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Everything posted by Origins

  1. Command Chat is all that should be... Side chat encourages typing instead of using the radio system
  2. i won't mind seeing that, having 2 seater jets is very nice
  3. And thank you Planting for doing a summary of the meeting
  4. For those that missed the meeting here is the link. there was a few topics that were discussed, you may discus it below here, but keep it sane and reasonable. I'll Start Acre, i posted a strawpoll link to which i got more of a side towards ACRE, which says to mod team that you guys want to keep it in.
  5. Out going freedom in the variety of an AGM-114L Hellfire II
  6. i would advise you check the current modsets, as we already have SMA, and have no interest in RH, as we use RHS weapons.
  7. Eu3 is a community where we try to keep some aspects serious, but others more relaxed such as uniforms and weapons (to some extent) where as the rules are serious, such as no teamkilling, and following the chain of command, to name a few.
  8. In the new update version 0.34B Added the Ace revive module, which will change certain aspects of the game; The ability to be revived from the death state by any medic, with a PAK and inside a MEV (medical Evac Vehicle) 300 second timer unless CPR'ed until you can die in the death state Once you have been revived from a dead state, you cannot enter the death state, and you will die if you enter the death state again. To be treated upon in the death state, you'll have to be in a stable condition. If unconscious, you can still be brought back to consciousness. The people who take the role of medic, you may have to get the help of a spare unit to keep CPR'ing the downed player to keep them "alive" until a MEV is around to be brought back from in. DOES NOT effect AI units.
  9. The only experiences i have had of Apaches, are when the did fake rocket and gun runs are Southport air show, and when a pair flew over the car coming down from Scotland.
  10. gonna try it now, if this seems to work, with prevent instant death off. this could work very well.
  11. That is true, but having seen how people play on Eu3... it not unlikely that you would shoot the HVT, a number of times. also after having done a HVT mission recently, you would tell if he has gone unconscious, and you would shoot him again. I gather that this is a pain, but we are doing a trial period, and it will last until Sunday, and from what i have gathered from this thread, there is a general agreement to the change. so if there are any big issues, or any way we can change the player values but keep the Ai values the same.
  12. Well, if you haven't already noticed we have implemented in the Ace Prevent Instant Death option. This post is here to post your thoughts and opinions.
  13. Myself and Josh, have done some basic testing, and we have somewhat managed to find the problem and it revolves around the Arsenal... just simply don't use radios from the arsenal.
  14. I am down OP, and cheers
  15. I don't know if it is me, but i am noticing that more and more often people aren't listening to the chain of command. This alone is making me not want to play EU3 as much as I was previously.
  16. i signed up.. but it turns out i have to go out and wont be back in time for it... sorry guys but have good fun
  17. Woot http://i.imgur.com/ZgHBSH0.gifv (cant do a pic, only a link )
  18. Hello, I am Origins (if you were observant you already knew that), firstly i love Arma 3 and i have tried to get into many milsim communities but many of them were poor, doing stuff which was unbelievably not sim like (apparently regs can't use pistols...only Orificers) but all that is another story. I really do enjoy a good team oriented game like Arma is already, but most pub players arent like that. However i have met a few that are, and some of them were people from here (Supra) and it really gave me a spark of hope in public games and have been having a lot of fun (24hrs in the last 3 days) i know that may be alot, but since i got pulled on medical for the RAF, i am now looking for a job/college spot it has left me alot of free time when i am not looking. so if you see me in the servers do say hello, and will try to fly you places with style (subject to availability of the slot), and if i am infantry i will stay by your side til i die (which also depends on my day). Stay safe, and bugger off
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