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Everything posted by Johnson

  1. Singed up! I have to say the mission sounds interesting. "2x6 man teams". So only 12 men on the ground? I take it were going for the stealth approach then. Who is flying the C130?
  2. Its a long shot but is there any possibility of (if I get the HAT slot) to able to carry a MAAW instead of the Javelin. Just due to the fact that it is tricky to use without the AGM compatibility it had. If not the MAAW (my preference) then a Titan? Im happy either way but I can do a lot more damage with that MAAW. I understand if its not an option.
  3. So why does it have to be the Chally? If its all about RHS physics being about as realistic as EU1 tactics then surly it does not matter what MBT you suppose we should have instead of RHS? + have fun tanking on Clafghan. Its got terrain like Morgan Freeman's face.
  4. Smells like good quality banter. Ill be there!
  5. Ill come. What we doing on GTA?
  6. I want to be scared but that sounds fucking perfect.
  7. Yeah I absolutely agree, I want to see a lot less "tactical close insertion" shit and only use choppers when needed like MEDEVAC. Some more ground based stuff is so much more fun and interesting.
  8. Sounds good to me. Its just people know what they shouldnt be using and its not like its new to them and yet myself and other still see that bullshit. But that sounds good. How about personalised arsenals? Where only certain classes can get certain gear from the arsenal. That would still allow people to pick up a launcher if a circumstance requires it right?
  9. You admin guys dont think you could be babes and add the script from, dare I say, Patrol Ops could you? Its the script that stops people using weapons, vehicles and gear that should not be assigned to their role (E.G a Auto-rifleman using a MAAW or Javelin) . At least I think its a script. I dont know, I do not posses the smarts. I dont think I have to explain how much this would help. I know it would give you guys a much easier job not having to shout at people to put the Javelin back in the box. Additionally I think this will really help team play as people will rely on each other due to their role's gear. There will be non of that one man army bollocks with some twat with a suppressed LMG and a fucking Stinger or whatever. If this isnt possible then thanks anyway im still happy. Ill just have to get my shouting voice ready. Thank you!
  10. Ohhhhhh im gunna rack you a list of names up baby
  11. The one fucking game night im in London. Bollocks. I love these missions.
  12. Signed up! Hope the FPS will be alright!
  13. Fair do, makes sense. But from our perspective we could not see you even when you were shooting at us. I know this because after you killed the other 2 guys in the squad I was in I knew where you were, so I flashed and went in to see nothing under the stairs, thinking it was clear I moved in to be killed. So we defiantly couldnt see you either way. But I believe you im just saying. For us we couldnt see shit.
  14. Just yesterday I lost my life in the deep depths of desync. Went straight in to the back of a tank killing the whole crew of my car. I can still hear the screams now: "Fucking desync!" and "Thats bullshit!"
  15. I know you guys have been working your asses off trying to get EU#3 more and more content and missions and stuff but, out of curiosity, how would you feel about a WWII, invasion based mission maybe specialized for game nights? The idea of only having one shot to storm a German held beach with 30-50 other people is pretty damn amazing. And then after taking the beach it could be objective based to take the rest of whatever map it would be on. I know for a fact that this has been suggested to you lot before *cough* *cough* but I'm pretty sure people would love it. Probably not as much you lot would love to make such a time consuming event am I right? Shoot me down if you disagree. I like EU#3 the way it is, the game nights are the shiz and I still have a shit tonne of fun on it so cheers for that! Would put pictures but I forgot how. I'm sure you lot know what I'm talking about. Landing crafts, blood, bullets and some guy called Ryan.
  16. Didnt know a thing happened. Only found out today he was banned. Shows you how much I know.
  17. I would like to see, for sure, people in the same camo for gamenights but I would like another poll for what camo is most wanted for each map/misison for each of these gamenights. Also not too sure what is meant by set slots but I would much like if people stick to singular roles they have chosen to be in and if they feel strongly on changing that role mid game then they can leave and resign themselves.
  18. I really like it but the explosions never seem as satisfying as SoS or the JSRS2. Don't know if its just me or some sound files haven't changed or something? Apart from that its pretty good and I still use it.
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