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Posts posted by hobnob11

  1. It's a neat idea and I like it, though I think it's easier to combine this with your last idea (change factions at the whiteboard)

    yeah, if we could change via whiteboard then this wouldn't really be needed.


    It's dependent on the helicopter - some have the FRIES points enabled, some don't - ie., all the Russian helicopters can't fast rope.

    yeah, its just we cant use the ace pylon menu on unarmed helicopters, so even though the unarmed Huey and Blackhawk support it, currently we need a zeus to do it.


    It's a good idea. Can I ask someone to come up with the appropriate text and I'll add it to the default briefing notes?

    *stares at skull*


    Ripe for abuse and griefing, but not a bad idea at all.

    I mean it would have the rank restrictions of a normal spawnpoint, but yeah..


    This whole system deserves a review at some point, and I'll review that, but the ability to create custom squads was always intended to be used solely by a Platoon Commander.



    To answer the question - nope. And even if you took the C130 or a smaller plane like an AN-2 off the carrier, you'd never be able to land it there again.



    Time change is already there in mission management. Hashing the mission is not currently there but I believe the last update allowed whoever's in command to abort missions... although I think it just replaces the mission rather than advancing the mission number, so this won't end up hashing the mission.  Not sure I want it there, the ideal solution is that we actually implement the #voteMission command with a 99% vote requirement.

    vote mission would solve this problem


    For changing the factions, that's possible, though I think I'd want to set a 10-minute time limit so that you don't constantly switch factions during the mission. As well I'd need to build in some exception handling so you don't arrive in situations where you are Opfor fighting Opfor.

    yeah it would need some restriction

  2. these feel too small to put in feature requests, and are probably all bad so I'mma post them here first.


    • Make the default faction random, so we play something other than usmc..
    • add the FIRS (fast roping) system to all the unarmed helicopters (dunno if possible, but would be neato, main example is the Huey and black hawk)
    • Put the "medical bandages appropriate usage" table in the briefing map menu thing, maybe not the image to save on file size, but just what bandage for what wound (and maybe even reopen times/ chances etc)
    • put a vehicle spawner on the carriers, so that instead of having to set up logi people can just airlift vech's (and maybe drive the amphibious ones)
    • make it so that you can disable the default squads, so that people who want to set up custom alphas etc can just disable the default and make a new one without editing the default one.
    • do we have any planes smaller than the c130? for transport / paradroping (like for example the plane we use for a c130 spawn when playing as russia), so that it could fit on the carrier
    • Add the ability to change the time on the whiteboard for squad leads, and if possible the ability to change the factions / hash the mission? (might be too abusable, but would be super useful for when no admins are online)


    let me know if you like any of these ideas / have any of your own / questions :D

  3. Im'a just bundle all these together:

    0.27 feedback thread:

    Change log

    1. works fine, you dont have to get them out of the vech, as soon as you drive into the base zone it completes the mission (praise ryko)
    2. sounds neato.
    3. JIP'd, didn't get arsenal.
    4. Works with the ace micro dagger! (yay)
    5. is that what caused sometimes not being able to spawn stuff? lol. (not sure how to test, but I'm sure it works.)
    6. Nope, mission we did about 4 hours before time of this post had a buzzard landed just outside of the AO, ontop of a hill.
    7. didnt notice anything broken here.
    8. re-spawn time is sometimes 0 seconds, sometimes 25 seconds. (didn't do much testing, maybe just the first couple of spawns are broken?)

    9. haven't tested..

    tested on 27 malden and 27 lithium.

  4. on the topic of vortex:

    so in the ops where you restrict vortex, would you be opposed to a transport vortex who is basically a 5th logi guy, say for example we're on a carrier map, if all vortex did was ferry troops to the fob, then logi would drive them in. and if logi wanted he could also go and get boxes?


    on the topic of the scripts:

    @Ryko the minimap looks promising, (kinda need to control zoom, but im sure you'll be able to figure that out. does bluefor tracker work with it? because the ace mini tablet thing doesn't..



  5. I used to be mainly a lead / medic, as that seemed to be where I could most effectively help other people. Nowadays I've taken to hiding in vortex or some other separate squad because of the vocal disagreements on decisions and fights that happen, but that's besides the point.


    all I want to do is stop people from not having fun, that's the only reason i play any game. I don't find shooting people or blowing things up that interesting and what with the increase of capable Squad leads appearing, The main source of "non-fun" comes from players waiting around for the gears to start turning. So i started going Vortex where I could best minimize the amount of down time people experience, but now that's started being less and less useful so I ask you this..


    (Side note: I feel like this could be interpreted as an attack on mini's concept of "ground only no air assets using the FOB", so I'm writing this side note to say that it is NOT that, I think its a cool alternate direction, but i have some questions..)


    1: Do people not like vortex because it defeats the purpose of real logistical support, such as trucks and humvees? or is it because armed air assets make every battle "a sure victory"?


    2: I saw in another post stanhope commented:


    Yes i do get that making sure vortex is sitting on their ass doing nothing for 15+ minutes is a real priority and that they couldn't have taken 2 minutes to fly me over to the FOB.  

    I can't speak for other pilots, but If I manage to make just 1 person who just joined or died not wait as long, keep them in the game then I'm happy to wait on standby on the carrier for hours. We had a zeus op a while ago which consisted of some towns to clear on altis, and it was just after the rally point had been implemented so there was no need for reinserts. I sat on standby for maybe 3 hours before alpha needed an extraction, just watching the helmet cams and listening to long range, but I flew in and got everyone out, which gave them enough time to go and do something else instead of having to walk back. I'd do that mission again right now if i had the chance.


    3: (this one is with minis op he did in mind) Say you did have a fob set up, with a logi team sorting out logistical support, but every now and then you had a guy who couldn't spawn at the fob because the JIP'd and didn't have the spawn point, or didn't want to kill them selves.. would you still object to a transport only vortex?


    4: what happened to fast roping, hell when was the last time anyone did a parajump? there are so many more interesting ways to insert a team other than drive in a convoy or land a click outside and walk in.


    (off topic question)

    5: does anyone know arma scripting well enough to code helmet cams into the new map based system, its lonely on the carrier nowadays.

  6. Hammer team didn't show up on the map because they didn't have a commander.


    altis logi crates have been broken since 0.24


    I tested it just now, you can switch the weapon assignments between pilot and gunner just fine on the f18. also to make sure you select the right weapons to avoid clipping i suggest using the f18's own menu for pylon re-armament.


    the f14 is also a fully functional carrier aircraft that can carry the same if not more payload, can do both single and multi seat like the f18, and has access to all of the fir weapons, and from doing some basic testing with flying over a enemy AA mission, it seems more durable as well.


    IMO the arsenal in the FOB doesn't negate logi, it just negates the need for vortex to be slaved to them, and unless Logi drives the supplies In (good luck on carrier maps) this will mean vortex will need to help logi with all the boxes again.


    I think the point of the resupply boxes is not for when people get back to an FOB, which may or may not have the ammo they want (leading to most of alpha re-spawning at the FOB when they get back when they cant find what they need).


    Its so that when alpha's out in the AO and for example needs more smaw ammo, they can call that in without logi / the pilot having to go switch to bravo AT to get the ammo in a box then switching back to vortex to get to the AO. (ah, the good old days of switching to bravo marksman in takistan to get 7.62 ammo and then back to vortex).


    all the arsenal box does is convert the like 20 logi boxes that fill up an fob into 1 lag free box that has everything.

  7. 14 hours ago, Origins said:

    maybe, when logi is enabled. arsenal in FOB's disabled?

    also, the F/A 18e is broken with the current system, due to the inability to use the GPS system to target on the map. don't know if this is due to ace or something else. Basically the JSOW and SLAM, and a few others are pointless



    Its not, both systems still work, FIR adds a new incompatible GPS system, which can be mounted onto the F18. but does not work with the F18's gps guided system.


    I dont know which bombs are FIR and which bombs are F18, but only the f18 gps bombs will work with the f18, and only the FIR gps bombs will work with the fir gps system.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Amentes said:

    First impressions on Bornholm:


    Framerate is worse than Australia

    Trees don't stop 5.45x39

    Leaves are see-through to AI.

    Yeah, it looks pretty. There's a bush every 10m with AI waiting in them, they can engage you from 300m through multiple tree lines and hedges but you cant see them until you are 10m in front of them.

    Its a super nice map, and the base is 10/10, but pls nerf ai



    On the other changes:

    Rifleman get a 7.62 rifle, the hk-17, which is the new hotness..


    Sad to see CTAB go, gonna really miss helmet cams, but the new tracker and script work just fine.


    EDIT: oh, pilots cant access the vanilla Arma GPS for some reason..

  9. would love a basic rifleman slot, wasn't sure to go with 4 or 5 man teams but giving both of them a basic rifleman is a great idea.


    i see your concern with the "people flock to the big guns" thing, I just think that what with the intel op needing to run around a city anyway, might as well put the ASL team in the city behind a1, a1 clears while ASL does civ ops, keeping the medic nearby for a1.


    Dunno how to solve the "people want the toys" problem, might not be a solution.



    ASL Team:

    ASL - duh

    Intel Op - The new stiletto "be friends with the locals" thing is cool, and intel op is neato.

    Medic - usually gets detached from their team to go help someone else anyway, so put it here.

    How it should be used:

    This is the team that is between the other two teams, it moves between them collecting Intel and covering the medic if he is needed somewhere. not on the front lines but may still need to shoot a fool that pops up.



    Alpha 1:

    Team Lead - duh

    AutoRifle - This AR should have one of the smaller 556 AR's, expected to maybe put some suppressive fire down a street, not across an AO.

    Engineer - Since this is the "forward" team, put the guy with the mine detector up front. he can also blow up objectives / walls / anything else

    LAT - The big AT gun wont have perfect coverage of the ao, this is for when your in a town or behind a hill and a BTR appears, carries an at4 or some LAWS.


    How it should be used:

    This is the forward team, they are going to be on point with their mine detector, and usually the guys inside buildings. (although if the op is in a large city, a2 will need to help out clearing as well), they are fast reaction team and should be light enough to sprint across a road for example, should aim for <30.



    Alpha 2

    Team Lead - duh

    AutoRifle - This AR is expected to put suppressive down at 300-700m ranges, usually from one hill to the next or into the other side of a town, and should carry "a big stick"

    Marksman - I See this team spending the most time covering A1, ideally on a hill, so putting a marksman here who can deal with people on the next hill / other end of a town (<1km)

    AT - This is the new combined AT guy, carrying a maws / smaw / jav. they are who you call when a t72 rolls up, or when a bmp is on the next hill lighting up a1.


    How it should be used:

    This is the team that is (most of the time but not all, please be prepared to clear a building when needed) sitting on a hill, say 300-400m away from the town A1 is clearing providing over watch. The AR should have a nice big 7.62 AR for long range engagements, the marksman should have (IMO) a bolt action rifle, and a normal m16 / w/e in the backpack., and the AT should have one of the big launchers, (smaw,maw,jav,etc)



    Its smaller than the current alpha, but i think that's a good thing with the smaller average player count now-days. how would you arrange alpha? post your squad setup below!



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