenge a certain number of players is tricky by itself, but getting that number of units into positions where they can threaten the player is another matter entirely. If you have five groups on patrol around an objective, there's no guarantee the players will even see them because they might be out of position. So tweaking the number of units upwards kind of addresses that issue... until suddenly all the enemy units are in position at the same time, and the players encounter 8 groups all at once. It's not an easy fix, but for performance reasons alone, I think it's worth pursuing.
  19. Stiletto 048 released on all maps. CHANGE LOG 048 1. Fixed error where returning a captured HVT or hostages to base deletes the transporting vehicle (thanks Ghostdragon) 2. Fixed errors related to searching for intel (thanks SiegeSix) 3. Added new endgame mission, Peace Talks, suggested by member _A.
  20. Stiletto 047 has been added to the server on all maps. CHANGE LOG 047 1. Fixed an error that prevented ACE Mine detectors from showing up in the arsenal for engineers. 2. Vehicles that are abandoned on the battlefield are now vulnerable to enemy action. If you leave a vehicle unguarded, there is a chance that the enemy do unspeakable things to it. Hiding a vehicle near buildings or trees will lower this chance, and the chance is also highly related to the danger level of the area you are near.
  21. Stiletto 046 has been added to the server on all maps. It's essentially a bug fix release to address the issue of an error message received when assigning a role in base. CHANGE LOG 046 1. Fixed spawning errors that produced a bug related to assigning player special role functions (ace healing powers applied to a medic, etc.) 2. Blacklisted the vanilla mine detector, revised engineer loadouts to use the ACE VMM3 mine detector, and whitelisted ACE mine detectors for engineers.
  22. Stiletto 045 has been added to the server on all maps. Regarding dogs: an error caused dogs to spawn in a vastly greater quantity than intended. This has been fixed. Only a small percentage of dogs are actually aggressive, ie., not all dogs need to be killed on sight, just the ones that are charging you and barking crazily. CHANGE LOG 045 1. Tweaked arsenal so it won't kill you if you continue to run into it. 2. Updates to ambient dogs: 2A. Fixed an error that caused dog spawning to happen on all clients instead of the server; should hugely reduce the number and frequency of dogs spawned. 2B. aggressive Ambient Dogs will now attack any nearby humans, including enemies and civilians. 2C. Forward compatibility to allow created dogs to attack only a certain subset of factions, to allow for enemy dog handlers. 2D. Increased frequency of dogs barking when dog is attacking. 3. Fixed some crates at the supply depot: medical crate now has multiple options, and a basic ammo crate containing Vanilla 5.56mm mags is also available. 4. Fixed Rescue pilots endgame mission (downed air vehicle wasn't spawning for SOCOM & other certain factions) 5. Redesigned Trading dialog layout, and added help hint text for trading interface for greater clarity. 6. Fix to rally point deployment, server now handles the timer so it shouldn't persist after a player disconnects. 7. Tweak to zeus module creation to facilitate population of assets to the curator interface for JIP Zeus players. 8. Fix to kill / capture HVT missions modifying failure event of HVT escaping the area. 9. Fix to Destroy Jammer mission to set jamming effect for JIP players. 10. Tweaks to arsenal. 11. Added flip vehicle action to HEMTT vehicles. Regarding specific issues: Are you opening the arsenal with the ace action or the normal action? Using the ACE action will probably remove radios, but the normal action "should" preserve radios. Haven't seen scopes be removed except if you choose a weapon that can't support what you've previously chosen. I believe this is applicable to 3cb weapons only. I've seen that too, it's not intentional but I don't know what's causing it.
  23. Yeah. A small boo boo meant the dog script was running on every client instead of just the server. There's a max limit of 20 dogs in the script, and a 20% chance to spawn a dog / dog pack every 40 seconds... But when it's running on every client that can turn into alot of dogs Fixed in 045.
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