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Posts posted by Reidy

  1. I agree, as ACRE is required to play, the ACRE channel has a password so why doesn't the server have that same password. Like Parabolic suggests it will minimize the number of people who are in the server however haven't read through the rules to find said team-speak channel password! In my opinion that wouldn't harm the population on the server! Just reduce the people who haven't read through the rules



  2. How to call an evac? Like we do on EU2, mark an evac site and call vortex in side chat.


    Whats the point of ACRE then? Unless I am missing something the point of using ACRE is to stop the use of Side Chat and Marking on the Map for communication?


     We could also do away with the terrain occlusion in ACRE with the http://acre.idi-systems.com/api/api_general.html#acre_api_fnc_setLossModelScale API, leave us with the soundscape immersion but ditching the terrain occlusion realism/hassle. Meaning no need for the LR radio.


    This here could be a possibility and its good to see that your actually researching into how these mods could be used, and actually making progress from what Giddy's original post suggested.


    However from my reading this only seams to stop terrain interference therefore giving the Radio's a range such as 500m however it doesn't matter if you have a ridge line between one another. This won't make you able to use a handheld radio to communicate from one end of Altis to the other, however this would need to be tested as it may give the unlimited range. From my past experience if you wanted that unlimited range Task Force Radio has an option for this. However from my knowledge there isn't an option within ACRE without some alterations to the mod itself. I may be wrong however. 

  3. > Obey the orders of your superiors. (Which are, in 99% of cases, perfectly reasonable.)


    The above is the thing that (note, in *my* opinion) makes eu3 something i would be able to tolerate in only fairly small doses. Didn't like arbitrary ranks when i was in the military, still don't like them. Reasonable or not. Probably the above is also the reason why the references to milsim abound in this thread.


    The other rules are perfectly fine, and as you say, common sense.


    This is why this thread was posted, to sound out the playerbase and see to the feasibility of such a middle ground server, where the hierarchical rank structure doesn't exist but which offers the expanded possibilities of some mods to spice up the gameplay. That, and the enforcement of TS and a mic is pretty much what we are after.


    Gripe I understand where your coming from, however I personally think with the implementation of ACRE will require a more set-in-stone structure or hierarchy. Otherwise how would you call in helicopters for evacuation? Is everyone going to have a long range radio? Do you know how much space those radio's require within the inventory? Without this hierarchy then how would you designate who took these radios? Without this hierarchy then I personally think having ACRE would feel like a crowded Team speak channel with constant radio chatter resulting in most people turning off their radios and resulting to typing over side chat to avoid the headache otherwise involved.

  4. Personally I don't think a new server is required, just like Zissou's points of who is going to build and maintain it. However I think that a game night of this nature would be a great idea to provide a bridge between those regulars on EU#3 and EU#2/1. I also think this may help to combine the two communities rather than having this barricade between the two. As of right now it feels like the players of EU#3 fully separate themselves from the players of EU#1 and EU#2.

  5. Myself and Horatio, along with anyone else who has helped us test either our Soviet Intervention Mission or our Hearts and Minds Mission will have encountered an AI mod that we used to increase the difficulty of the opposition or at least attempt to make it feel like we were against a semi-conscious enemy. The differences can be seen in many you tube videos and such  however the best way to experience the difference made by these mods is by the following:


    Download an AI Enhancement Mod :




    Download and extract the file to your ArmA 3 Directory just like any other mod however you need to make sure to move the "userconfig" folder out of the "@ASR_AI3" into the ArmA Directory. Then check your "userconfig" folder within the directory and it should look something like this:




    This will contain the setting files which allows you to customize some of the parameters within the mod.


    Obtain a Mission to Test:


    You can either just create a short scenario (with way-points for best effect) and play this mission with the AI Enhancer. No modules or advanced editing required.

    OR alternatively use my pre-made mission here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u9in0hiq1wdz5om/ASR_Showcase.Shapur_BAF.pbo?dl=0


    Place that mission into the "MPMissions" within the Arma 3 Directory for use in multiplayer. Or extract it with PBO tools and place into "C:\Users\MyComputer\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\YourUserName\missions" for use in the editor to alter the mission and preview.


    What does the rest of the community think? Do you like the AI how it is? Or would you like to see these mods in use? Possibly in a Gamenight?



    Cheers ,


  6. Giving people privilege over some roles is something that was mentioned before, in the end it's not a friendly environment for new players, same goes for the TS tags and such. I'd advise against having to prove before you can take a role. If everything goes to shit we have the admins to fall back on. You learn by trial and error, and you can't expect people to do well on their first try.

    Being a CO and having to explain every single marker is time consuming and gets people annoyed, which is why I'd choose not to be CO while this is the current way things need to be done. The balance between realism and spending actual time on the field is delicate and defines whether people are having fun or not. The mod suggested is something that would work, giving TL/SQL like a tablet with the markers on it. But why use a mod when the current map does the same thing, it just doesn't look like a tablet, but how does that matter?

    Karate is on point with this, we should be encouraging people to take the leadership roles! And this will only come with trail and error and much practice. In regards to markers it adds time to the briefing which is already too long between AOs we should be looking at making this a more streamline process rather than creating more work for the Team Leads to achieve, remarking the markers doesn't seem like an effective use of time

  7. Which is the main reason it was removed in the first place.

    The inability for the mooks in a squad to see the plan laid out does mean that the SL (and subsequently the fireteams TLs) have to pass information down the chain so it's not all cut and dry.

    An average grunt isn't going to be able to check his map and see all the handy little marks made by the platoon commander on how he wants a town to be assaulted. The mook needs to be told the plan of attack using visual cues on the map, follow this valley, cross this road, assault down this street, etc, etc.

    The fact this is such an issue indicated there needs to be more communication between the leaders and the followers in how plans are carried out.

    That there is the ideal situation, with leaders passing down the information however how do you deal with join in progresses? This is a public server and not everyone joins in time for the briefing?

    The method of command chat works well I think with a game night scenario where everyone congregates at a certain specified time however in the situation of a fully public server where people join and leave at completly different times can lead to a team lead or higher command having to repeat the brief many times or in the case of a new player at base who just simply doesn't have a clue as of what is going on With no markings where is he to regroup with his team without having to chase the "A SL" marker across the AO from the LZ.

  8. Side Chat? Whats everyone's views upon this? I know we use Command Chat which marks to all team leads however I find myself just creating markers on markers into group chat so my guys know whats being said in the briefing and to carry on if I'm taken out. I may understand in a game-night scenario to limit to chat channels. I also understand that it may of been removed due to people using the Side chat to type to each other however in my opinion this has impacted the rest of the game play for a issue which could be resolved in alternate methods.


    What is the rest of EU'3 opinion on this? Side chat back? Or keep it how it is? 

  9. if you are sat at base you are within your rights to get a LR radio and contact the pilot or command element and request a pickup.


    This notifies everyone that needs to know that there is someone on the ground needing assistance.


    Yes I agree and have done this on occasion, however if a new player encounters this? They may only of just learnt the SR radios let alone the LR Radios.

  10. Recently, and ever since the including of the Apache on the gauntlet missions I have quite often found myself at base, with no form of transport to get into the AO after death or joining in progress as the only pilots on have taken the Apache into the AO.


    The idea behind the pilots RTB when someone needs transport in theory would work however its very easy to miss a connect message or a man down in a intense firefight therefore leaving someone at base with no means of transport. I have nothing against the use of the Apache, in fact I am in favor of the Hell-fire Apache over the ground suppression Cobra on Panthera as we need the support against the vehicles, not infantry usually. However it needs to be implemented well to not hinder the effect on the infantry in the form of wiping out all targets or using our only pilots which could 


    Am I the only person who has witnessed this? Has anyone got any ideas other than a new rule regarding the CAS Apache's? As this has caused me to disconnect on many occasions as I simply didn't want to sit at base until Vortex needed a re-arm to realize there were people requiring transport


    Thanks, Kieran 

  11. Why does the size/popularity of the server automatically mean we have to drop the quality? Why can't we keep the high standards of gameplay that most of us downloaded the mods for? If anything a more popular server will result in a higher flow of new players as word of mouth spreads and then maybe the quality of gameplay will fall as new players don't fully understand the rules UNLESS they see them being enforced. Then this will cause people to recheck the rules presuming they don't want to be removed from the gameplay.

    In my opinion the staff have acted accordingly to the increase of players recently, ensuring the quality of our gameplay and helping the server run smoothly.

    Keep it up EU#3 staff!

  12. The idea of it WILL be improving and its not there yet, but it will be "soon" is a bit bizarre really. Why wouldn't you wait for the mod to be at that ideal quality of models textures etc before making the switch? Why switch to a work in progress? To me at least it feels like we are using an unfinished mod with a variety of placeholders!

  13. So tonight the repository finally did the update of which we all knew was coming, entering a transition period between the now and then the end goal of the mods they wish to use. They main mod to leave our collection at this moment is the TRYK pack, with the new appearance of CUP Units, Weapons and Vehicles with their ACE compatibility mods also.


    I haven't really extensively looked into the CUP mods, exception of the terrains, until tonight where I spent a good amount of time until a point where I can truly say I've gathered an opinion of the mod. Personally I really don't like the weapons, and this is a huge down flaw to me as we will be using them quite often, we have SMA also however this pack mainly only contains assault rifles. The other weapons e.g. the SAW or other squad support weapons will be down to the CUP pack once we finally remove the RHS pack which used to provide our M249s and M240s for the MMG squad. The scopes and models for the gun, I can truly say are horrific after using SMA and RHS equivalents. The sounds also are unappetizing however this is a down to preference whereas the textures and overall quality of the weapons can be clearly seen and agreed.


    The clothing also shares this bad quality as well, and after speaking to many others about this they agree with the fact that the CUP uniforms are a bad quality from the modeling of how it fits onto the players body, all the way down to the textures used. Vests and Helmets likewise with a noticeable lack of helmets. This however is an issue that can be avoided with the confirmed fact of an Ahoy World Uniforms mod to release shortly to add back the advantages of TRYK, without the issues it brought with it. However this doesn't apply to the units that we will be pitched against. This I personally will view as a huge flaw within the Mod pack as such vast difference in the quality of the units.




    I personally don't like the CUP mod however this is a matter of opinion due to I don't believe in the re-occurrence of the ArmA 2 items into the ArmA 3 Game is a good idea, more of a "been there done that" as I've accumulated more hours on ArmA 2 than ArmA 3 so far. Along with my personal preferance of the A2 textures and quality of models doesn't fit into the Arma 3 environment as anyone whose played both the games can tell you, one of the huge differences between the two games is the Graphics within them.


    Whats the rest of the communities thoughts on the CUP mod now that most of us have had a hands-on experience with it? 


  14. I honestly think we are on the upper boundary of the amount of mods on the Repo. Therefore I firmly believe either this or TRYK. When we already got the mods downloaded its fine however for new people joining, such as my friend who I got to download the mods, it was a 20GB download which is just massive and most likely a deterrent for some people to join the server.

    However I am for the replacement of TRYK, I like most aspects of the mod with exception to the NV items of clothing and such. However the broken armour levels has led me to remove any TRYK items from my loadouts. So I am for the replacement of the mod even more so if the mods smaller than TRYK.

    Thanks, Kieran

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