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Everything posted by Xwatt

  1. We are implementing some of the ideas above that are plausible to implement. However this isn't the most high priority in the queue of bug fixes and tweaks, so it will be coming in the the next versions
  2. The fog - when we first started the OP It was at a manageable level, and I set this about 10 minutes before letting people in. I did check if it heavily affected visibility, and it didnt. As for the wind I didn't touch this, and it seemed the more time went on, the fog and wind got increasingly heavier - to which I turned them off on the final objective, as I was surprised as how wind speed was on 100%, and fog was on 70, to which I DID NOT SET TO. TLDR, I thought it would take much longer to get a lot worse. There were a lot of Zeus helping yesterday. While I learned this was a good thing, this was a bad thing too. While it helps other admins to focus on if the squads are working (thank you @Lindi appreciate you) it means you have a lot more zeus' controlling units - to a point yesterday where I didn't know who was doing what. I recall a time where I went to control two units, who were both controlled by a Zeus, and then just gave up because there was no other AI around. Now, I try to be as conservative with killing friendlies as I can (you can check the stream if you don't believe me - MOST the time I try to suppress only) I cannot uphold this promise for the other moderators and Spartans that join us. Maybe I will have to set a limit on how many mods and Spartans can Zeus, and I will heavily consider it. Following this, I will look to sanction a set Spartan that was absolutely reckless yesterday, and stop the said Zeus from participating as a Zeus for a certain amount of weeks. I will try to manage them the best I can, and usually, I have one Zeus assigned to the mortar, and they ask me for permission before I fire. I have someone dedicated to making sure when people join in progress they are aware what they need to do, and if they have an SL, That leaves me to watch, and control a few units. This also means that the Zeus that aren't assigned to these jobs have free roam of whatever they want to do. Maybe I will ,limit this to one Zeus, instead of having a few. I feel it is important for a lot of them to play as a player, as they should know how it feels on the receiving end to get continuously slaughtered, and for this very reason is why I try to be as conservative as I can. I feel you are correct about Armour squad having at least a 2 man team minimum, and I will look at making that a rule.
  3. @Minipily Eu1 “somewhat healthy?” We still peak 60 players in the evening Most days
  4. Note: Livonia not included in choices, as we already have a weekly campaign running on Livonia.
  5. Xwatt


    for the UGV's we removed them since nobody used them and half the time they would have no wheels and be stranded in the middle of nowhere, as they are very prone to loosing tires. To me, the Eddie drone seems much more effective, as it is tracked, and much more compact, and still packs a punch. If people want the UGV back, I see no issue, but it's hard to see a demand for it.
  6. The issue is scar, even if we made it a rule, because of how stupidly frequent it happens, half the cases won't even get resolved because an admin won't be around to enforce it. You said it yourself that a script won't fix the issue, then what good is a rule for it when it'll require an admin around 24/7 to enforce it. we ALWAYS deal with it when we are on the server, but when we aren't as @Admiralbumfluffsaid, there really isn't much we can do. when we aren't. Maybe more admins and Spartans may fix this issue, but to me it doesn't seem like it would make a huge difference, well i'd hope this isn't the case anymore, as the public moderator team has drastically changed since then, but if that's how you see it then there's an issue on my end. but ultimately, I don't see anything else we can do that we already aren't, as BOTH side rewards and stealing vehicles involve admin and spartan presence, unless you feel implementing a locking script into I&A3 might fix the first issue, if so let us know and we will look into that.
  7. Mission Name: [EU2] Zeus Operations - Invade Stratis [Week Three] (Three Week Series) 17:00 UTC Server Details: IP: Port: 2602 TS adress: ts.ahoyworld.net TEAMSPEAK MISSION BRIEFING FOR ALL PLAYERS WILL BEGIN AT 17:00 UTC Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length) Player Slots: 60 Brief Summary: Last week, we invaded Central Stratis. Our Assault is coming to an end, and soon we shall return power to the Government of Altis. This week we shall conquer the heart of AAF's superiority, Stratis Air base. First, we will head North. Here AAF are holding down at the Kill farm, and they are expecting us. Fear not, we are stronger than ever. Secondly we must tackle the AAF Military Range, before we head into the fortified town of Agia Marina. Here we can expect CQC, and for the town to be littered with AAF forces. After this, we will make our very final push in our attempt to Siege Stratis. We must Raid Stratis Air base, which in no doubt will be heavily fortified. We can Expect high AT and AA presence. The End is imminent, and our final push will no doubt put Stratis back into the arms of the Government. ==================================================================================================
  8. All Credits To @Gambit Google Docs Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TzoyPibi-IvXzuGUnyRTOGRK13y6I50gKgGP-wrbkmY/edit?usp=sharing PDF: ROTC – v0.3.pdf
  9. I thought I was reading a fairytail then; One Upon A Time in Livonialand ..... VIVA LA RESISTANCE
  10. The sad part is I’ve heard so many pings now I don’t even realise when it’s happening anymore
  11. Mission Name: [EU2] Zeus Operations - Invade Stratis [Week Two] (Three Week Series) 17:00 UTC Server Details: IP: Port: 2602 TS adress: ts.ahoyworld.net TEAMSPEAK MISSION BRIEFING FOR ALL PLAYERS WILL BEGIN AT 17:00 UTC Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length) Player Slots: 60 Brief Summary: Last week, we took our first steps onto Stratis. We have now conquered the Southern area of the island, and we must continue North. We have set up in Camp Maxwell, and we are now looking to further overthrow AAF as we move North. It has been a week, therefore we can expect AAF to be much more defensive and stronger in numbers, as they are now aware of our presence on the island. First, we will take the coastal base of Camp Tempest. after that we slowly work our way North, liberating observation posts, Mike-26, and a mortar base. After this we will need to destroy CSAT communication towers, to stop them calling in air reinforcements. Lastly we will take Camp Rogain as our final FOB, as we look to do our final push into Stratis Air Base next week. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  12. Xwatt

    NO WAR!

  13. Xwatt

    Invade & Annex

    needs more dead friendlies to be I&A
  14. Overall thoughts: it's nice, but to me I don't see what it offers that is much different from I&A. There are a few nice little additions I like such as the "capture points" and how CSAT reinforcements will constantly take them back if you aren't defending them. Personally I think I&A4 - and even I&A3 is much better than this, but of course Domination is not supposed to be like modern day I&A. It's a nice mission, not sure how stable it would be with anything above 30 people, as frame-rates weren't the best and there seemed to be enemy Armour spawning at really random areas of the map, not sure what that's about. (and no cleanup script) I think a decent amount of work to it would have to be done before it is usable for our playerbase, and i'm not sure if the workload of that outweighs the benefits it would bring.
  15. A description of what it's about - but im going to attempt to give you all my "own" explanation about how this works. This is main base - it isn't pretty but it works. Unlike I&A3 there is no FOB's, so this is what you will be seeing. Much like I&A it has the common helicopter repair and vehicle repair points, and everything that you find in the base in I&A you will find in here too. When an AO spawns, you have 30 seconds to pick where you want the AO to move to. You shift click on the map to decide where you want to vote, and the most votes in the next 30 seconds wins which AO spawns next. Cool feature! put's what AO you want next into the players hands, and I like the "vote" system. To get to the AO we can take a helicopter, or a ground vehicle, and an option in base allows you to paradrop. you can't paradrop IN the AO, only outside of it. So this is what the AO looks like. It will dynamically change colour depending on the status of capture, and when there is a majority of NATO or CSAT in that area. there is a radiotower, and then these little markers labelled 1-5. These are capture points. There are 3-5 capture points in an AO. you have to stand directly under them or inside of hem to capture them. it takes about 1 minute to capture these. After killing all off the AI, taking all the capture points, and destroying the radiotower, CSAT call reinforcements. They WILL take the capture points that you captured, and you need to make sure you defend these otherwise the AO WILL NOT FINISH. I love this idea, and I really enjoy the apsect of having to defend these capture points, otherwise CSAT will quite easily bombard them and take them off your hands. After finishing the AO - you get a reward. In my time playing the first reward was a prowler and the second a hunter GMG. Because you don't start with any hunters/prowlers at base, you earn them through completing AO's. Side rewards seem to work the same as I&A, this particular one was a typical intel mission.
  16. going to give this a look - feedback to follow
  17. Looks great - Shame I won't be able to make it, Hope it all runs to plan!
  18. Ah Ansin, where do I start... Fair enough, you can discredit development all you want, it's in your rights. But again, Stan and Ryko do this in their spare time, and I expect the bare minimum of them. if i'm being honest with you, I couldn't care less about ghost hawk doors and turrets, and i'm sure the majority of us don't. Personally, I see I&A as far from disappointing. Arma 3 was released in 2013, and I&A still exists today, so to say it's disappointing to me sounds like a joke. We've kept a playerbase (even if it's a changing playerbase) since I&A2 through to I&A3, so dissapointing is not the issue. Personally I think YOU think it's dissapointing, whereas I commend the jobs Ryko and Stan do, as realistically, I don't expect Stan to churn out the amount of updates he does so frequently - so I think to be complaining about turrets and doors and then to make the conclusion I&A code is disappointing seems very odd to me. what is your backing on this? I&A4 has taken so long because it's Ryko working on it. he's a grown man, he has a job and a family. I couldn't care if it takes Ryko 3 years. I think more gratitude is needed that an I&A4 is coming, hell if we stuck with I&A3 I couldn't care, I see I&A4 as a luxury, and I don't see why you need to whine so much, be humble that we have devs who want to work for free anyways. I&A3 is just being maintained, and it doesn't need new features imo, and to say it's being treated like an unworthy piece of junk is a joke. If that was the case then we wouldn't touch it, and we wouldn't care enough to actually try make it stable. All I see here is your nitty picking with very little evidence, and very much a personal prejudice. I'm going to be real with you. If you don't like it go elsewhere. go play a mission which you think has "better development." I see no place here for such attitude that you're showing, and I think at this point ansin it isn't constructive criticism anymore. it's you whining about how you hate our developemnt scheme. yes that is your problem. Humble yourself and actually appreciate the hard work both @Ryko and @Stanhope has put into I&A. I haven't seen you once acknowledge this, instead you seem to want to give opinions about how things should be run in your own eyes. I hope this is a wake up call for you ansin, constructive criticism is good, but this has steered away very far from that.
  19. Mission Name: [EU2] Zeus Operations - Invade Stratis [Week One] (Three Week Series) 17:00 UTC Server Details: IP: Port: 2602 TS adress: ts.ahoyworld.net TEAMSPEAK MISSION BRIEFING FOR ALL PLAYERS WILL BEGIN AT 17:00 UTC Expected Mission Length: 120+ minutes (may go over or under expected mission length) Player Slots: 60 Brief Summary: In Recent News, we have discovered that the Government Of Stratis has been overthrown in a coup by the AAF. They have taken over the entire island, creating FOB's, strongholds, communication towers and much more. The United Nations have contacted NATO to seek help, to bring the government of Stratis back to power, and to restore stability on the island. We will start on the liberty, and deploy ourselves on the most southern point of the island. Our first primary aim will be to Liberate the observation post, which is how AAF may spot our inital insertion onto the island. From there we will have a variety of tasks, such as Attacking their military docks, Rescuing captured CTRG Forces, and taking Camp Maxwell as a first FOB, to which we will then resume our progress the following week. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  20. Xwatt

    Lock & Load

    Taken on pre -insert on 21/07/19 Zeus OP
  21. Xwatt

    ATC where are you!?

    this is the definition of EU1 pilots.
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