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Everything posted by Danny_S

  1. Ban will remain for the time being due to it being a 2nd offence and the use of unacceptable derogatory language. Should you however want to return to our servers a couple of months down the line after all this is in the past I will be willing to reconsider the decision. End of discussion.
  2. Ban will be removed. In future please do not teamkill, regardless of situation/circumstances as the admin will not always know what is going on.
  3. Welcome to the community Its always nice to have more people playing on the Modded server!
  4. Danny_S


    Following your apology and understanding of the situation via a Teamspeak chat the ban will be lifted after 24 hours (Saturday September 5th).
  5. Weapon mods will not work when connecting to EU 1 and EU 2 however if you download the EU 3 modset that includes various different weapon mods.
  6. Danny_S

    HEy all

    Welcome to the forums! Glad you're enjoying EU 3!
  7. I've watched your video and as such am looking into the situation.
  8. Danny_S


    Ban removed. Please remember to disable trainers and cheat engines in future. Thanks
  9. Welcome to Ahoyworld! I'm glad you're enjoying the Modded server
  10. Welcome to the forums! I'm glad you've been enjoying EU 1 and that people have made you welcome
  11. Should be able to make it at some point, maybe not from the start though.
  12. Just a thanks to everyone for attending and playing respectfully! I think, on the whole, the event went fairly well! Hopefully it won't be the last we see of the Squad guys on our servers!
  13. Danny_S


    Update: Ban removed!
  14. I have spoken to staff members who were present when the incidents took place involving yourself and have decided to unban you (Ban will be removed Wednesday 19th August to allow a "cool down period). Bare in mind this decision was not taken lightly as I was urged to keep the ban in place. I have given other people in this community second chances so it is only fair I give you the same, however if you don't respect this generosity and this happens again the ban WILL remain. As stated by Despite above (even though Staff members are the only ones meant to comment on ban appeals) "Revenge Killing" is classed as Teamkilling in our rules for EU 3 so you trying to justify it has no standing. Use this second chance wisely. All that we ask is you treat our servers with respect that way everyone can enjoy them. -Danny
  15. Danny_S


    Just to emphasise what Zissou said, we believe in giving people second chances here but please do not take advantage of that generosity. If there is another situation like this the ban will not be removed.
  16. Danny_S


    I will speak to the banning Staff member and get back to you with a decision. Update: I have spoken to the staff member in question and have decided to lift your ban (in a couple of days after a cool down period). We take TK-ing seriously on our servers, regardless of whether the player is afk. However, we also give people second chances, this is yours, use it wisely. Danny.
  17. Danny_S


    Thanks for the appeal. I will speak to the banning admin and make a decision on your appeal.
  18. Looking forward to this! Hopefully its after 15:30 so I'm home from work!
  19. Danny_S

    Hey Guys

    Welcome to the forums! Glad you're enjoying the servers!
  20. Not sure about the Atoms but definitely some one-make races would be cool!
  21. I don't know about that as the extension race but in all seriousness, once we finish this GT3 league, doing some Clio Cup races would be awesome! Everybody in the same car with very little in terms of set-up altering, even playing field for everyone!
  22. So you want to replace a Ghosthwk with something worse?... Nope, I don't Get it.
  23. Welcome to the community!
  24. Can confirm I was not present at the last game night and got the joke
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